Mu baby is nearly 3 weeks old. I want to know is it too early to put him in the bouncer?
Is it too early to put my baby in the... - Pregnancy and Par...
Is it too early to put my baby in the bouncer?

Hi there, do you mean a bouncy chair or a bouncer that hangs from the door frame?
Most bouncy chairs are fine from birth but those that hang from the door frame are usually from about 4 months when they can hold their own head up. Hope that helps x
I mean a bouncer chair
I was gunna put hym in but i read internet itz 2 early and i wantd sum advice
2ndtimelucky how old was your boy wen u put hym 1st tym in a bouncer chair
Nope it's not too early....I put my boy in his bouncy chair just before 3 weeks old. Bear in mind that they cannot see clearly and so dont hold focus well yet so they don't tend to stay in for long before they get bored. My son stayed in for a few mins at a time at first and I played with him. Then the time increased as he got older and could focus more and move a bit to create a bounce. I think they like to discourage people who sit their baby in chairs for prolonged periods from a young age as it generally isn't good for their posture and soft bones
As with Fattyboom I put my LO in from just a few weeks old. I found he liked it as it keeps them quite cuddled it (much like the womb) rather than the Moses basket where they stretch out and my son didn't like at first.
Whilst he won't use it as a 'toy' at this early age it can be handy to give you a break.
Ah yes, I now get copious amounts of washing up done in the time he spends in his bouncer! Thank the lord! Lol
Kk. thnkz ladies. i will put my baby in tomorrow
My LO just wasn't heavy enough for the bouncer until he was almost 6 weeks - bless him!
Try it and see, you'll soon know if it's too early xx
Drfluffy How heavy must the baby be?
It really depends on your bouncer. We have a M&P one. Try it - your little one will cry if they're not happy. My LO just kind of flopped in half and screamed his head off, bless him! He loves it now though. (Although nowhere near as much as his jungle open too swing (that thing is amazing!)
I put my little boy in from birth- I would just make sure it is in the closest to lying position if it is changeable. Also physio recommended not to be in longer than an hour. And always keep eyes on them when they are in
If its the type that they sit in and u bounce it then yes frm birth although my son was about 3 weeks but if u mean a door bouncer then they need to b able to hold their own heads so few months yet.
My daughter was about 9 weeks when I started using one but I also have a doomoo beanie chair thingy which is great.