Hi everyone, I think my waters went on Wed at 17:00. Not the Hollywood gush but enough to think they'd deform gone and feel wet etc. I didn't have any pains or anything so thought I'd put a pad on and see how it went. Definitely lost fluid but by morning seemed to stop for a few hours. Later in the afternoon I had more fluid loss and soaked a couple of pads through to my underwear and also had irregular mild what I assume are contractions. So I spoke to labour ward and went in about 10 last night. They monitored me and the baby and he is fine. She left me laid down too to see if any fluid would pool but nothing did so she had to examine me instead. She was undecided as to whether they had gone or not. ... She said there is a heavy discharge there but that is thicker than the clear fluid id described and felt. So after debating I came home with some of their pads this morning at around 1:00pm and told to monitor it. I have had some slight loss today but not soaking like yesterday so I'm confused as to what to do.... I'm really worried about infection with time ticking on. She did mention it could be my hind waters but I don't feel very confident without a definite answer. I am due to be induced a week today with no appointments in between. What do you think I should do?
Sorry for the ramble! Xxxx