Maternity leave? : Hey ladies, Hope... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Maternity leave?

E_05 profile image
41 Replies

Hey ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well.

Although I’ve still got a way to go I was given my MAT B1 form today and its got me thinking about maternity leave 😯

I was just wondering how you decided when was the right to finish work?

I’m a carer so on my feet a lot at work even though I do the less manual stuff now. I’m already feeling pretty tired as my sleep isn’t good at the moment with my hip pain. I obviously don’t want to go off to early as it means less time off with baby but don’t want to give work an unrealistic date either.

Any advice would be grateful x

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E_05 profile image
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41 Replies

I’ve got a desk job so obviously not as tiring as yours. I knew I wanted to work as late as possible so I started maternity leave a week before due date but also took a weeks holiday so finished work two weeks before. Baby was nearly two weeks late so was a bit hard spending all that time at home but I slept and rested a lot so that was nice xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to

Thank you, my consultant has said il probably be induced around 38 weeks but I was thinking to try and carry on until a few weeks before then. Hope you and your little girl are well xx

in reply toE_05

I totally understand that. You just want to carry on for as long as possible so you can spend time with baby. I think you can give a date and say it’s subject to change.

We are fine thanks. She had two hours at nursery today ready for next week 😬 x

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to

Gosh the time seems to go so quick, how was she at nursery? X

in reply toE_05

She was absolutely fine just went off and played. Could barely say goodbye xx

Sherry07 profile image

Hi, I work as a consultant so both desk-based along with some of my time being spent in laboratory. I was offered to work from home (just desk jobs) from week 33 (a week ago) for a month, then will take 1 week off and will start my maternity leave at 38 weeks. xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toSherry07

Thank you xx

JNDuce12-13 profile image

I worked in a pub on my feet for 10 hour shifts and planned to work up to my due date, when 30+ weeks came I was tired and so took mat leave from 38weeks and also had 2 weeks holiday so I was off from 36 weeks.

I’m currently a cleaner and I’m already exhausted and sore, so I might put my mat leave in for 38 weeks again and just hope for the best.

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toJNDuce12-13

Thank you

Annh17 profile image


I’m a healthcare assistant so I know exactly how you feel, I do days and nights so my sleep is all over the place.

I have said il work upto 38 weeks, 1 weeks being annual leave so my maternity starting at 39 weeks. I am only on light duties now and my work team are amazing, I am able to sit down when I want too. It is definitely hard work being pregnant and a carer, I’m 32 weeks today, so with the extra weight and bump, it’s extremely hard, but like I say my work team are amazing.

As for when you want to finish, it totally depends on how your feeling, how far do you think your able to work too?

Would you be able to cut hours/shift down so still able too work?

Do you have any annual leave left too take?

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toAnnh17

Thank you, my consultant has said I’m probably be induced at 38 weeks. I didn’t think about taking holiday before hand tbh, my main concern is that I’m a home carer so its more the fact I’m on my own. I want to make sure the family have got enough notice to get everything covered in advance. Seems like most people work up until a couple of weeks before so maybe il aim for 36 weeks x

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply toE_05

Oh yea home care is different as your basically on your own. 36 weeks is a nice time to finish, as you say you may be induced at 38 so 2 weeks of beforehand. I’ve got a large baby, so seeing a consultant in the week. I am kind of wishing I maybe finished at 37 weeks, I still have time too change my mind x

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toAnnh17

Glad you’re still able to change your mind, wishing you lots of luck with the birth x

Lovefood1984 profile image

I technically finished at 39 weeks but had two weeks holiday so went at 37weeks. My job is a mix of desk and lab work (the lab work did have some heavy manual stuff to do but I had help) so it was easyish to keep working. Had to laugh as baby arrived at 39weeks on my first official maternity day 😂 My cousin finished around 30 weeks so everyone is different. I’d say just do what feels right for you, it is totally a balancing act between how you are feeling and having plenty of time with baby. All the best x

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toLovefood1984

Thank you, wow your baby was definitely ready to come lol x

NMP1026 profile image

Hey hun

Its a tough call as you don't know how you will feel. I wanted to go to 38 weeks and felt physically well and wasn't too tired. The thing that got me was my anxiety levels. I couldn't relax until she was here safe and sound so too much maternity leave would have been detrimental to me. Sitting home and letting my mind play tricks was not an option. However being a carer can be really strenuous. Do you have to give a date? Xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toNMP1026

That’s my concern tbh with my anxiety, I know not having any routine will just make it harder. Yeah because they need to make sure the care is in place for when I go which will probably involve them finding a new carer.

How are you and your little girl doing? X

NMP1026 profile image
NMP1026 in reply toE_05

Bless you hun! It's hard thinking about it at this point. I found finishing a couple of weeks early nice but I made sure I had things to do such as meeting friends for lunch mixed with lots of rest. Make sure you look after yourself. It's nice to have time after but looking after yourself before is crucial too.

We're good thanks. We've just got her registered. It's all like a dream come true xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toNMP1026

Aw I can only imagine it is, I’m literally wishing the time away so terrified of something bad happening xx

NMP1026 profile image
NMP1026 in reply toE_05

Hey lovely

I'm sorry for the late reply. I completely understand your anxiety. My partner and I were terrified throughout. Neither of us settled until she was placed in our arms. You have been through so much. However your little one is a tough cookie. They have done amazing to get this far. The 20week scan went well. It's all looking good! Try to relax and enjoy hun. Far easier said than done but your little one will be in your arms before you know it. If you want to talk I am always here. Sending hugs to an amazing mummy to be xxx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toNMP1026

No probs, I’m sure you’ve got your hands full!

Aw thank you so much, it’s re assuring to know others stay terrified throughout. I’m definitely trying more now to enjoy moments throughout my pregnancy xx

MissEd profile image

I had 4 weeks leave to take as we have to take that prior to april or we lose it, so i finished at 36 weeks

Hannah27 profile image

I'm a chemotherapy nurse working in a clinic that doesn't allow me to sit for very long. Work haven't been very supportive and I needed to get matrons involved to stop me doing 12hr shifts (which happened at 29 weeks). I'm going at 34 weeks as the pain and Braxton Hicks I have been getting after long ten hour shifts have been scary and exhausting. My official maternity leave starts at 35 weeks as I had a week of annual leave left. To some people this is early but for me I feel like I should have gone earlier. Working in a busy, stressful environment without chance to sit down has by far been the hardest thing about being pregnant. I'm still vomiting and nausea is still an issue, although not as bad as it was two months ago. I am hoping to get lots of batch cooking done and relaxing before baby arrives, im not very good at resting in days off but have been so exhausted. Listen to your body and do what's right for you in the end. Best of luck! Xxx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toHannah27

That’s awful sorry they’ve been so unsupportive, my work have been good so far in terms of making sure I have everything I need but when it comes down to the care it’s just me there which is what I worry about if I stay on to long. My sickness flares up when I’ve had particularly long and busy days and it can wipe me out for days. Thank you, I think you’re right about listening to your own body xx

Tiffs profile image

I too have a desk job and luckily can work from home. I finished up yesterday at 38w +4 and have a weeks holiday carried over, before my maternity leave starts day before she is due! Like you didn’t want to much time beforehand but likely she will be late arriving! I am ready though, def feeling tired and like I need some rest.

Elleb2017 profile image

I have put my mat1b form in and have decided that I am going at 32 weeks. Officially it won't start until 36 weeks. I have a very stressful job at times and a workload that I take home and I know that if I went to 36 weeks that I would still be doing work at home right up until the baby is born. I have a health condition which means baby will be here from about 37 weeks, maybe earlier. I wanted a few weeks at home as well to get his nursery all ready and prepare myself. I had 3 weeks off over Christmas and it was the best timing. I was exhausted and was ready for a break and I by knowing I only have 6 weeks left in work it is helping me massively. Don't listen to other people you know your own body and I know I would be exhausted if I worked any longer then when I am deciding to go. Xxx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toElleb2017

Thank you, my consultant has said I’m likely to be induced around 38 weeks so I know I need to take that into account as well. Sometimes I think work is a good distraction as I’m very anxious but I’m not sure it will be as I hopefully get further on. Lots of luck for a smooth labour x

CC2018 profile image

I could have written this post the other week :) . I'm a full time secondary school teacher so pretty much on my feet as I go round class teaching and supporting pupils. Like you I've been told by one pair of doctors I'll be induced at 38 weeks as i'm regarded as high risk due to having lupus but another doctor has said they will try to keep baby in until 39 weeks so either way I'll know she'll be here before her due date. With possible induction on the table I've decided to leave at 37 weeks so I have 1 maybe 2 weeks to rest and prepare. I officially have 2 months left at work now and it feels nice to have it confirmed. X

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toCC2018

Glad you’ve got it all confirmed, it’s so hard knowing when is the right time. Around 37/38 weeks seems to be the most popular x

LucyJJ profile image

I’m a teacher so on my feet all day long. I’m hoping to reach 38 weeks at school, obviously no option of taking holiday time. With my first two I went up to 37 weeks.

If for whatever reason you’re off work due to the pregnancy from 36 weeks, your maternity leave starts automatically.

Forgetmenot22 profile image

With my first I left at 38 weeks. I have desk job so was able to last that bit longer although the summer was a killer! I used my annual leave then mat leave started from due date .

With my daughter this time around Iroke up again at 38 weeks . Was still in same job so was desk based. Did do some days working from home as didn't fancy waters going on the motorway!

XxjustmexX profile image

I’m a carer 😊 and I had a doctors note for two week when I was 31 weeks then just started my maternity leave once my sick note ran out, so was 33 weeks when started mine and it felt it was the best thing for me to do. I work nights and most of the time people rang in sick so I never got a lighter load, and I struggled to sleep in the day (never found that a problem before) so I would do what’s right for you if u take your leave at 32 weeks and still feel your able to work won’t your boss let you move your date ( my boss said I could if I needed to and just see how I went on) xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toXxjustmexX

Thank you, I think once I’ve given them a date that’ll be it as I’m a home carer so working on my own they need to make sure there’s care in place xx

MichelleGC1978 profile image

Hi hun. When I was pregnant with my little girl I ended up finishing earlier due to PGP. I'm a hca and work in the community and on my feet all day. You have to do what's best for You. Your body will tell you when it's had enough. Hope all goes well xxx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toMichelleGC1978

Thank you xx

Ghosty1 profile image

Mines a strange one as I am due in June. I work in international logistics which is really stressful and long hours. I have 2 weeks left of this tax year so taking it in March then because the new tax year is in April I am going to take my entitlement in May so I leave may for 4 weeks hol all in one the start maternity 1st June 😅🤗

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toGhosty1

That sounds like it’s worked out well, I hadn’t even thought about taking my annual leave as well.

It’s a really hard call to make because you don’t know how you’re going to feel towards the end of your pregnancy. Although you have to submit your Mat B1 form 15 weeks before your due date you don’t have to decide at that point when you want to take maternity leave. You only have to give 28 days notice to tell your employer when you want maternity leave to start. I had initially planned to work to 38 weeks but then got PGP so went on reduced hours and brought it forward to 36 weeks. Now at 31 weeks I’m just exhausted and had enough so decided to finish at 34 weeks. Although you have to give your employer 28 days notice, if you change your mind within that 28 period and feel you need to leave earlier you can speak to your midwife and get signed off to start maternity leave earlier. The whole time you are on maternity leave you will accrue annual leave so you could add the annual leave you’ll be entitled to to the end of your maternity leave to spend a few more weeks at home with baby.

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to

Thank you, that’s really good to know I didn’t realise you only had to give 28 days notice.

I gave work the date of 37 weeks but as it got closer I changed it to 36 weeks. Turned out I had anaemia which is why I was feeling so very tired.

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toLizzielizzielizzie

Thank you, hope you and Phoebe are doing well x

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