is healthy only 20 more weeks to go
had my 20 week scan today everything ... - Pregnancy and Par...
had my 20 week scan today everything fine im so glad but we found out the sex they said a boy but i hope they are wrong but im glad the baby

yay! healthy baby blue. congrats! Sorry it seems its not baby pink for u tho. Half way there....(woooaaahhhh living on a prayer hehe ;))
i know but they can get it wrong but it healthy so thats all that matters and lol
Hi hun how come u would prefer a girl? Xx
I always said I only wanted a girl but the day I found I was pregnant I just didn't care! All I wanted was for everything to be ok! Found out it was a boy and a health one and was so overcome with joy. A lot of friends have boys and they said a boy will always love his mummy no matter what happens! And from what I hear, girls are apparently a nightmare (though I can't remember being a naughty girl!) Lol x
I thought i would prefer a girl too, but im having a boy, and i was thrilled when i found out. Ive also heard girls are a lot harder! But as long as its healthy thats all that matters! And i had a little panic 2 weeks ago thinking "what if its a girl? ive got loads of blue stuff!!!" but i get to double check on friday, as im due another scan glad all is healthy with baby x
It's a shame that you are disappointed that you're having a boy. Every baby is a wonderful gift to be loved and appreciated and it is important to remember that not everyone is lucky enough to experience pregnancy and parenthood and some people may find your remarks offensive.
I was thinking the same but didn't know how to put it
I'm team 'Yellow'!
2 weeks ago a very good friend of mine lost her baby boy at term! Be thankful you are carrying a healthy child and be hopeful that your baby arrives safely irrespective of gender cause I know that she would do anything to be in your position right now
That must have been devastating, poor thing. I can't imagine how painful that must have been. Such tragedy really puts things into perspective!
It certainly does, giving life is a precious gift....treasure it, I am on my 3rd pregnancy too, previous losses in 1st trimester and am happy to say am 38+1 today
It was only because me and my partner both have a boy already to different partners and we did't want to have any more kids after this one i always said i wanted two a boy and a girl so i was disappointed that it was a boy but i was very happy that are baby boy (Jacob) was healthy it took use ages to get pregnant i was worried that it would not happen and i love my kids just the same and i am sorry for people that have loss kids or cant get pregnant it must be horrible . I'm sorry if i upset any one i did not mean to .
I think it's perfectly valid to be hoping for a specific sex. It doesn't mean that you wont love your baby regardless, or any less than if it were a girl and once it's born you'll never look back. I agree that any baby is a blessing and I'm getting a load of gender neutral stuff, but I think we should be able to express our true thoughts and not invalidate others feelings. Hannah you are not alone (I'm hoping for a boy) and I know you're disappointment wont last. Congratulations and good luck x