It's like some one crept in my room at night and tied a rock to my belly. I think if it had been gradual I could of got use to it, but at the moment I feel so weighed down. Any one else have this?
23 + 4 and I had no bump, but in the ... - Pregnancy and Par...
23 + 4 and I had no bump, but in the last week I literally ballooned out, now I feel all groggy and run down.
Poor you that sounds like a bit of a shock! I wouldn't worry, everyone grows at a different pace and I definitely have days or weeks where I've felt like the baby's having a growth spurt and I'm a bit done in. Hopefully your body will adjust quickly! I'm at 32 weeks now and suddenly starting to feel like a massive waddling whale, having been quite neat until that point. Bit worried that in another 8 weeks I'll need a forklift truck to move me... x
Nice to know in not the only one, I know I'm not huge as only 23weeks but because I've literally been flat till just b4 23 weeks I feel huge and I think if he grows like this for the next 16/17 weeks then I won't b able to move by term.
Initially I was like I'll work till I'm 37 weeks, now as I'm getting bigger I'm thinking I'll never last. X
The body changes have been the thing i've found the hardest throughout my pregnancy. I spent 2 and a half years working bloody hard to lose 7stone in weight from being grossly overweight and kept it off for the last 4 years then when i fell pregnant it all went out of my control again and i also feel massive! I'm 33 weeks now and when people say the baby will double in size over the next 7 weeks i think how on earth am i even going to move!! At around 23 weeks i just felt that i was putting on a bit of extra weight and desperate to look pregnant rather than just fat! Now i clearly look pregnant i'm not happy either!! I think it's ok to feel weird about it and to have days where you look at yourself and think OMG how did that happen and some days where you quite like what you see - that's normal for most women pregnant or not!! The important thing to remember is what is going to happen at the end of all this. That will make it all worthwhile and whatever has happened to your body during the process can be dealt with afterwards. The next few weeks you'll see your body changing loads. There's very little you can do so just go with it and enjoy it. Take on board people's compliments and remember what an amazing thing your body is currently doing. Enjoy