I'm 12 weeks and used a feotal heart monitor which picked it up and it was very clear and a very active baby anyone else had this if yes cud I be further gone x
Foetal heart monitor x: I'm 12 weeks... - Pregnancy and Par...
Foetal heart monitor x

people can hear their babys heartbeat from 9weeks. depends on size of the women etc.... my midwife picked up my babys heartbeat at 14weeks and it was strong and loud x
My midwife picked the heartbeat up at 13 weeks, I used my own and did this at 12 weeks
I have never even had a check with a doppler from the midwife (think she is rubbish). I am 14 weeks 3days. Bet that was amazing to hear it.
my midwife let me listen to heartbeat at 17 and 18 weeks, do u have a 16 week midwife apt megzey? she might let u listen to it then although they don't all do this.

Yeah I have got an app 2 weeks tomorrow and I will be nearly 17 weeks. Maybe she might let me have a listen in then, cant wait.
I used my friends got midwife tomoz but baby was very active x
i wasnt allowed to listen to my bubz heartbeat either. im 22 weeks now. last appt was at 19weeks. next one is at 25 weeks. and they said they will listen then x
Awww thts not good y dnt u buy one bbe think there 25 pound of amazon I've got my first midwife appointment tomoz x
Buy the angel sounds from amazon, it's brilliant buy extra gel though the bottle they give is tiny
Or just get baby oil works just as good x