Now I feel like crying: Been on ctg for... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Now I feel like crying

22 Replies

Been on ctg for an hour babys heartbeat keeps dropping they said it was doing yesterday but more today. ... and I'm bordering on acceptable to suspicious but not to worry the midwife said they will just monitor me more that's all... want to get off this ride now I really don't like it :(

22 Replies

Try not to worry, although i know that is much easier said than done. you worrying can affect your heart rate and baby's as well in turn and make it seem worse. I was ill a few weeks ago, on the monitor for an hour and didn't meet the criteria needed in that time. Baby's heart rate was soaring because mine was....partly because I was ill and partly because I was worrying about the baby and it made my body react. I really hope you and baby are better soon xx


This sounds very distressing "just to read" have the midwifes/ doctors given you any explanation as to why the baby's heart beat is dropping ?

Is your blood pressure quite high?

Or has there being an dramatic change in your diet / eating habits?

If im correct in saying you & your partner / husband have recently split-up but you can't allow this to pull you under "espically for the other kids"

Pregnancy can be a tough / distressing time at the best of times so its important that you try & take care of yourself "as much as possible"


She said baby could be lying on his umbilical cord but yesterday when there were dips he was head down today he is transverse...I did come over all faint while on ctg so wondering if that affected baby just as long as he is ok :(

DrFluffy profile image

Aww Hun - I know your pain! For the last 20 hours of my labour, Sammy kept having 'type 2 dips' and several prolonged (90 mins plus) episodes of bradycardia... It's terrifying (especially when you know how to read a CTG!!)

Remember, you are in the right place, and on the CTG for good reason.

Thinking of you both xxx

in reply to DrFluffy

Blimey that is scary think I would of cried my eyes out! I'm Getting to the point where I just think hurry up and get to a point whereu can come out. . They did they may treat me with steriods for asthma but didn't that stunt growth?

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to

A short course of prednisalone won't hurt. They give a stronger steroid (dexamethasone) in two doses for elective Caesars before 40 weeks (as not so much birth trauma, so bubba doesn't make so much themselves - triggers the final par of maturation that usually occurs in SVD. X

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to DrFluffy

The worst bit was being able to spot a professional poker face! Senior midwives saying they weren't worried but spotting it a mile off in their eyes!!

cheekymonkey3791 profile image

How many weeks are you now?? Xx

Lynstoun profile image

How frightening. You are in the right place. Try to be reassured by the close monitoring. Take care x

Thanks Guys yeah hard not too worry when they have got worse. . She said they are borderline acceptable to suspicious. .. I'm 31+2 weeks saw a consultant she thinks I may have a chest infection then she said she thinks when the time comes I should have a section! So we were discussing that and sterilisation she was lovely she said my asthma is unacceptable so now waiting to see asthma drs finally found the strength to have a quick shower boy im knackered but clean...I was so embarrassed everytimei had to lift my gown to go on ctg said to midwife I'm so sorry I'm a bit smelly u may want to hold ur breath or get a mask :)

Oh sweetie, hang in there. It is so scary but thankfully you are in the right place. Just think that thankfully the baby is mature enough now to deal with any situation. Thinking of you and sending best wishes your way xx

May be able to go home! !! Medical red said she wasn't concerned about headaches and they will send me home with a nebuliser but the decision of me going home lays with other drs so just gotta Wait hopefully they will do another ctg of baby before I go xx

in reply to

Oh yay! Fingers crossed for you :-)

in reply to

Oh-yes that will be good.


The Dr asked ifi felt well enough to go home and I said I felt alot better than I did this morning.. so he said ok I'm still a bit breathless but much more myself but then he went the midwife was standing there and said I really think u should stay in just something telling me... ur still not 100% and ur still quite breathless so now I feel like i don't know what to do. ..I think I'm going to be breathless regardless think where baby is growing this is how it will be for rest of pregnancy

in reply to

Im sorry hun!

maybe its best to trust they're judgement i guess. they would probably feel just as guility to send you home & have a turn for the worst than to keep you in hospital & be monitored where they can get medical attention to you faster


Decision had been made im staying in... can't sort nebuliser out cos it's a Sunday! So being reviewed tmw. .. why do hospitals close these sort of things at weekends is like scans at epu not open women are still in need at wkds. . Well I'm ok with it gives me more time to feel 100% my midwife was glad she came over and have me a hug goodbye bless her and said she'd see me in the morning must admit have felt really looked after here :)

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to's just as annoying for the people who work in them too... Especially when ejits like those at the Daily Mail then print crap stories about put of hours death rates, blaming junior doctors and a lack of consultants... Er... No - it's cos it's now 7pm on a Friday and I can't organise the investigations I want for my patient until Monday, which means they probably won't happen til Tuesday...

Glad you're feeling better. :-)

Yeah at least I can rest think I'll be more on top form tmw x

joda profile image

Hope you feeling a lot better. Hospitals can have funny ideas of opening times. When I was a teenager I broke my wrist, by the time they'd decided was a def break the plaster room was closed (at 5.30pm) and I had to return the following morning to get the plaster put on. At least the nurses in wards look after you, and your in best place while you wait x

in reply to joda

Oh that is ridiculous surely things should be different now! Yeah ur Right I shouldn't moan but u know when ur getting better u start getting bored. . That's How I know x

joda profile image
joda in reply to

They should be better. I know, boredom makes time go so so slow. Hope you sorted now x

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