Spring gardening: We aren’t self... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Spring gardening

Sandie1961 profile image
29 Replies

We aren’t self isolating but applying rigorous social distancing, so this weekend seemed the perfect time to start to tackle the garden. I did have to go to the garden centre for compost and seeds but then set to. Grass cut, final spring pruning done, started the weeding, dug over the veg patch, planted potatoes, broad beans, shallots, beetroot and parsnips, all in sunshine, listening to the birds sing and with regular visits from our robin. Still work to do, but looking much better 😊

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Sandie1961 profile image
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29 Replies
backintime profile image

You're doing great there Sandie. I wish mine looked half as nice

I will be trying to get onto mine soon, as soon as it's a bit light outside after working hours

I have gained 4 hours a day at the moment by not commuting so I should be putting them to good use after I have caught up on a bit of sleep :D

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961 in reply to backintime

Thank you 😊 Clocks go forward next weekend (I presume they do in France too?) Lighter nights and hopefully warmer weather on the way 🤞 Need to make the most of the extra time we have don’t we?

backintime profile image
backintime in reply to Sandie1961

yes, we change time at the same time as the UK - I'm looking forward to it desperately, I hate going to work and coming home in the dark

sassy59 profile image

You’re keeping busy Sandie and your garden looks gorgeous. Keep up the good work. Xxxx

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961 in reply to sassy59

Thank you 😊 No excuses for not having time this year . Not sure it will stretch to decorating though 😂

So true, Zoonie. No sleep just sets you back. Oh well hey ho, got to keep smiling 😊

I think when this is all over we should all try and get together at some central point. Your garden looks fantastic. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Sandie1961 profile image

I’m thankful I don’t have any medical conditions. I can empathise with how hard this must be for you xx

Sandie1961 profile image

Good for you 😊

Yes!!! I have about 15 conditions as it is so I'm self isolating after being advised by my Dr

Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Sandie1961 profile image

Thank you 😊 Great shoulder and arms workout too 😂

What a lovely sight Sandie1961 and you certainly got through a lot of work. But gardens are very worth it and the gardening a joy in itself. Robins are such cheeky little opportunists aren't they, but much loved!

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961 in reply to

We normally spend summer at our house in France, but I am taking the opportunity to plan for being at home this year and indulging my love of gardening 😊

in reply to Sandie1961

I actually live in France but because of the dramatic swelling of my feet and legs throughout last year's heatwave I decided to spend the whole of this summer back home with my kids. Now it doesn't look as if this is likely to happen. I don't have a garden here - just a small flat with a not very riveting view of other people's a/c units. Lifted my mood this morning by walking back and forth for 90 minutes (just over 5km) and dancing rather than loitering while waiting for the kettle to boil. It really helps especially when there's something interesting on the radio - and there nearly always is!

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961 in reply to

Where in France are you? It was particularly hot last summer wasn’t it after a rather cool June if I remember rightly? Mind you, they had some pretty hot weather in the UK as well. Wow, 5k inside your flat is an amazing achievement and I love the idea of you dancing around while waiting for the kettle 😂

in reply to Sandie1961

I'm in Vieux Nice, which is very near to the sea and lovely parks and squares but affords little opportunity for the air to circulate in its narrow lanes and courtyards. I noticed that the real feel outside was a mere 3°C an hour ago - about 35°C less than many days last summer. I'll probably stay in again - having to arm yourself with a fresh signed and timed certificate every day for a maximum 60 minutes outdoors is a bit of a pain - it takes me 10 minutes to write out (no printer) and it'll be scrutinised by the police at least once if I go out...

Are you able to indulge your love of gardening in France as well? First sniff of damp soil and you're off in a world of your own. Bliss!

Now for me a jiggle in the kitchen - then after a nice cup of tea maybe a leisurely stroll. Also in the kitchen!

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961 in reply to

A beautiful part of the world, but I can imagine you would want to escape when it’s the height of summer with the heat and overflowing with tourists! I’m hoping people will take the restrictions seriously in the UK so we don’t have to fill a form in every time we go out. They do seem to be getting the message but there are still some people making stupid comments - one young man on the news the other night said, in response to being asked why he was continuing to meet up with friends, “well I’m ok aren’t I?” 😖🤬 We don’t have much of a garden in France just a bit of fenced off land that used to be vineyard although I have planted a few flowering plants such as roses, hibiscus, oleander to brighten things up. Enjoy your jiggle 😃

in reply to Sandie1961

Yes, for self-isolation to be successful it really needs the vast majority of the population to comply, and if they don't, far stricter measures will have to be introduced. The attitude of the police here has changed from sympathetic to brusque over the last 10 days - and I imagine worse to come.

I hope those lovely-sounding flowers will flourish - I can almost hear the bees humming...

Sandie1961 profile image


kycmary profile image

It's still too cold to do much here out side.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961 in reply to kycmary

I am in Lincolnshire so suffering the easterly winds, but at least the sun is starting to have a bit of warmth

kycmary profile image
kycmary in reply to Sandie1961

I'm in northern Kentucky USA & they say spring is coming ... it's mighty slow or my internal clock is broke (I think clock is broke!!) haha

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961 in reply to kycmary

Ooh, don’t know anything about the seasons In the USA but there is no doubt that Spring will come. COVID-19 can’t change that even if everything else feels quite surreal

LilyAnnepuppy profile image

Thanks for sharing the photos. I live in Florida and miss my New Jersey Spring Daffodils. But the trade off isn't too bad, as we have flowers all year round.

Elt79 profile image

Looking good! That’s on my list to do this week - I am going to be in isolation for 12 weeks so my garden will be my sanctuary I think. Stay safe x

Gillyflower18 profile image

I love the pictures! So cheerful! I’m new to this site and it’s a great idea. I live alone so social distancing isn’t hard at home lol. My cat helps but I wish I could get out and garden. I live in Michigan and it snowed last night 😭😭😭. I’m still working and that’s good. There are only five of us and we are never really close together and we are closed to the public so that’s good. One good thing is my job is in a greenhouse so I will have spring when I get there and won’t have to look at the snow!

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961 in reply to Gillyflower18

Here in our part of the UK we have had no snow at all this winter and hardly any days of sub zero temperatures, but so much rain. My lawn is basically moss, so will need a lot of work now that we are finally getting some drier weather. Stay safe!

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to Sandie1961

I always have moss on the north side of my house. I tame it with baking soda alone or mixed with water. It keeps it way down and manageable.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961 in reply to Gillyflower18

That’s a good tip, thank you. I didn’t know about that. I usually use chemical moss killer

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