So my girl is 18m and I'm starting to... - Pregnancy and Par...

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So my girl is 18m and I'm starting to think about potty training. When should I start? Does anybody have any tips on how to start? Thanks! x

kjam123 profile image
5 Replies
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5 Replies
dons88 profile image

Hi! Potty training is lots of fun ;-) my boy was nearly 2 and a half when we started. General signs that they're ready are taking a huge interest in how you use the loo, letting you know when they are having a wee or poo and often asking to be changed, staying dry during a nap is a pretty good indicator too. This isn't a hard and fast list - she might be doing some or all of these things, or have other signs to tell you she's ready. Her language will need to be good enough to let you know she needs a wee too. Personally I can't imagine starting as young as 18 months but I'm sure plenty have and been successful.

When you start, tips that worked for us were taking him to the shops to choose his own big boy pants , potty and toilet seat and some stickers which we stuck on a chart every time he got one on target. Spending the first week or so as close to home as possible and letting him go bottomless (easier in the summer!). If you don't feel it's happening don't be afraid to stop and try again in a few months - it's something that can't be forced. Have a look at the Babycentre page for tips, it's pretty good.

Good luck, I hope it goes well whenever you start :-) x

Megzey profile image

Unless your little one is showing signs of wanting the potty, like telling you when she has done a poo or a wee in her nappy then I really wouldn't start at 18m. I personally think it is a bit young. You will end up getting all stressed out and she will and then you may even put her off. My first lad was 2 & 1/2 when he started but he was telling me he wanted to use the potty. My 2nd is 3 in August and I have tried telling him to tell me if he wants a wee wee but he just doesn't seem interested yet, as I say I am not going to push it as he will do it in his own time. It is a mental issue rather than bladder control, they have got to be ready and recognise the signs.

I believe a good sign to tell when a child is ready for potty training is when they either tell you they've done a wee or poo or when they seem to disappear out of your sight for a few minutes to then come back not smelling very pleasant.

If your daughter is already doing this she' s probably ready to use the potty.

A chilminder who I know thinks that female children usually start using the potty a bit earlier than male children although every child is different so they could both start to show signs at different times.

kjam123 profile image

Thanks for the comments! I will probably start later on this summer, but only if she starts showing signs. She certainly isn't comfortable anymore in a wet or soiled nappy but i'll wait a little longer and just take it easy. Thanks for all your tips and advice; much appreciated x

Happymom12 profile image

hello, as a mother of 2 girls, i usually start potty train late at the age of 3. It is easy for more with a older baby then the younger. But if you think your baby in now ready, you can try this amazing way to start potty train, maybe it will help you if you want some tips to potty train the fastest way.