Had a couple of small leaks of fluid on Tuesday morning after my 25 mile drive to work. I wasn't really able to tell if it was pee or amniotic fluid. It happened a couple of times during the day mainly after I had been sitting down for a while and had been unable to get to the loo when I wanted to.
I was a bit gutted thinking I'd lost some bladder control but it wasn't until I'd driven home and thought I'd stop off to pick up some groceries. I had been in some discomfort on the drive home every gear change seemed like a strain. I went to use the loo before doing my shopping but it was out of order - typical! I managed to pop a couple of things in the trolley before a bigger squirt of liquid popped out and soaked through the front of my trousers I'd not put a panty liner on that morning!
Went to my pregnancy yoga, same thing happened after transitions. Instructor advised me to see GP next morning as it it could be amniotic fluid.
Saw GP next morning, she called labour ward who advised I go straight down to them for an internal exam. Went to Stoke Mandeville and was put on a monitor and had my urine checked out for any infection. When I had my internal a lot of fluid came out and they confirmed that my waters had broken and admitted me for 48hrs observation. Ive had no contractions so it looks as if I wont be going full term, if i get no infection or other complications they'll induce me at 34weeks! I'm 29 + 3 at the moment.
Had another scan, baby is doing ok. On monitor at the moment. Just feeling really overwhelmed.
My pregnancy keeps getting shorter and shorter....when we went for our first scan at 13 weeks to be told that we were actually 21 weeks so I lost 8 weeks and now at least another 6!
Really not ready to meet my little one just yet - still have so much to do, not sure if 4 weeks is going to be enough. My husband is amazing so I know he'll be running himself ragged at the moment.