I'm 9 weeks pregnant and have been suffering from continual nausea for almost three weeks now. Will it ever go away??
How long does morning sickness last?? - Pregnancy and Par...
How long does morning sickness last??

hey, firstly congrats on ur pregnancy, I sympathise with u greatly, I had sickness from 9-14 weeks, morning and night, I felt absolutely bloody awful, I couldn't go out to eat with friends, I cudnt eat dinner with my boyfriend and yes I cried and cried, It was absolutely bloody horrible but there is light at the end of the tunnel I promise, I cant tell u when urs will exactly end as everyone is different but they say it usually starts to go after the first trimester, I lost a bit of weight between this time but am making up for it now, I just tried to eat little and often, and what I fancied, I normally plan my weekly meals but I cudnt as I didn't know what I would wake up feeling like from one day to the next, I ate a lot of ice lollies as a form of hydration and I was doing tht in February when it was a bit chilly, try dry toast, pasta, fruit. hope u feel btr soon x

Thanks for replying, really helps knowing I'm not the only sufferer! Unfortunately, I haven't lost my appetite but seem to find eating the only thing that stops the nausea.
Hi congrats, I am 11 weeks and have been the same with nausea, I got sea bands from boots over the weekend and they seem to be really helping, I suggest trying them, my husband calls them the miracle bands :-). x
Right, that's on my shopping list today! Anything that will help is worth a try. Thanks.
Thanks for your response. I'm feeling pretty down about it too so again, good to know I'm not the only sufferer! Bit fed up feeling sorry for myself now, but it's for a good cause I suppose!
Try Amazon for sea bands... got some for around £2! Though they didn't help. ..I got better around 12 weeks. . But it can last longer horrible isn't it makes u feel really rough. . Make sure ur well hydrated and have plenty of rest being tired can make u feel worse. . Hope it stops for u soon x

Thanks for your response. My boyfriend picked up some for me today (unfortunately they cost a lot more than £2 in boots!!) and they worked immediately. Not sure whether they really do work or if it's just psychological, but this evening was the first I've had in ages where I haven't once felt nauseous so I'm just relieved. Hope they will continue to do the trick...
Thanks again for your advice.
Hi congratulation and welcome to the wonderful world of being pregnant. Each individual is different and there body will react differently to different things. In saying this I have 3 other children and now 16 weeks on. I have never felt this lifeless before with any of the others. Also I still get morning sickness or should I say alday sickness. The good thing is for some it will stop and for others it will continue. I do hope it stops for u cause trust me it is very embarassing to have ur head over a public or work place toilet.
Congratulations. Sickness has to be the worst part of my pregnancy. its caused by your HCG levels. so if they are high your sickness will continue. unfortunately i suffer with hyperemesis. im 24 weeks and still getting bad sickness i spent a few weeks in hospital at 8 weeks and when i came out i was on steroids for a while to try stop the sickness.
I invested in the sickness bands. (only take them off to bath/shower) i think its psychological as it doesnt always stop my sickness. lol x