Well what I fun two weeks its been... I am 8 weeks pregnant and been in hospital three times as was unable to keep anything down. Now on three anti sickness tablets I hope they work as the next step is steroids :/. Has anyone had a similar situation? When does it end lol thanks
Morning sickness!!!!: Well what I fun... - Pregnancy and Par...
Morning sickness!!!!

I know how it feels, although I was very sick fom 13 weeks to 20 weeks, I was sick maybe six times day/night. But from 21 weeks it calmed down to once a week and now I haven't been sick for a few weeks
For you I hope it ends by 12/13 weeks, normally this is when most sickness stops or eases off!
Try and eat whatever your body will allow u to keep down, mine was rich tea biscuits and sausage rolls
Now back to normal eating habits
Thanks hunni, the only thing I've found is salt and vingear crisp sandwiches lol. Stable diet in front on me x
Ill tell my other half that he'll get really excited lol
i did everything i could to stay out of hospital, had my mum feed me spoonfuls of soup every few hours! my main sickness stopped about 15weeks but i still became sick at certain times and with certain foods upto about 22 weeks. like skyblueboston said eat/drink what ever you can keep down and slowly work more into your diet. Its hard and i really feel for you but it does stop and gets better.
I had morning sickness throughout both my pregnancies.all the way through I'm afraid. I had twins first time round-its always worse apparently. I took anti sikness pills (tried three types as you get used to them, adn throw them up too). I also found eating ginger nuts first thing, before even getting out of bed helped. that was hard for me as I am an early bird, and I like to get up as soon as I am awake, but I had to stop that, and just stay in bed until my hubbie had brought me breakfast (-and I ate ginger nut biscuits while I waited), and also I had to eat every two hours, little and often, and I found small penny chews/sweets/refresher bars helped. How I didn't end up the size of a cow I don't know! But I suppose throwing up everyday put pay to that. I just had to keep my sugar intake up, which helped it a little. I too ended up hospitalised, but hang in there. They say 'sick is safe', and that kept me going. Good luck with it-I felt so bad, it totally drained me and you will feel very tired, it makes you mroe emotional, but it is all for a good cause!! It might not seem like it, as growing babies is hard work, and they drain you of anything good you have during pregnancy, but stick with what works, keep a little record of what you did differently on the days youre not as sick, and you may find some relief. Being tired and stressed does not help-sleep and trying to relax (not worry about things)was the only thing that gave me some relief. The more I worried about being off work because I was being sick, the more sick I was.Once I factored in losing four hours of my day to it, it started to ease! I hope yours passes-the majority of sufferers only have it for the first 12-16 weeks, but it can persist. Good luck with our pregnancy. It really is worth it!
Thank you so much for your response. It's comforting to know its not just me I am having a good day today so fingers crossed
i had energy today so sadly used most of it to do a big clean lol how sad!! Xxx
Luckily for me ondansetron worked when I had hyperemesis- btw you do know you have hyperemesis and not morning sickness don't you?, but I know loads of women who've ended up on steroids, most of them found it a godsend when nothing else worked. Have you looked at pregnanycsicknesssupport.or... and pregnancysicknesssos.co.uk, there's loads of advice about severe pregnancy sickness and hyperemesis and how to cope with it.
Meant to say as well, mine started improving from about 18 weeks, but I had to take a small dose of anti sickness meds till birth. On pregnancysicknesssos.co.uk there's a section showing research on how long hyperemesis lasts for, unfortunately the 12 week thing is a myth, the average time for improvement of symptoms is about 21 weeks, but the majority of women have reduced symptoms till birth. Sorry for bearing bad news, but on the plus side, if the meds work for you, you can have a normalish life after about halfway when things start to improve and if you keep taking the tablets. 8-10 weeks is the worst bit for a lot of women, it certainly was for me. I was on medication from 6 weeks.
I am 15 weeks and my sickness has just stopped, between 8-14 weeks I felt like death and was living on a diet of fruit, ice lollies and cereal and lost weight but now I am starting to get my appetite back and I am much happier. I found that when I got hungary if I left it too long I felt even worse so even if u have some snacks with u wherever u go then u can just pick, even if its fruit or biscuits, but now I am enjoying it and feeling much chirpier
Someone said to me they always had a packet of lucozade tablets on them just for a bit of a glucose hit ...just thought I'd pass it on x
I was like this had to be on antisickness tablets for ages finaly managed to come off them then now at 37 weeks im back to throwing up all the time. I found Cyclizine works wonders and stopped me from throwing up really well, couldnt even keep water down and was throwing up blood as i kept rupturing my throat blood vessels and my stomach lining.