#help #ovulation #pregnant #test
i took an ovulation test a day after ... - Pregnancy and Par...
i took an ovulation test a day after finised period, and it came out with a very faint line?

That's odd cause you wouldn't be ovulating till 2weeks after your period but you can get a positive result on a ovulation test if your pregnant, but usually/typically you wouldn't be pregnant and of just had a period but it isn't unknown. I think you should leave it two weeks buy a decent pregnancy test!! And see if that cOmes back positive if not try an ovulation test cause you should be ovulating by then. Might make things a little clearer.... Also it might be the same hormone you have during your period as when you ovulate that show up.
Totally agree with above comment. I would also use the digital test as they are more straight forward and easy to tell if you are ovulating or pregnant. Good luck
Its 10 to 20 days after your period starts that you ovulate... I have a long cycle (30) so ovulate 16 days after, but if you have a short cycle and a long bleed then you could be ovulating...there are other symptoms of ovulation, slight temperature increase, thicker vaginal mucous/secretions and a change in the softness of your cervix (alhtough personally never managed to feel that). The secretion was the one I noticed the most. For the temperature, take your temperature first thing in morning before getting out of bed as is more likely to be consistent.
If you're trying to get pregnant just try some baby making anyway...at least it is fun!
I know but just to test them I did one and it had a faint line mine is normally 14 days after, just weird
So there is no way i could be pregnant?
ovulation?, cause i wanted to test if it would work before hand to see how good they are as i was gunna buy more then it came out like that?
Ahh okay, xx
I used quite a few brands of ovulation test and all of them had to have 2 solid dark lines to be a positive. What do the instructions say? All the ones I used had pics on the instructions to show a negative from a positive. A faint line is normal throughout your whole cycle as there are always small amounts of the hormone in your blood steam, it just spikes when you're ovulating as opposed to a pregnancy test where a faint line is a still a positive result.
It sounds to me like you're not ovulating just now (although obviously I couldn't know for sure!) but don't get disheartened it will happen really soon. I know it's so frustrating.
Boots sell month-long set of ovulation tests where you take one every day throughout the month which was handy for me as I have short cycle so was really blindly guessing when I was ovulating, might be worth a look if you're not sure? Good luck, I hope it happens really soon x
The ovulation tests I used said to only start using them 7 days after the start of my period. I don't know how long your period lasted but maybe you've used it too soon?
I was wondering if u ever figuerd out was was going on I took a ovulation test yesterday it was pisitive but my calender says I wont ovulated for 5 more days isnt its alil early for it to be positive so confused