I feel like breastfeeding is really taking it out of me sometimes I come over all shaky and faint I drink plenty and eat regularly and little man is sleeping ok so I'm getting better sleep but hate feeing like this
Is it just me? : I feel like... - Pregnancy and Par...
Is it just me?
Not just you . since his jabs John's refused bottle at all and I just can't keep up with eating and drinking and not sleeping. I'm either hyper from being so over tired or feeling like want to fall down - things we do for our LOs. Only hope doesn't last to long x
Yeah I was hoping to bf til 6 months but think if I get to 4 I'll be happy! Keep forgetting to take my pregnacare must try and take them more regularly! X

I have a similar strategy! Initially wanted to get to one month; then three; now aiming for six...!
Well done u....I am hoping for 6 as I breast fed my first for that long and she was the only one of my children not to have excema my 2 boys have it bad and I only breast fed them for 2 months. . My second daughter I done for 41/2 months and she had it mildly but grew out of it. .. so feel like I need to give it as long as poss
I also feel like this after feeds sometimes. It's difficult to balance feeding, diet and exercise. I'm finishing off my pregnancy Pregnacare tablets (bit of a miscalculation when buying them!).
I've started snacking on cereal bars and drinking fruit juice between main meals (trying to avoid too much chocolate etc. as this just gives a short-lived energy boost). It helps a little but not always x
I have no strategy really except to follow baby lead weaning and bf as long as I can. One of my colleagues is still BF at 18 months and get target is 2 years, she's like a stick insect now, I have never seen her so slim. She said her baby weight starting coming off at 9 months will look forward to that xx