Well.. At 32 weeks I was told I had low iron levels and was put on iron tablets... I was then sent into hospital with suspected preaclamsia and was later discharged and told I'd have an appoint the following week. So at 33 weeks I went to hospital clinic and was told that I had a water infection and had low folic levels and was told I would need another appointment.
At 34 weeks I went to the hospital again and was told everything was fine however the doctor said I still looked pale and asked if she could test my blood to make sure that my iron levels weren't low and if they were they wanted to I've me iron through the veins.
Well it comes no surprise that they were low and I had an appointment 35 weeks were I was told my iron and folic levels were low despite me taking tablets for both. I was told that when I go into labour I was at high risk of bleeding so when I go into have my little boy they were putting a canulla in my hand and I was being put on a 4hour hormone drip straight the way.. Also I would need to come in for iron via the veins.. They then asked if they could take another blood sample.. I was also told they wanted to do a growth scan to make sure lil man was measuring okay
The next day I was phoned and told that my folic levels were still low and my iron levels were normal... And I was told to stop taking my iron tablets.
So now I'm left confused not knowin where I stand with anything they previously said about labour and bleeding.. Also how do my iron levels go from extremely low to normal in a week and surely if I'm not taking iron tablets my levels will drop again...
So at 35+2 I'm know extremely confused and feel like I'm being messed about and I'm not at the hospital again till wednesday..