Not a good day...: Hi all, whilst I'm a... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Not a good day...

6 Replies

Hi all, whilst I'm a frequent visitor to this site I don't always have time to post as my 8 week old, Eoin, keeps me busy but I'm in need of some reassurance and support tonight if possible.

Today I took Eoin to meet some friends at a soft play so their children could play and we could have coffee and catch up. Eoin was so good smiling and cooing but didn't get much sleep.

As I should have predicted he's been very upset tonight, crying like I've never seen before with real tears and breaking his Mummy's heart in the process.

Finally my husband took him and settled him.

I'm now left feeling like a terrible Mum and devastated that I allowed him to get so upset. It makes me so sad to think of him in crying as I write this.

Hopefully a better day tomorrow

6 Replies

Sometimes they just get upset and fussy and don't let you comfort them. My boy James has done this a couple of times to me, being upset and crying to the point of being inconsolable. Then my mum walks in and offers to take him for a mo to give me a break and .......silence! Makes you instantly feel inadequate and quite frankly, a little bit stupid lol. They don't mean anything by it and you did nothing to cause it.....he was just being a cranky little so and so and being comforted by daddy was a novelty in this situation. Tomorrow I'm sure will be a better day :-) on my side, I'm hoping James will bloody sleep!! Two days and two nights so far of 10min naps here and there.....I want a better day too lol x

in reply to

Thanks Fattyboom they certainly know how and when to pull on your heart strings!

Daddy is looking after him now whilst I have a lie down.

I feel for you re: the night shifts - you must be exhausted! Fingers crossed our little monkeys get some sleep tonight and we start tomorrow off with some smiles xx

cheekymonkey3791 profile image
cheekymonkey3791 in reply to

I left my OH in charge too this eve whilst I caught up on some Zzzz's.

Hope today is a better day xx

Dont get upset..this has happened too me few times and its usually grandma tht sorts him lo has had colic so been in quite alot of distress recently with lots of tears which is horrible so tht probli hasnt helped. But in a way when someone takes him and settles him I am thankful for both of us..ur lo had probli just got too the stage where he was over tired...dnt beat urself up about it...ur a great mother and today is a new day xx

NatalieK profile image

Same thing here. My LO is 6 weeks old. The other night he was awake from 3am which is very unlike him. He slept only 2 hours during the day and was upset the whole day, there was no consoling him. Daddy walks in and silence - then I start crying lol. He slept really well that night and Yesterday he was as bright as a button all day. Sometimes I think they just need to cry it out. Today is a new day, try not to take it to heart xx

Megzey profile image

Don't get upset, hope u feel better today. Your probably very hormonal still & your little one was probably over tired. The best thing I found is put them down in the Moses basket & try & let thm settle themselves off after a feed.

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