I haven't had the easiest pregnancy lots of sickness, backache and headaches...but until recently my twins have been doing very well but I now have highly increased waters and one twin is 4oz smaller than the other. I'm 32+2 so I should be out of the danger zone for TTTS...would be nice to hear from other ID twin mummy's
Are there any mums to be out there ex... - Pregnancy and Par...
Are there any mums to be out there expecting identical twins??

My twins weren't id but were born at 29+5 last December & there was a 6oz difference in their weights. I guess you ate having regular scans every fortnight? Or 4 weeks so if the docs have any concerns they'll keep you in and / or decide the babies need to come out. They're a good enough gestation now that it is an option to do that. Hope that helps, am sure the little ones will be fine xx
Did they have to spend anytime in special care? That's my biggest worry, if they come early xx
They were in SCBU for 8 weeks & the staff were amazing & so supportive. It can seem a little daunting at first with the wires & machines but its not that bad. Someone said to us don't be worried by the alarms on the monitors going off - if the staff arent worried then there's no need for the parents to be. My hubby & I have said that it actually probably helped as they came home on a 4 hourly feeding routine & we were shown so much by the nurses that you wouldn't be in the usual circumstances. On reflection, although a bit if a shock I wouldn't change anything about the boys entry into the world X
Thanks wickerbox, all I can do now is take it easy and rest, they're scanning me again on Tuesday so should know a bit more by then, I think I'm just worrying more as they're my first children and everything is so new. Glad to hear you had a positive experience though and that your little monkeys did well xxx
Hello chick I'm a mummy to identical twins they was born at 36 weeks and had no problems there nearly two now x