I'm pregnant for the 5th time so I'm used to feeling sick at the start but it started at 4 weeks this pregnancy so a couple of weeks earlier for me than normal. Might this mean that it will end any earlier? I stopped feeling sick around 12 weeks in my other pregnancies so had about 6 weeks of it. This is my 5th week of feeling sick at 8+2 weeks. Anyone else experienced sickness early on and when did it stop?
When will sickness end? : I'm pregnant... - Pregnancy and Par...
When will sickness end?

Hiya, mine was started at the first day of 5th week and lasts around 16 week. I also felt very tired during this period. I hope yours stops earlier. Most people says 12 weeks.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm 26 weeks now and still being sick pretty much every day. But for most people it does ease off much earlier. I'm afraid it's an individual thing, there are no rules. Just hang in there, and I hope you feel better soon.
This pregnancy is with a new husband as well and it's 9 years since I was last pregnant so don't really know what to expect this time around.
Hiya, mine started at about 5 weeks with horrendous tiredness and has only just started to go at 16/17 weeks. I wasn't actually sick but FELT sick almost constantly, it was horrible! I lost half a stone and the smell of everything would make me heave. I'm sure yours will go soon , it's just bloody crap when you're going through it - i know how you feel! The only thing that helped me was a warm bath, laying off greasy food, and eating ready salted crisps! xxxx
Hi! This is my first baby and I have been sick a minimum of 15 times a day since 5 weeks, I am now 12 +5 and no signs of it easing! I'm so down about it as I can't enjoy any foods or leave the house without passing out! Hope your experience is better!! Xxx
Oooh Im one of these people that asked this question earlier on too... And at 19+4 Im still suffering both agonising headaches and sickness! Soo.... When yours will stop just depends on your body.
I was fine with my 1st (boy) and weve already found out this is a girly... And although ive improved I think this is going to hang around for the duration!!
I hope u do feel better soon, if not it WILL all be worth it ((thats what I keep telling myself)) haha xxxx
Hi everyone, just realised this week I've had a urine infection for a couple of months which was why I was feeling really sick. It's been better since the antibiotics kicked in. Still a little sick but it's definitely not as bad.