It can be something you can buy with money or anything you like
What is the best present you could ho... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What is the best present you could hope for for Christmas time?

That’s a great question wiserlady. What would yours be ? I’d like something very simple but it’s related to my health. To be able to sit up for a couple of hours 😊
I'd love a little pied à terre out in the country, maybe something as simple as a Russian dacha. Just a couple of rooms, a water source and a secluded little garden with a shady tree.

sounds a bit like the chocolate box photos?
Could be wiserlady!! 👍😃

I am sending you the present of sunshine so you can utilise your shady tree. Sopsx
Oh how lovely of you Sops. I'm now underneath my tree's leafy branches, enjoying a snooze on a perfect summer afternoon. There's an empty teacup resting on the grass beside me, and the book I was reading has slid down beside it, and a little breeze is fluttering its pages. Butterflies and bees are flitting flower to flower and there's the sound of birdsong. Perfect! 💖🙏👍😊

Sounds wonderful.I am putting up a few decorations to try to feel festive, much reduced as family not coming, still looking good.
Great stuff Sops. I must admit I'm finding it all quite difficult to find the festive spirit, but maybe if you go and meet it all halfway....... 👍🙏😊

Yes i agree, half way is plenty, looking out of my window is a kaleidoscope of colour so i can dip into that as a visitor.Sopsx
are you putting up a nice tree? we put ours up and it is cheering
Have decided on my theme and sourced appropriate decorations from my massive resource built over many years and cherished.Usually have shades of old gold as my picture frames are old, but this year will be all crystal and tiny white lights, keeps me engaged for days!...then days after Christmas taking them all down and washing, wrapping and storing. Is keeping me cheered!
Hello I would just like to have a nice peaceful day with my mam and pixie and all get on and enjoy our dinner and all the meals over Xmas and have a nice walk out on Xmas day of one of the days and for us to survive it and as it may well be my mam's last Xmas as she has coronary heart disease I will do my best to make sure everyone's happy, we will sit down and watch TV after dinner and enjoy gazing at the optic fibre Xmas tree lights and dreams of a happier new year, we will light candles for my dad my step dad my grandparents and 2 friends that died and we will thank god we've reached Xmas and look forward to spring 🌟

hi Curly I really do hope its not your mum;'s last christmas and you have a fantastic day all together
Hi thank you she was in hospital with heart attack 2 Xmas ago Xmas day and step dad died 16 ago box day and cats I think I told you something tends to happens so it's fingers Crossed I'm just charging phone so hope you have a nice day and think of more nice posts xx
A nice house instead of a poxy small flat. Oh and a car.
Great question! I would love to be healthy again and have no more cancer or heart failure!
End of COVID-19! I know, wishful thinking, that will not happen this year.
A cure for pd
i will be happy with the 9 lessons from Kings college, and hopeful for one decent film on TV as I cannot go out or see anyone from my family. A vat of Chanel and a gull-wing mercedes would be acceptable also if anyone has one to spare.....
The end of the pandemic so life can be the way it was
Hot news, have just ordered a porch for Christmas, at least I can view the world through a different door!!! Sopsx
My dream answer would be a nice new home with my own front door and a lovely little garden where I don’t feel like the walls are closing in on me but my based in reality answer - I’ll settle for a pleasant day with my son and the site of my soon to be removed tooth to be healed enough to enjoy my Christmas dinner.
To hear that the vaccine is being successful. And though it may sound jaded, peace on earth, goodwill to all people, and in these times, international recognition of what we need to do to control climate change and make the planet and its population sustainable.
And when all that;s done I'll have a winning lottery ticket please
I'd like a new home that is more suitable for my needs in exchange for my present house. But maybe next year now, some thing to look forward to besides the virus injections. happy christmas

For the pain in my left leg to subside for a while.
have you tried a tens machine?
Right now I am waiting for the results from a CT scan. Once we have that, we shall be able to find a way forwards. I am hoping that it is not due to further spread of my already metastatic prostate cancer.
Return to full health. No pain no discomfort. Strong and healthy please
That's the thing though Jerry there will be a vaccine one day but the virus won't disapear ☹️
im not in a rush to have it and may well refuse to have it - not sure its safe in long run
I'm glad I'm not the only one not in a rush to get vaccinated, I'm not against it I'm just not sure if I want it
hi Jenny, is that for similar reasons? Ive known people get the flu jab, something which has been around and tested for far longer, not rushed, and been very ill after, and very often their doctors is pushing them to get the jab because they get paid per jab, without looking at whether it's worth the risk/bother.
I'm not sure why I feel like this, maybe it is because it's been so rushed through, yesterday I had my first ever flu jab because I'm in 50-64 age group, with the covid vaccine as I'm 58 yrs old it'll be a long time before it gets to me, I don't even read all the news, articles about the covid vaccine because for me the headlines are enough
yes i understand - and ive read about previous innoculations where years later people have this and that problem, so it puts me off - if i can manage to avoid the virus when everyone is not innoculated i am sure i can when most people are - i was in hospital urgently saturday all day, surrounded by people. Am on the vulnerable list and had a terrible reaction to a totally unnecessary flu job last year. They have spent far more time on the flu jab and yet it can still do that, so makes me wonder.
im concerned the vaccination is not safe and its safer not to have it, and some people have no chance of catching the virus anyway, i know housebound people who never see a soul
Eventually when most have had it we will know even more about safety of it, it has been tested so this outways it for us my mam is having it as she feels she will be better off with it than not and would rather take her chances as she is 81 and wants to see her family and have the last however long she has left with better quality than this so as this outways the reasons to not have it xx
To see my son out and about again free of agoraphobia
thats lovely, how long has he had it and how old is he?
Wiserlady he's 52 and came home 13 years ago terrified of being left by himself so he's struggled for a long, long time. Very little progress made, he has a support worker who comes every week to take him out for an hour and we take very short walks together some days. Its not been easy.
feel very sorry for you, may i ask how it all started NO PANIC is a good charity for that, in the uk, he can ring them for free support during the day, and he can be a member and get more out of it if he pays £25 a year membership. if he is stuck at home a lot and bored he could train to be one of their phone volunteers, it would help him and help others and give him a purpose? JUST A THOUGHT !
We think isolation from living alone. He had a flat a good bus ride away where he lived for 10 years. I was his only visitor but he seemed happy with things.
I brought him home after he rang me with the shakes. The cause of that was an anti depressant drug he'd been prescribed and so I brought him home thinking he'd go back after a short stay. The doctor weaned him off the drugs but he was adamant he wasnt going back to the flat, said he couldnt cope with it so he gave the flat up.
Eventually I managed to get a very professional team out who worked with him for some time until they said because he wouldn't do what they asked of him they didn't see any point in coming any more. It was the key worker in that team that said it was isolation from living alone had caused the panic and fear. Their job, as they saw it, was to make him face the fear and overcome it. But he wouldn't, he said he couldn't do it and that they were asking too much. Now he has a support agency that support him on his terms, he found them himself and he's very happy with them, he has to pay for that.
Thanks for the mention of NO PANIC I've never heard of it. I'll make a note and tell him about it and have a look online. He spends his days in front of his pc, that's his comfort place. I've given up trying to help, advise, persuade, lose my name it I've tried it, its in his hands now.
oh dear am so sorry, it sounds as if the antidepressants have a lot to do with it too, but the medical team wont want to see or admit that will they! i was told my slightly fatty liver was because I am overweight - but that didnt explain how come when I was three stone heavier i had no fatty liver!i know a lot about agrophobia as had it myself for a long time, but thts about a fear of going out not being on your own.
just a thought - but it is obvious to me that your son had/has reactive depression, reacting to being at home alone too much. antidepressants are going to be useless with that! no way can they change his brain levels and reactions so that he is happy with something that makes him unhappy - the only thing that can work with that is changing the situation that makes him miserable, not medication.
they would need to look at why he ended up living alone like that - why he has no other family, friends, life, why he does not go to work and all the rest, and then reinvent it, not give medicine. people dont end up living alone with no visitors except for one person just by chance, by some sort of accident, it all contributes and there are reasons for everything.
Hi - he was diagnosed with clinical depression in his teens and prescribed anti depressants around that time, he might have been nearer 20 years old by then. He's seen various doctors over the years, had counselling and attended an out patient clinic along the way.
Living alone was his choice, the only time he made me welcome was when he had council workmen coming in and he would ring and ask me to go up.
I just love when my parents try to hide things on places we already know. Anything they bring, it is an absolute delight and love.
Hello wiserlady
Years ago and I mean years ago, I thought my world would be complete if I had a Nintendo game. After saving to buy the Nintendo game, I only played it maybe 3 times before putting it in storage. Since then, I don't get to excited about what I think money can buy, just happy to have family for Christmas. I am not saying everyone in family is happy with their presents. Merry Christmas and blessings.
hope you do
A cure for Multiple Sclerosis would be wonderful but I'll take art supplies if that's unavailable.
😊What about you?
I pray for the end of the Covid-19 pandemic world wide. This would be the ultimate present that I pray for.

For this pandemic to be over and a better year for everyone next year
Good health for my husband, my two best friends and if not too much to ask myself. X
I found that exercising and changing my diet a lot helped me a lot with good health.
I did the same. I was very active before fibro walking an hour a day and swimming 75 lengths a week. Initially, I could barely move for the pain but once the medication and adjustments started to help I started walking and doing stretching exercises. Unfortunately, the cooler water in the swimming pool didn't help my fibro so that was a no-no. I had always eaten quite healthily but I cut down on certain things to try and make my diet even healthier. Unfortunately, I have to be careful with too much fruit and veg and brown bread as my IBS gets worse so getting the balance right is a bit of a struggle.x
Thank you wise Lady..... after 5 years of injections in both eyes, & having to go every 4 weeks .... I keep reading of the many reaches & on the brink of finding a cure for wet Macular Degeneration ,
I'm afraid I'm now getting despondent , & the frequent eye injections that I find despite the strongest anaesthetic extremely painful my eyes reject the anaesthetic...( but grateful that at least I'm having the injections)..
without these injections I would loose my central sight)
however I'm now 85 years old , worked all my life,never claimed benefits, brought my two sons up alone ....looked after & cared for my wonderful late Mother who lived with me for 28 years & passed away at the age of 104 years old
My one & only wish is a cure for wet Macular Degeneration, so I'm able to continue living independently & capable of being able to pursue my pleasures of life like reading, tv, crafts etc& NO MORE eye injections.
No I don't mind at all
A six month holiday, take a couple of the family with me! Just to get out of this f###ing house! Whew!👋🙃😆🤪😎😎😎