Hello everyone
Haven’t posted for a long time
I’ve had 2 x GP appointment cancelled in the last two weeks, unfortunately both GP are off sick
I don’t know wether to laugh or cry
I’m so sorry I thought I could let of steam with you lovely people
It’s taken me awhile to plug up courage to make appointment
Discharge I’ve been losing, it can light or dark but very sticky
I’ve had a urine test and a swab taken, I know that if there anything to worry I would have heard from the medical center
But it would be nice to talk to them, to discuss what is happening to me
The loss of weight, constantly tired
Unfortunately my husband has had a major surgery to remove cancer from his Gum
Just had six weeks of radiation, for the cancer in the soft palate in roof of his mouth.
We won’t know if it’s worked until the end of October
Sadly we lost a granddaughter very suddenly at end of March
Before all that , I managed to drive my car into some poor young girl’s, lounge window
She only been her home for a few weeks
Car was a right off
So one way or another it’s been tough
Thank you for listening