So after arriving 15 mins late for my appointment as i got mixed up with times, i was seen by a very nice midwife and student midwife. After the last midwife wasnt reslly sympathtic of my miscarraiges and didnt seem at all intrested in me, i was very happy that i have a nice one this time!
So far everything seems ok, ive had no bleeding (thank the lord) in this pregnancy and everything else is ok... Except my hydration levels.
The midwife was very concerne at the lack of fluids i consume, to the point where they couldnt even get any blood out of me. They tried everywhere but none came out until when they had to take it from the back of my hand for the 2nd time.
I drink about 4-5 glasses of liquid a day and eventhats a struggle as i just feel so tired and drained. I only wee abot once or twice aswell in a day which was a concern.
The midwife says i have to keep a diary of how much i drink each day for a week and then she says she wants to see me again to make sure everything is ok.
Apart frm that everything else is fine, i should be having my first scan in a couple of weeks as midwife says im 10 weeks and 5 days. Im excited but also a little anxious but i think everything will be ok considering the awful sickness still!
If there are snu tips on helping me drink more fluids as im finding it hard to bring myself to drink let alone eat, it would be very much appreciated.