Caught these two making whoopie on the buddleia yesterday. They are Frittilarys.
Another butterfly photo: Caught these... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Another butterfly photo

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You certainly know how to take a photo of special interest Spinner. Beautiful!

Stunning photograph Spinner1916. 😊🌼
Thank you. They are pretty aren’t they.
Yes this year is the first time I’ve seen them around.
Just beautiful Spinner, thanks for sharing. x
Hi Laurie, Well their amorous adventure made for a lovely picture! You are very knowledgeable about butterflies! You are teaching me a lot! 👍😊

I’m learning right along with you and there’s a lot to learn!
What a fabulous photo, so well captured. Such beautiful butterflies.🦋
Such a lovely photo, and what pretty colours
What a treat to see, So unusual
Beautiful, l have not seen these butterflies in our garden, in fact for some reason we have had very few in the garden this year.
Have a lovely day, Tim.
Lovely butterflies..great pic..I tried yesterday to take one of the butterflies on my wildflowers but I was too late 🙄🌺🌻🏵🦋

They're beautiful
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