No period since 26th April (it's 7th June now, 6 weeks later). Did 2 pregnancy tests at 4 and 5 weeks, negative. Now I'm getting constipation and diarrhoea and sharp awful bowel pains, and some pains in right ovary area. I do have a cyst on right ovary. Any ideas?
Am I pregnant?: No period since 26th... - Pregnancy and Par...
Am I pregnant?

U need to do another pregnancy test...and go to ur drs.. Shame you couldn't of gone today they could of sent u for a scan but get a test tmw x

Thanks. Went to doctors a couple of days ago, said it wasn't ectopic pregnancy or infection and may be a problem with my bowels, but not to do a pregnancy test for 2 weeks.
I'd Still do another one. .. they should of done ur Bloods and sent u for a scan to rule out ectopic. .. if pain continues or gets worse then I'd go hospital my friend thought it was her bowels but was an ectopic x
Please do not get caught up in this nonsense with what human being can about your situation, your mind is always the battlefield which is where all the battle begins and if you allow someone to either manipulate or control it, then you are heading for danger. It makes no sense believing in all these crap, human being doesn't hold your future in their hand. If you believe evil then it will work and if you believe good it also works, so it's up to you as who and what you put your belief in. Iv'e heard a lot of people starting putting their belief in these fortune teller and in the end they drain their bank account and mess their whole life up, when they started out first, it looks very innocent until they have power over your mind, you are on a slippery road of no return, so get your self away from these lunatics. You also need to remind your mother-in-law that you did not marry to her but her son. i am happy I am not in a situation where mother-in-law tries to interfere with my life because I am not having it not in a million years, I never live her life so she can't live mind. Anyway I wish you the best on your pregnancy journey.
do another one, get a clear blue as they r incredibly accurate and give u how many weeks u r, if u r in unbearable pain go to hosp!
the post from sylvia12 is like spam as its on about 20 posts so no point replying. x

Thanks ceribean! Think I will take another then, thanks. Not in unbearable pain yet just ongoing but yeah will go to hospital if that happens.
Yep reported that other post thanks.