has anyone had a waterbirth? im serio... - Pregnancy and Par...

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has anyone had a waterbirth? im seriously considering one...

sammi123 profile image
27 Replies

hey im 26wks today :) around 5ppl in the last week have recommended having a waterbirth and im starting to like the idea of it...any pros/ cons girlies? advice please :) xxx

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sammi123 profile image
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27 Replies

I was so close to having one but my little man pooed (sorry if tmi) inside me just b4 he came out so I had too get out while he was very close to arrival which was so uncomfortable..it was nice while I was in there tho and I wud of liked to deliver in there. U can still hav gas and air while in water. Wud def recommend and if u dont like it u cqn get out x

scoffcat profile image

I'm 35 weeks and planning on giving it a go, if I can. In a hospital setting you can't if they need to monitor you for any reason, if you need an epidural, or if someone else is using it. Home birth obviously different situation.

I really like the idea of being supported by the water, especially as I have SPD. I'll see how I go - you can always change your mind and get out again!

I wanted a water birth! Unfortunately it wasn't to be. When I have period pains and such I've always found water very soothing and relaxing and it definitely would have been the best type of birth for me. I will definitely be aiming for that again next time....hopefully more successfully lol x

Enquire at the hospital how many baths they hav..the hospital I went to had 4 but if they only hav 1 it might b a bit tricky x

in reply to

Yh my hospital only had one open at the time as well so chances were I may not have got it anyway even without the complications x

sammi123 profile image

Thanks girls thats just what i wanted to hear defo think im gunna go for it :-) gunna talk to the OH tonight, will be alot prettier sight for him to id imagine haha. excitingggg!!! Thanks again xxxx

in reply to sammi123

If ur oh is up for it he cud join u in water...tht was a step too far for mine lol..instead he found the floats tht were in the room and threw them at me whilst I was about an hour from giving birth lol..I was so high on gas and air tht I cnt really remember what I said although the f word was used lol....I find it funny now.

dons88 profile image

I've had 2! Totally recommended, I loved it. My only advice is to wait as long as you can before getting in so that you can really get the benefit of the water as pain relief for as long as you can. I can't imagine how I'd go about delivering on a bed!

Good luck with whatever you choose :-) x

in reply to dons88

Oh look, here she is....there's always one that has to show off! I couldn't even manage one and you got two!! ;-) lucky thing :D x

dons88 profile image
dons88 in reply to

Ah it doesn't really matter how they get out ;-) you'll get your water baby next time :-) x

in reply to dons88

:D x

pregnantbride profile image

I'm also considering a water birth if my risk stays low - that's helpful advice about delaying getting into the water as I reckon I would've jumped straight in!!

I also would have liked one but LO had other ideas so had a caesarean. However, I got sent home from hospital (after being told to go in) and they told me to have a bath at home to help with the contractions - the difference it made was amazing so I'd def recommend.

Also going to the swimming in the later stages of pregnancy was a great support - it was when it was so hot in the summer but I imagine it to be of benefit any time xx

Jacksonla profile image

When I arrived at hospital I was fully dilated so I got into the birth pool straight away with gas & air and i loved it. It was so soothing the minute I got in there & I would choose it again if I have another. Unfortunately I didn't get to give birth in the water as I wasn't feeling the urge to push. I ended up having a forceps delivery because his head was sideways but I would still definitely recommend the birth pool!

Dozymum profile image

I had a water birth with my third baby. It was by far the best birth and felt so much better than lying on a bed.

My son was a bit of an express delivery (I went from 3cm to delivering in 1 hour! !) and I feel certain that the water stopped me from tearing badly as he shot out. I used only gas and air this time as well whereas previously I had pethidine.

I would definitely choose a water birth again if I have any more.

2andcounting profile image

My first was born in a hospital bed, second was a water birth, the water birth was amazing, I was very reluctant to get into the pool and take off my tens machine but it really helped with pain relief.... Felt quite bewildered when my daughter was born and the midwife told me to reach down into the water and pick up my baby.... Amazing experience. However so was my first - in a hospital bed on my back!!!! If you are able, I would recommend, but if it doesn't happen, I wouldn't be disappointed... I certainly wasn't after my first! Good luck x

fk1953 profile image

Yeah I had one booked too, but as it took me five agonising days to get to 5 cm at home, I was not interested by the time I was admitted. I just wanted to know how fast I could have the epidural!

Little_dudes_mum profile image

I had one and it was brilliant managed to give birth to a 9.15 baby with no pain relief it was great.

sammi123 profile image

really great advice thankyou everybody!! might sound silly but whay do u wear in there? obviously not a swimming cossy or bikini lol are u naked down below then a swiimming top? xxx

dons88 profile image
dons88 in reply to sammi123

It's totally personal choice. I wore a bikini top with my first and I had a belly band which I wore round with my boobs with my second as having the bikini round my neck was irritating if I remember correctly. I whipped both off as soon as baby was out for skin to skin and the first feed. It's quite common to just get in naked (or so I'm told, I don't hang around labour wards or anything) xx

in reply to sammi123

I just went in naked..cudnt b doin with putting on a top or anything as was high on gas and air. Wear what u want on top...within reason lol. I thought I wud b self conscious but u leave ur self respect about what u look like at the door when u hav a baby x

Dozymum profile image
Dozymum in reply to sammi123

Not a silly question at all. I brought along a tshirt to wear on top but ended up getting in with nothing on as that is what felt right for me at the time. The midwives have seen it all before and pool room was nice and private xx

sammi123 profile image

LOL, naked it is! aslong as i can im defo gunna have a waterbirth all ur comments have really helped and are muchly appreciated!! Just want him to hurry up now :( Thansk again ladies xxx

Mummy4 profile image

Hi Sammi123 good luck with water birth I am 25 weeks today and this is my 4th baby but never had the chance to experience it as required medical assistance every time, hope you can have the birth you wish for.

jeanie_tam profile image

I had a water birth at a community hospital in Scotland run by widwifes. It was a fantastic experience for me I had 1 midwife & a student and hubby being very supportive. I was just over 2hours in the pool in total and I used gas & air. No stitches. 8lb 9 55cm long. Knackered but rewarding.

As a 1st time mum things I wasn't expecting with birth (in general )were:

1. The amount of blood - its a lot, esp when they cut the cord and the clots you see going down the drain are massive

2. being on my knees for so long i needed almost lifted out the tub cos I was numb

3. Having to really push the placenta out(pelvic floor exercises girls as the contractions stop as soon as babe is out) and the size of that thing! you can get a jag in the bum that contracts the uterus but that has a risk that the placenta can get stuck half way out and requires hospital / general anaesthetic etc to fix.

After 9months without alcohol gas& air makes you feel a bit like being drunk but as soon as you stop using it you are instantly ' sober' again(weird bit it is it deepens your voice, like the opposite of helium). Major con is it can leave a funny taste in your mouth that can make you feel a bit sick, so I ate jelly babies to take the taste away. This was only an issue early on as as labour goes on a team of wild horses will not convince you to let it out of your mouth. Also the 'panting out the baby once the baby's head is out' advice that i read in some books is rubbish - it just makes you hyperventalate & they'll take the G&A away. Big steady breaths all the way through ( think scuba diving) and use smallish frequent pelvic floor exercises instead and out she popped like a really big poo.

The big problem for me was not birth, but having no milk and little support / help from NHS cos their ' you MUST breastfeed' mantra has no allowance for mums who are DESPERATE to feed their babies but just can't - I really struggled for 5 days to breastfeed but with no milk cracked and bleeding nipples I made the decision to bottle feed when mid wifes said they were going to put babe in hospital for not gaining enough weight. (bit of advice girls on the whole natural vs bottle debate - do what's best for YOU and BABE. You know your baby better than anyone).

Last bit of advice, when your feeling a bit low, maybe crying and asking yourself 'how will I cope' once you've got babe home. Remember everyone has moments feeling like this, and once you've got yourself into a bit of a routine and get out and about with the pram for some fresh air, you'll realise that it is so worth it and you've got the best job in the world.

sammi123 profile image

Thankyou mummy4, hopefully no complications and can go thru with water birth its actually made me look forward to labour lol. great advice to jeanie_tam, its all so new and reading books will give us an insight but everyones story is diferent so its good to hear what you all have been through..xxx

2andcounting profile image

I was naked .... (But also stripped off to give birth in the bed) I didn't want anything on and was too hot for clothes hehe x

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