Have had several false hopes thinking I was pregnant in past few months and don't want to waste more £ on tests! Period is 9 days late.
Did anyone else experience severe cra... - Pregnancy and Par...
Did anyone else experience severe cramps a week before period due and then when no period came, have spotting?
I didn't experience cramps or spotting so can't help on that front, I'm afraid. But you can buy pregnancy tests much cheaper on Amazon - 20 tests for under 3 pounds. They're the strip ones that they use in the NHS, perfectly fine, you're just not paying for all the plastic or a smiley face. It took me 14 months to get pregnant and these saved me an absolute fortune! 9 days late is a good sign - good luck!
Sainsburys do 2 test for about £2 or something. I spent about £50 over xmas last year on tests until I realised I could get cheap ones from the supermarket. I went 14 weeks without a period and was getting negative results off the test and ended up having a blood test to confirm I was pregnant with my 3rd.
I had spotting with my first baby when my period was due & as I didn't know at the time but I just took it as it was my period but I was probably pregnant as he was 4 weeks early.
I had all the signs of a period coming imminently for about 1.5 weeks before I found out I was pregnant. Then the signs stopped. 9 days late, I would take that test! Good luck.
Hi, I had all the period symptoms cramps sore boobs grouchiness I was only 2 days late but took a test anyway it came back positive I'm now 8 weeks I used a cheap test from the chemist early bird only 2 quid x
thanks everyone x