Oxford Vaccine: Please bear with me... - Positive Wellbein...

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Oxford Vaccine

ShelWhitt profile image
106 Replies

Please bear with me, this is quite a lengthy post. Am I the only person who is concerned about latest reports regarding blood clots and the Oxford vaccine. I know I am paranoid about this, and suffer with extreme anxiety but I can't shake it off. For starters, I originally debated with myself, whether or not to even have the vaccine. Like a lot on here I have various medical problems including thyroid which affects my immune system and suffer with extremem anxiety. As i already feel ill a lot of the time and have always had adverse effects with medications I was reluctant to go for the jab, , in case it made me feel worse. However my DH and various others I know had had it, in January without adverse effects, and so I eventually decided, as the lesser of two evils, - lets face it no one actually wants to get Covid - I would have it. So when I got my appointment , just over a months ago now, I went and did have it. I also, as anticipated, had an adverse effect. I had a really bad migraine. I was in bed for over 24 hours with nothing to eat for drink other than sips of water. I felt really ill. So in view, of my initial thoughts, I was worried, and concerned, and still am, about going for the second dose.

Furthermore I am very angry, as what I didn't know at the time, as I never thought to ask if that everyone I know prior to me, had the Pffizer vaccine. I found out afterwards that I was in the first batch in our area to have the Oxford vaccine. Had I known I was being given a different vaccine to DH, I would not have had it. OK I know I could, and with hindsight should, have checked myself. but I had no reason to think I wold be getting a different vaccine, so I didn't. It does state on the card I was given, but being in a state of anxiety to start with, I didn't even look at it, just wanted to get the jab over and done with. Anyhow now, I have been reading accounts of several European and Scandinavian countries halting the vaccinations with the Oxford vaccine due to cases of blood clots, some serious and even deaths and I am now in a state of panic., and I now definitely do not want to have the second dose of the Oxford vaccine. But, I don't know what I can do. I don't think they will let me change now, and have two doses of the Pffizer vaccine, after aleady having a first dose of the Oxford one. I haven't read any reports of people doing that, or whether any tests have been done. Or whether having a mixture of two different vaccines, one of each, has been adequately tested, or if they would let me have the Pffizer for my second dose. The only other option would be to ask to have two doses of the Pffizer vaccine, but would that even be feasible or have been tested when I have already had a dose of the Oxford one. More to the point would the powers that be want or be prepared to help me out. If anyone has any proven information regarding these issues I would appreciate your input. Thank you in anticipation.

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ShelWhitt profile image
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106 Replies
Roukaya profile image

Good morning I hurt you are well

I myself wrote a post yesterday about having the jab

After overwhelming encouragement I went yesterday and took the Oxford vaccine

I spoke to the staff at the vaccination centre and they said they have no known cases of blood clots linked to the Astra Zeneca vaccine

I was worried all day yesterday as my appointment was yesterday afternoon

I did not sleep well because scared of side effects but a night following the vaccine , I seem to be tired as I was anxious due to not sleeping well

I had many replies encouraging me to go

If you are very apprehensive , you could make an appointment to speak with your Gp who can put your mind at rest

in reply to Roukaya

Hi shell Witt yes we went through this yesterday and I wrote a post, a lot is scare mongering from false news and at end of day when we read the possible side effects on any medication it's enough to make us not take it I've don't that myself and suffered needlessly the benefits outway the risks and your anxiety I'm sure be worst without the jab, I suffer from health anxiety too not too bad I manage to calm myself and we wil drive ourselfes mad from.worry please try some anxiety help I hope you can fell calmer sending a hug and happy mother's day luv Mandy and pixie 🧡😻💐xxx

in reply to

A lot of these headlines are just scare stories and I take them with a grain of salt myself!

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Hi Curly 1. Thank you for your advice.

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Roukaya

Thank you Roukaya.

focused1 profile image
focused1Reading Rabbits in reply to Roukaya

Such great advice Roukaya and very valid as your experience mirror the written subject . I think a lot of us were slightly apprehensive and some of us plain terrified but relieved when we had been - sense of achievement .

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to focused1

Thank you for your kind words I think my Mum would like to go for the vaccine since I have gone but she is trying to find someone to accompany her

I try to help Mum but she has few friends and relatives as most of the family are gold diggers

I wonder did you have any side effects with the vaccine ?

If so how long did they last ?

My Mum very much on her own is a very independent and determined person but who is struggling to find someone to accompany her for the vaccine

I hope you are keeping well

in reply to Roukaya

I'm going to mine next week with my sister in law and she will be sitting outside the vaccine centre for support.

focused1 profile image
focused1Reading Rabbits in reply to Roukaya

I just felt tired for a couple of days - a bit like getting to the end of flu when the cold has gone but you still feel that 50% feeling . Managed to work but felt like I had missed sleep for days . Was worth it though as all over now . I know what you mean about gold diggers . My husbands cousin has a crazy successful business and apart from a few he has no true friends . People want to know him and expect all free which he gives but reflects on this .

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to focused1

Good Afternoon I hope you are ok

I am beginning to realise that I face a decision to make

The older both me and Mum are becoming the more she needs reassurance and external support

I had the jab yesterday to realise I take on all of Mums responsibilities even though she she far away

We have just found out that the part driver she has employed has cheated us on a Pilgrimage we paid for him to do on my Father’s behalf

We had paid him more than the actual cost trusting him but he did not provide us any receipts

I asked if he did the Pilgrimage on behalf of my Father he an excuse and I realise he took out money on the pretense he would do the Pilgrimage for my Father but he did it for his wife instead

As my Mum is trying to sell a property he could see that she would having some money so has used this as an excuse to say we did not pay him enough

It is extremely sad to see how both of us have been taken advantage of by a poor pensioner who came to Mum begging for a job ad a part time driver

I realise unless I pass the last unit and find a years work experience I will go and settle where Mum is and then I think my main purpose was to be a carer for both Dad and Mum

I have difficulty concentrating and focusing on my own needs given the constant need for help my Mother needs

I find this also contributes to my anxiety and inability to make a life for myself

It is very hard being an only child of elderly parents

I am hoping to sell the rental flat as from the end of next year and if I am able to requalify I would ask Mum to join me here

I looked after my Father until he died in 2018 I was forty eight then

Since then trying to start again but every time I try my Mothers worries overwhelm me

Hence the anxiety

focused1 profile image
focused1Reading Rabbits in reply to Roukaya

Your problems are unique to you but almost all families - children , the elderly , if you have siblings all bring worry from time to time . You mum although elderly seems to be very mentally strong - strong enough to answer you back voicing her opinion . If she has been cheated out of money it really really must make you angry but it seems things are being sorted out or at least acknowledged . You are waiting to see her and I wouldn't make any concrete plans until you visit and see face to face what it would entail to actually move nearer to her . Things may change for you so give this a chance and give this your best shot . We need people to network and Covid has a lot to do with this . Once you can speak to people and visit/work in buildings it may open many opportunities for you . I miss travelling - can't wait to see my son who had to get married almost alone in USA . He has been married now over a year and they have had housing problems as he couldn't work but time has sorted together with acceptance/patience . You have a lot going for you . Clearly intelligent and have a pathway career wise to follow. Mum seems OK so try and think of her but not too deeply as you can't do much about things in her life only phone her which is keeping her going . I don't think you realise that your daily calls support her in many ways .

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to focused1

Good Afternoon I hope you are well

I thank you for your well written reply with clarity and understanding.

I think you have a great deal of wisdom and life experience and you are right all families have their dynamics unique to them

A Plumber many years ago told me , once you resolve a problems another one comes

Mum is an independent and feisty little lady

She has become a mini me of Dad who at one time would give the tremors to his staff who worked under him

Mum has decided not to employ the driver anymore given what we have found out

We have a saying God works in mysterious ways and out the blue I was able to go on the Pilgrimage just before Lockdown and I could see first hand his lies ,

It is strange that I have always said never underestimate the potential and capability of some one and he clearly saw two women who trusted a so called religious Pensioner and he thought we would never unravel his secrets and lies

I hope you are ok

I am sure you wish to meet up with your son as zi wish to visit my Mum a little Madame

So you are very right and I respect your opinion and understanding

Life rarely works out the way we plan but God always has a plan

Again with patience and acceptance and with resolve to have the determination to make a progressive life , there will always be an answer well worth waiting for

A Doctor many years once told me

The fruit of patience is very sweet

In the words of my favourite boxer

Muhammad Ali

Service to others is the rent we pay on Earth for our room in heavens

He would give tonnes of food to those in the greatest need which is the core of our religion

It is also important as with the Christian faith to share our blessings again a core belief of our religion

I expect you miss your children as I miss my little Mum

For your kindness and understanding

I wish you a Happy Mothering Sunday

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to focused1

I would like to explain that if I have said too much in my last post then I will understand if you are unable to reply

focused1 profile image
focused1Reading Rabbits in reply to Roukaya

No you haven't . You sometimes need to vent a little - we all do .

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to focused1

Thank you for your understanding Much appreciated

Ali_H profile image

The good news.... you are one of the hundreds and thousands who didn’t get a blood clot and hopefully you now have some antibodies.

As you did get a migraine reaction I would suggest the days before your next vaccine make sure you’ve taken plenty of water on board (drink at least 2 litres of water during the day before and plenty on the day). That should take the edge of things.

I have several allergies and took antihistamine before my 1st vaccine and will do so again for my second one. Plus I’ll drink plenty of water of course...🙃

All the best


Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to Ali_H

Thank you for mentioning drinking plenty of water Ali, I also get migraines. I didn’t think to do that yesterday but will today and before the next jab.

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Ali_H

Thank you Ali, will do!

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to ShelWhitt

What about the antihistamine, would that help and would it interfere with my levothyroxine. Sorry to be such a pain.!

in reply to ShelWhitt

Have a chat with your pharmacist about drug interactions if you are worried.

Ali_H profile image
Ali_H in reply to ShelWhitt


Sorry I can’t answer that question as I have no knowledge/experience of levothyroxine but it would be worth asking your Dr before the follow up vaccine.

All the best


ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Ali_H

Thank you Ali. I don't want to go through the exoperience I had last time, again!

Rachmaninov2 profile image

I’m having mine at 9.50 today (Oxford AZ), feeling rather worried too.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Rachmaninov2

Good morning I hope you are well

I was extremely worried about taking the vaccine

I had the jan yesterday despite my fears

At the vaccination centre , you can speak to the person about all of your concerns just before taking the jab at the cubicle where they administer the vaccine

I live on my own and I was very scared too of taking the vaccine but try to speak to them before the jab

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to Roukaya

Thankyou for replying Roukaya, I know how worried you were so well done for having it. I’m grateful for your reassurance.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Rachmaninov2

Good luck R, hope it goes well. xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to springcross

Thank you springcross, I appreciate your good wishes.

in reply to Rachmaninov2

Hi Rach hope it goes well sure it will I know loads had it no problems pixie sends a hug for you on this special day day of your vaccine and mother's Day 😻💐xxx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to

Thank you for your reassurance and good wishes Mandy, it’s much appreciated.

in reply to Rachmaninov2

How are you getting there is it at doctors

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to

No, it’s at a local health centre, I’m getting a bus and walking the rest of the way. Have hardly been out so feeling apprehensive.

in reply to Rachmaninov2

I wasn't too bad as had mask n Vasa I feel so much safer with the Vasa it soon was over and very safe I had headach and tired later in the day but that was all may not have been that as I'm like it anyway most the time lol pixies fast asleep and snoring bless him 😻

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to


in reply to Rachmaninov2

Just off to mam's he's turned up there lol my door was open so don't know maby he knew I'm going and didn't want to get locked in here on own lol 😊😻

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to

He’s one step ahead of you Mandy.🙂

in reply to Rachmaninov2

He's got me a carnation plant bless but he eat the stuff on it

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to


Rachmaninov2 profile image

Thank you very much for replying Jerry, I’m grateful for your reassurance and good wishes. I also have an autoimmune disease, so understand what you say. I will let you know how I get on.

Hi ShelWhitt, I have a husband who gets really nervous when he reads any sort of controversial headline from any source, and I do understand but I always try to unpick it to to allay some of his alarm.When he reads out something on the face of it frightening, I always start by asking "what's your source?" Because quite often it turns out to be a far less than than reliable one. Beware all that is said in the media, particularly if there might be a one sided political agenda.

Then I ask him to look for further evidence. How many sources, independent of each other are reporting on this. One of the greatest bits of evidence with the vaccine, is the enormous number of people who HAVEN'T had the side effect.

And in the case of this particular kind of alarm spreading, I ask him to give me other scientific sources of the news story. What are our scientists saying or doing about it?

Every Tom, Dick and Harry has a theory about everything these days and it never fails to astound me how it can be that, often, the opinion of A N Other, with no more than the same background knowledge as me, can be such an expert. And why so many people rush to agree that it must be true.

So I'd try not to worry too much Shelwitt, unless you can find an overwhelming groundswell of properly informed scientific opinion, that this vaccine is risky in any way.

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Thank you Callendersgal for you reassuring words. I am hoping to see the positive results and reports from those who have had both jabs, before I get notice to have mine, and this will make me feel a lot better.

ShelWhitt profile image

Thank you for yuour reassurance.

Rachmaninov2 profile image

Apologies ShelWhitt for hijacking your post. Please don’t worry too much about your second OAZ jab, the replies today have reassured me and I hope you too.

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Rachmaninov2

Was it your second jab Rachmaninov? I will wait to see how you feel in a few day; , as my adverse effects with my first jab were not good, I was in bed for 24 hours feeling really ill, and had nothing to eat or drink only sips of water., and tis was on the following day. I hope you are fine and look forward to hearing how you get on!

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to ShelWhitt

Just picked up that Ireland have now suspended vaccinations! Hope I am wrong!

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to ShelWhitt

No, my first. Sorry ShelWhitt, if I misled you.

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Rachmaninov2

OK. Hope you are still feeling fine!

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to ShelWhitt

I had a flare of my RD yesterday and arms heavy /achey, feeling a bit unwell. Last night I slept for 7 hours which is the best nights sleep I’ve had for ages. Will update you as to how I feel today.

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Rachmaninov2

Sorry you are feeling unwell! Sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery. The extra sleep has got to have done you some good I think! Keep me updated. I am sure you will be fine. We have had lots of reassurance from the experts! xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to ShelWhitt

Thank you ShelWhitt, the longer sleep was great! I have read that for some people, side effects can come on some days after the jab. We are all different in our reactions. I hope you are feeling a little bit less anxious.

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Rachmaninov2

Feeling a bit more reassured today. I think part of the problem is that everyone is different so you don't really know what to expect. The unknown is always a bit scary!I am not a gambler, but the odds are pretty good, so I'll go with that. I hope you are OK now. Stay safe.

Rachmaninov2 profile image

I am back home, was all done in 10 minutes. Very efficient, they didn’t even want to know what medication I am taking only about anti coagulants.Thank you very much to everyone who gave me their support, it helped a lot.

Rachmaninov2 profile image

Thank you Jerry, I will do that.

ShelWhitt profile image

Thank you Jerry. I had seen the report and the fact that so many countries are halting the vaccinations is what is concerning me. I get what you say about the vaccine being rationed but still wonder if it has been tested enough! Like I say I suffer with anxiety and on this issue know I am being paranoid! But knowing that doesn't help, unfortunately! I am waiting with interest to hear the results and effects after the second dose, before I decide!

Rachmaninov2 profile image

Thank you Mydexter.

Rachmaninov2 profile image

I heard about Ireland on the radio when I got home from having mine. You just have to weigh up the pros and cons and hope that you made the right decision.

Rachmaninov2 profile image

Hopefully won’t need to but thank you Londinium.

Rachmaninov2 profile image

I wasn’t given one .

Rachmaninov2 profile image

Perhaps they assume people know how to report online.

S11m profile image

Vaccine recipients are no more likely to get blood slots - see about 7.5 minutes in:


ShelWhitt profile image

When you say a bigger immune system response, what do you actually mean . Feeling worse or better as a reaction.?

My advice is to take what the papers say with a grain of salt as they tend to exaggerate!

Have a chat with your gp if you are worried and they will put you at ease.

HiI had the Oxford vaccine in January with no adverse effects, just a bit if a headache, hubby had wobbly legs. We are due our next one in April. From what I've read there is no proof that the vaccine causes blood clots. I would advise you to have your second Oxford one. Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

i Lynne. Thanks. I have taken on board what everyone says.. I am pretty sure when the days comes I will be there., because at the end f the day, I am more worried by the virus than the vaccine. I wasn't unduly concerned when I went for my first jab The problem has arisen because I had such a rough time after it. When I had a phone consult with the doc, over something else, a week later, I mentioned it and she said pretty much the same as everyone else. It was my immune system kicking in. If that is the case why is it not happening to everyone? Shouldn't everyone's immune system be kicking in? Isn't that the whole point? This is the trouble with anxiety, You understand the logic. You know how you SHOULD feel, but that doesn't make it happen! And, it is not helping that there are now quite a few countries suspending administration of the vaccine ; the latest being Ireland due to problems. I am waiting to hear/see the results and experiences from people who have had both doses of the vaccine; after having a bad experience with the first one. So watch this space, as they say!

in reply to ShelWhitt

Hi How are you feeling this morning?

My friend's husband had a bad reaction to the Oxford one. My friend had hers done a few weeks later and she was fine. My friend dosed herself up before she went, her hubby is going to do the same. His second one is 18th April like me and Dave. I will let you know how the gets on. Even though he was rough for 24 hours he insists that will be there for his second one.Please have your second one done.

Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗🌈🌹

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Thanks Lynne. Provided there are no more scares I will be. I am wondering when our next jabs will be. DH had his first in January - Pffizer. Friends/neighbours etc. all around us - all Pffizer. All OK. I know this sounds irrational but I was initially undecided. In fact, I had pretty much decided against having the vaccine , for various reasons, not least because I was feeling really ill anyway, at the time. But, along with others, but mainly due to hubby having no reaction , I was finally convinced to go for it! No way would I have gone if I had known they were giving me a different vaccine. I didn't know they were changing it, and so had no reason to ask, and I definitely wasn't told. OK it did state it on the card I was given, but I never looked. To be honest, being on my own , I was so intent in getting it over with But hey ho. Too late now! We haven't been given dates for the second one yet . We are waiting to be notified by phone. Hence me needing to know ASAP what the effects are, after two doses of the Oxford vaccine, in particular with anyone having had a bad reaction after the first dose. Sorry about the ramble. Take care. xx

P.S. What do you mean by your friend dosed herself up? What with exactly? I am open to anything which will help!

in reply to ShelWhitt

HiI listened to Dr Hilary this morning. He said it's not been proved because there are so few cases, he thinks the blood clots were already there. Also, when you pick up a prescription from the chemist, it always has a little leaflet inside and the amount of side effects listed is unbelievable!! We would never take anything again if we read everything on that list!! If you read it carefully the worst side effects are one out of say 10000 people might get that side effect!!

My friend just meant paracetamol or co-codamol. Nothing strong, just something to help. My friend didn't have any side effects. Her husband will be taking paracetamol before his next one. He was only ill for a day. I wouldn't mind if I didn't feel good afterwards so long as I was protected against covid-19. Me, Dave and my friend's husband are all on the 18th April , exactly 12 weeks after our first one.

Take care and stay safe

All my love Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜 🤗

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Thank you Lynne. I have been listening to the all the experts and understand what they say! I have taken on board the advice and think I will take some paracetamol, and drink lots of water. before I go for my next jab. I wish we knew when that was going to be. I know it's stupid but it is just something else which is now causing stress! Can anyone tell me why there has to be so much inconsistency. A near neighbour aged 83 managed to get BOTH his Pffizer vaccinations, early in January. DH who is 82 and extremely vulnerable, had his first in mid January and hasn't been given a date yet for his second. He has dementia which affects his mental state and he is constantly agitating because he hasn't had his second jab yet! when he knows our neighbour has - he simply doesn't understand why - and to be honest I am not sure I do either. It seems to be a complete mix up. Then there's me, who has had a different vaccine, but still not got a date for my second dose either Messages on Facebook from our Health Centre keep telling us not to contact them. We have got to wait for a phone call. DH's brother, living ten miles away, 12 years his junior, simply rang up a local vaccination centre, booked in and had his jab straight away! and guess what, he had the Pffizer vaccine! The stupid thing is, I am not aware of anyone else, around me, who has objected to being given the Oxford vaccine. But wait a minute, maybe that is because they didn't need to as they have all had the Pffizer. I know there are bound to be some others locally who have had the same vaccine as me, it is just I don't know any of them! Sorry Lynne. I am jabbering on again. Take no notice. I am still smarting from having a really bad day with DH yesterday. Sta safe. xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to ShelWhitt

I haven’t been given a date for my second jab ShelWhitt, they are going to contact me sometime in the next 12 weeks. I think anxiety is born out of uncertainty and the feeling of having little control over circumstances. Everyone is already experiencing this because of the general COVID situation. 🌈

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Rachmaninov2

You have hit the nail on the head, Rachmaninov. Exactly!

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to ShelWhitt

Just to let you know that I had a sore arm yesterday and my RD flared up (but that may not have been caused by the jab). I hope you are still feeling reassured.🙂

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Rachmaninov2

Hope you are feeling better today. I am still feeling reassured thank you. Just want to get the second one over with now . With a bit of luck it will be sooner rather than later. Stay safe. xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to ShelWhitt

Thank you, I’m really pleased that you feel more positive now. I am feeling the same as you regarding the second jab, I hope they do contact me within the 10 weeks. I will let you know when I hear anything.🙂👍

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Rachmaninov2

Yes, please do keep in touch. I will let you know when I get to have my second jab, and how it goes. I have read somewhere that there are less side effects from the second dose than the first, so fingers crossed we should be fine. Take care and stay safe. xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to ShelWhitt

So far I can’t say I’ve had much in the way of side effects, but it’s early days. 🤞🙂Thank you and you.

in reply to ShelWhitt

HiSometimes it might depend how many patients are a certain age at each group practice. You could hat a small surgery who don't have many 80+year olds etc do they can get through the vaccines for each age group a lot quicker. Mine is exactly 12 weeks from my first jab . You could phone them up to ask what's happening.

Take care and stay safe Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Yes, Lynne. I do realise it is a complicated thing to administer? We are told, on Facebook, not to phone regarding Covid vaccinations as we need to leave the lines open for appointments. I understand that;and in any case it takes at least half an hour to get through; so I did pose the question on Facebook, but have not received an answer. as yet! It seems your practice have managed to sort out future appointments and I know of others that have, but evidently it isn't possible for ours to do it. So we have no option but to wait. This is how stupid things are here. Our health centre keeps repeatedly putting on Face book that people are not turning up for vaccination appointments and it is crucial they cancel if they are not able to make it. I rang the phone number given on the card, and it was a recorded message. It said "Please do not leave a message as this phone isn't manned". Stay safe. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

HiMine was done at a centre in Rochdale, our practice aren't doing them. One or two at the practice are helping out at the centre. It was really well organized.

How are you feeling today?

Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜 🤗

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Hi Lynne. Hope you are feeling OK today. I'm not too bad, thank you for asking. It has been quite pleasant weather wise here today and I intended going for a short walk (and I do mean short) , as staying in is starting to get to me, but I didn't manage it. So will try again tomorrow.Going back to the vaccinations. To be honest ours have been run pretty well, but not from our local Health centre. We have to travel about 6 miles to another centre which has been set up, and takes in three or 4 other villages. On arrival it was pretty well organised, I joined a queue, but hardly any waiting time, and afterwards, sat down as I thought for 15 minutes. I was asked if I was driving. As I wasn't I was told I could go. It would have been more convenient if me and DH could have gone together; as we have to take taxis, and I did ask, but it wasn't possible, as he is 82 and I am 78, so I was in the next batch. So obviously it is going to be the same with the second doses, especially as we have had different vaccines. It was posted on facebook from our local NHS that the second batch of vaccines are about to be rolled out. But it isn't made clear whether that includes us, as they appear to be working independently of our local area, so will have to wait and see! Speak again soon. Take care. Love and hugs. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

HiGlad you are feeling ok. I've not been good today, I've been in more pain than ever today. I'm normally glass half full but it is getting me down at the moment.

It's a shame you couldn't have your vaccines together especially as you have to get a taxi. Our second second vaccine is in 18th April exactly 12 weeks after our first one. Hope you sleep well.

Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Good morning Lynne. 04.30. In a lot of pain. Just been downstairs and made us both a cuppa! Not sure, but a couple of days ago did a bit of tidying up in the back garden, so probably overdid it! As you tend to do, when feeling a bit better! Never seem to learn! Sorry you are feeling rough again. Do you know why? I always try to find a reason when I have a flair, But more often than not, I can't find one! Had to get our son- in- law here yesterday, the bulb in the bathroom light went - always another job! I couldn't get the shade off. Have left it off for now, and will have to get a simpler fitting , when we can get out again! I think I need to look first , rather than just buy on line.

It is good that you know when your next vaccination is, I wish we did, but we'll just have to wait and see! Stay safe. Hope you have managed some sleep tonight , and will speak again soon. Off to get my trusty hot water bottle, Love and hugs. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

HiI'm sorry you aren't feeling great. I think all my conditions have decided to have a big flare up all in one go!! I don't know why??

Hope you managed to get back to sleep.

All my love Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

No. No more sleep after 430 this morning, sadly. Have had a bad headache every afternoon this week; and been to bed again today.. Also my back has gone, so been hobbling about a bit and having extra pain.. Bedtime again now, and have already had an hours nap on sofa, yet ,again, so I expect it will be another sleepless night. Wish I could get into a proper sleep routine, I am I am sure I would feel better. Also, on a bit of a downer; getting fed up of thinking what to have, and getting meals. Don't mind me. I am sure it will pass!

I hope you are feeling a bit better today. and your flair settled down? It is so disheartening wen you can't shake it off, and there is nothing you can do, other than wait it out! Wishing you sweet dreams and a better day tomorrow! Love and hugs. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

Thank you so much for your kind words. I ordered my repeat meds on Tuesday but they weren't ready until this afternoon!! I didn't think they worked but I've realized they do as I've been in absolute agony having run out of a few. Thankfully Dave has picked them up this afternoon. I'm still in a lot of pain but it's nothing compared to when I'd run out!! I've hardly been able to get out of bed this week. I am so lucky to have such a great support network of family and friends and of course everyone on here!Sending lots of love to you and yours

Lynne and Dave xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗

Veteran250 profile image


I have high blood pressure, I had the Oxford vaccine on 4th Febuary with no reaction whatsoeve, nor did my wife, except for tenderness around the point of entry of the needle, but only for a couple of days...., surely a migraine for 24hours is better than getting the virus🙂

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Veteran250

I think you are probably right Don. I have let my anxiety take control. Something else I can put down to being cooped up for months! Hopefully things will be 'almost' back to normal by summer???

ShelWhitt profile image

No news yet though about those that have had the second AZ jab, Whether any side effects or not? If it was all , or even only , about the vaccine, things might have been different, but it's not! If I had been happy with how things had gone from day 1 with this pandemic, I might not now feel so anxious, but lets face it, it's been one big 'hiccough ' after another since the start. Even allowing for the fact that it was unexpected, and the powers that be weren't prepared, it has fallen short at almost every hurdle. Being too preoccupied at the time with Brexit. Starting with shortage of PPi's; lockdowns too late; no screening at airports; conflicting guidance about isolating; lack of clear guidelines for care in residential homes; whether or not we should wear masks; no proper reaching out, guidance or help for people living alone; or elderly not being internet savvy; no plan B for people not being able to get online shopping: and the list goes on. The track record leaves a lot to be desired. The only thing, that on the face of it, up to now at least, appears to be a success, is the vaccinations roll out. In view of all the previous; and the doubts several other countries are showing regarding the vaccine safety; is there any wonder that we are hesitant to trust what we are being told . Has it really been tested enough? Unfortunately only time will tell!

in reply to ShelWhitt


Yes, I agree that things like the first lockdown were too late. I do also agree with the scientists re vaccine. It's Boris who hasn't listened to advice from the scientists re lockdown etc. He has listened to them re vaccine and had got it spot on for once !! Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜 🤗

Rachmaninov2 profile image

I agree completely Scrumbler, and we need hope and trust to be able to live our daily lives. Without these two things what is the point (speaking personally)🙂🌈

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired

I was glad to get the Astra Zenica one; I was not happy with the revelation that some folk had had Aniphyliactic reactions to the Pfizer one. I have had that kind of reaction before and didn't want it again.

I had a couple of days discomfort, but it is the immune system reacting to the deactivated proteins in the Vaccine and shows you are building an immune reaction, which is good.

Cheers, Midori

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to Midori

Thank you Midori. I appreciate your advice.

ShelWhitt profile image

Thank you Jerry. At least our medical advisers are advocating taking the vaccine, in spite of what the other 10 countries are saying. I will feel better when I have heard the results after people have had the second dose,

ShelWhitt profile image

Now you have mentioned it, I am wondering if my bad reaction could have been down to an overactive immune system, as I have fibromyalgia as well as being hypothyroid (which has been somewhat inconsistent over the last 12 months). Just a thought, in which case I wonder if that could affect the effect of the second jab?

ShelWhitt profile image

What yellow card. I wasn't given one!

ShelWhitt profile image

You are right about that. That is even more concerning to know!

Yes, I completely agree with you Scrumbler. We want some normality back in our lives and the only way that can happen is if we have the vaccine. There is a lot of scare mongering going on. Take care and stay safe Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗

ShelWhitt profile image

T hank you Jerry. I have seen/read a lot of reassurance over the last couple of days. At the same time, there seems to be a veritable hornets nest buzzing out there! I have now definitely had enough, of this covid thing, and can't wait to get back to normal!Just as a matter of interest had anyone seen the data showing the reactions after having both doses of the vaccines?

ShelWhitt profile image

After reading the above - re yellow forms. We have been listening to all these reports from the experts regarding data, but if they have not been getting results of adverse effects reported, i.e.yellow cards weren't issued, is it another case of can we trust the data? I don't think my mind can handle much more of this!

rosyG profile image

the only way to be re-assured is to look at the figures There have been 37 cases of blood clots out of 11 million doses and there would e one clot per thousand people normally hope this helps

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to rosyG

Point taken Rosy!

Rachmaninov2 profile image

I will do that Scrumbler.

ShelWhitt profile image

As I said earlier. It is a bit like track and trace. The system only works if everyone participates and the information submitted is accurate. To be honest I don't have a lot of faith in it being accurate. It would have made more sense for everyone to have filled in a questionnaire in detailing any side effects. But | suppose that would be too simple!

ShelWhitt profile image

Thank you for responding Scrumbler. I do accept and agree with most of what you say, but this morning it was compared to the MMR vaccine The last I heard, that was controversial, but I must admit I haven't kept up to date with that, having no young children. I wouldn't have thought that using Thalidomide as an example would be likely to inspire confidence. At the end of the day all we can do, is listen to the experts, use our own judgement, and trust to luck. Stay safe.

ShelWhitt profile image

You are so right. I am glad that I brought the subject of the Oxford vaccine and my anxiety up for discussion on this site, as it has provoked a lot of discussion; helped me to get it out of my system, and given me the reassurance I think I was seeking. Many thanks to you all. I am so pleased I joined this group. Everyone is so helpful, understanding and tolerant. Whenever I have needed to 'offload' I have always been treated with kindness. I hope I have managed to reciprocate when I have replied to others going through difficulties of one sort or another. Stay safe everyone. xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to ShelWhitt


ShelWhitt profile image


Veteran250 profile image

Shel..... you posted this over a month ago, but I have only just come across it, I had the Oxford jab back in early Febuary, my second Oxford jab is due next Thursday 29th April..... and I’m still going for it...... as far as I can understand, only a few in thousands get blood clots, and I think it may have been proved, none at all, it depends who you believe..... so if you don’t go for the second jab, your just putting yourself under more stress..... but do what you think is best for you.


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