Just a bit fed up.as my whole bowel doesn't work from lips to anus. I have oral thrush at the moment and I have waves of mouth ulcers. They run across my cheeks and in the back of my mouth/throat. I have lax cardia so the bottom of my oesophagus is floppy. Into the stomach I have gastritis and slow stomach emptying. My small intestine is tethered to the abdominal wall causing pain and tenderness. The food/chime sits in there. Into the large intestine I have slow/no peristaltic action with tenderness in the descending colon. Despite this I get deep bowel twitching at random times (a shit gastro said this is a sign of a very disordered bowel). I've got a midline hernia from intense constipation during radiotherapy. I have an upper left hand large incisional hernia from an adrenalectomy. I've got chronic constipation that requires 12 sodium docusate a day and a low/no residue diet. Finally I've got a retropubalis muscle problem that makes having a poo practically impossible.
#gaslightinggastro #fedup #uncomfortable #malnourished #constipation