Does a faint line also mean a positive?
Is it me or is there a line? - Pregnancy and Par...
Is it me or is there a line?

It does look like there is a feint line but I would retest in a day or two to see if you get a stronger reading.
There looks like a faint line I had the exact same thing happen to me went to the Drs and they where pretty sure I was but I retested a week later it was the longest wait of my life but I'm now 30+2 weeks pregnant with my first little boy I also found doing a test in the morning was weaker I did mine in the afternoon ( mainly because I was impatient and didn't want to wait for the next morning) hope it all works out well for you
Em xx
Hi when i took my test the line was very faint it was my sister who said you look pregnant to me so i got a digital one which read pregnant 2 weeks id get one of those! But id say it was a line going off my own experience! Good luck xx
Thank you I just might be i took two tests already both were positive faint line this one was darker
It does look positive to me but like the others have suggested, I would retake the test in a few days ☺. Good luck.
personally I would get a digital one and check in a few days time - on this photo I can see the line sometimes i can't - i think a photo is not always good representation.
Update... I was pregnant and didnt know the obgyn I went to didn't check me the way he was supposed to and i ended up having misscarage