I had presumed that being over 40 would mean more checks / appointments etc but doesn't seem to be the case according to my midwife so I just wondered whether this was the case throughout the UK
Are there any other older expectant m... - Pregnancy and Par...
Are there any other older expectant mums on here ?

I had a baby earlier this year was 40 first pregnancy. Only had one extra appointment to see the consultant early on in the pregnancy. Was a bit pointless really. Had the combined blood test for downs came back low risk. Fortunately my pregnancy was uneventful apart nausea at the beginning had a really good pregnancy and birth experience. Good luck with your pregnancy.
in 39 and only saw the midwife at 8 weeks scan at 12 consultant at 16 then scan at 20 and seeing consultant this week at28.... think u actually get seen an extra time in the beginning if its ur first...luckily apart froma couple of worries and a couple of trips to triage everything has been fine fingers crossed it continues to do so
Being over 40 does not mean that your pregnancy will be high risk. Many "older" women are actually healthier than women 10 years younger than them. If they did not identify anything worrying during your pregnancy tests and scans there is no reason to offer you extra appointments.
Congratulations! My mum had her last baby aged 42, she was convinced that she was going to be told off for getting pregnant at her age as it's so much higher risk but that wasn't the case at all! In fact her doctor said "don't be silly, you're not THAT old" - charming
Enjoy your pregnancy x
I'm 41. First baby due in 5 weeks. I've only had the same appointments as a younger Mum to be. You are not automatically high risk but they will respond if anything comes up at your check ups with midwife. X
Hi - From what I understand, age is only one gradually increasing risk factor. I'm 37 / 38 and I do see the consultant regularly, but that is because of a combined risk of kidney disease and a really bad history of pre-eclampsia in the family, and the age thing was just one of those factors that helped them rate the risk of pre-eclampsia. So if you are fit and healthy then being over 40 doesn't make you a high risk pregnancy - though statistically, there is a higher risk of the trisomy (is that how you spell it?) disorders such as Downs Syndrome - which is assessed in the usual tests offered to you in the earlier stages of pregnancy. I was a bit paranoid about being considered old, and the midwife told me not to be silly, I was exactly the average age for women having babies in our area. Also I've found our local midwife drop in centres very useful and helpful if I have had any questions or concerns in between my scheduled appointments. Don't hesitate to contact them if you are worried about anything - it's what they are there for, but here's wishing you a happy and straightforward pregnancy.
thats great to know ladies. unfortuately at 13 weeks i have lost the pregnancy and had to have an induced miscarriage. am still in shock as had two previous healthy pregnancies but maybe there is still a future although at the moment struggling to see one.
Ah bless you. Sure you will have another baby if that is what you want. I am 26 weeks and 39 so dont think age is a factor. Think the main thing is you have less eggs but that wasnt a problem for me as I got pregnant after one night of unprotected sex! It obviously wasnt a problem for you either so as I say sure you will have another baby if you would like xxx
Hello everyone! I have a question. My friend wants to get pregnant, but she is already 37 years old. Would not it be dangerous at that age? She and her husband have already tried several times and still no way. She has already thouhgt to go to the center of surrogate motherhood. She really does not yet know which one. Of course, there are many choices, but they have not yet decided with her husband. Or should not they even try? I heard that in the center are working with different patients. This clinic is sort of like one of the best in this business. Although this center appeared not the first in Ukraine. In general, I do not know what to do. Yes, and specifically advise her something I can not. What do you think about it? She and her husband really want children. But adoption is not suitable for them! They want to have their own child. Children - our everything)