Some websites say to use maternity pads after labour, others say use heavy flow sanitary towels - any advice on what you have used please ?
Maternity pads: Some websites say to... - Pregnancy and Par...
Maternity pads
Hi I used asdas little angels maternity pads after the birth of my son I all so used there disposable mayernity undeware for the first week best thing I used as with my daughter I used the normal super plus pads and they didnt work half as well as the mayernity pads. Its what ever you feel will be best for you to use and all so how heavy your flow is After birth my advice would be buy a pack of each and see what is best for you I know asdas little angels is only 98p not sure on threst of the supermarkets prices of maternity pads
Hey. I used maternity pads for the first few daysthen I moved onto sanitary pads. One thing I didnt even think of was my waters broke and leaked for a whole day and I got through a whole pack. Had to send my husband out for more. It's incredible how many you use x
I just used heavy flow pads, only needed fir 3 days then moved down to "normal" sanitary towels!! X
I used the thickest sanitary towels I cud find and I had to double up for about a month as I bled horribly. I found materniyy pads not gd enuf. Get one of each then whichever works get more of.
Yh I was using two or three at a time at night and changing every hour in the day! I kept their pad companies in business haha! x
My midwifes recommended maternity pads, especially if you end up needing a stitich. They said normal pads can affect the healing. Get the really thick ones but they dont really work, the blood flow is that heavy!
I had stitches but no maternity pad wud of helped me as they r too thin..I healed fine with san towels and even they sometimes failed but its what works for u x
I used maternity pads, that first 24hrs they weren't even thick enough and changing so frequently. Also the pad is super think front to back and your lady bits might appreciate the cushioning after labour. I am not actually sure how thick sanitary towels go but post partum bleed is heavier then any period I have ever experienced X
Super drug do kotex thick pads normal and nighttime they are £1.09 for pack of 10 I think they are great really absorbent my daughter suffers from really heavy periods that she has to take medication for and she prefers the towels compared to the thinner ones... and I use them till my bleeding gets lighter x
I bought Morrison's own maternity pads and disposable underwear. I always use thick night time pads anyway as my periods are always so heavy so I had a stock to use from before my pregnancy then added the maternity ones lol x
Kotex night pads are really good too btw x
I used a mixture of both, mostly maternity pads for the first week and then heavy flow normal pads after that. To be honest I do t think there's a massive difference - whatever you go for buy plenty though!
Interestingly, my midwife told me to avoid buying Always pads as something in the coating of them disagrees with stitches, hopefully you won't need stitches but perhaps avoid Always just in case x
always were fine with me and my stitches
I also used Kotex night time pads for after labour of my Lil one just over 8wks ago & they seemed fine.
I never normally use sanitary towels so hated the thought of it but used Mothercare maternity pads which were excellent. Bit more pricey but I never leaked once and felt really comfy.
I used maternity pads for a couple of weeks & then moved onto sanitary towels. I think you definitely need something quite thick for the first few days at least, the bleeding was more than what I expected & the cushioned effect was very welcome when sitting down! I found the mothercare own brand ones were the best for me (not the aloe Vera ones as they can sting). They have wings which kept it in place. The ones I tried from superdrug were thick enough but didn't have the wings.
I'd also recommend buying a few packs of black cotton knickers for a couple of pounds (I got mine from primark) which you don't mind throwing away if you need to. I wore these everyday for a few weeks as I didn't fancy buying disposable knickers!