I posted a couple of weeks ago re: trying for a baby, comin off the pill etc.
Briefly, I never took the pill properly, had regular'ish periods.. Took the MAP on a good few occassions... In April me & my partner decided to try for another (we have a 5yo deliverd emergency csect)... Last pill was early April had 3x regular periods.. Worked out my cycle is about 30days!!?
Last period was 9th June & lasted 5 days..
Weve been 'at it' regularly to increase our chances.
I took 2 cheap pregnancy tests, 1 on Monday NEG. 1 on Friday, very faint second line :/
Bought a CLEARBLUE yesterday 'not pregnant'
Ive also had slight crampy feeling but not due on for another week or so.
Just to make things a little bit more difficult, my partner is a anabolic steroid user, in low doses. Hes been taking them for about 8 month.....
I know this can effect my partners sperm count just wondering if any1 has similar experience?