Have you stopped socialising and meet... - Positive Wellbein...

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Have you stopped socialising and meeting people because of this?

wiserlady profile image
79 Replies

Have you stopped socialising and meeting people because of this?

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wiserlady profile image
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79 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Yes we have. Our daughter drops off shopping but we will be ordering online next month hopefully as would hate to put her in danger.

We’re not seeing our grandchildren or other family and friends. It has to be done sadly. Xxxx

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to sassy59

sounds very sensible - no good taking risks - but please remember that everyone is looking to deliveries and click and collect from the supermarkets. If you go onto tesco or asda now both are fully booked. If you wait till just after midnight you will have a chance - if quick - to book for 22 days from now. And then much of the stuff is out of stock and much of it wont turn up. But I think sometimes people will think with their heart instead of their head. i.e. I am due to go to a funeral soon and a wedding in a few months. I will not go but people will find fault and say I should.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to wiserlady

Yes I know the deliveries aren’t great but we’ll be ok I think. I can’t stay awake until midnight...lol.

You’re doing the right thing by studying away from gatherings, sad though that might be, don’t worry about what others think.

Take care xxxx

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to sassy59

Yes thats the way I see it too sassy. Better to have a good chance of being alive in 5 years than please other people and be dead then.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to wiserlady

Good for you. Xxx 😘

in reply to wiserlady

You can only do what you feel is the right thing at the time.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to

agree right by me not right by them

in reply to sassy59

We are the same as you. Our daughter will now have her daughter’s children to look after too. Just hope she doesn’t succumb because I can’t help!

HeronNS profile image

Yes. But unless I start to feel unwell I will continue to go outside for walks, not a crowded community!

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to HeronNS

up to you. i woudlnt as around here youd have to walk along the beach or parade where you cannot help but bump into people. your place might be a lot safer and more secluded .

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to wiserlady

it is. Amazing how stupid people are though. I was walking along a nearly deserted street, nice wide sidewalk, and a woman was approaching me from the other direction. I moved over closer to the edge of sidewalk where I was walking, and she promptly changed to walking in the centre of the sidewalk, forcing me off completely. 🙄

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to HeronNS

tut. Do you mean she wanted to make sure she avoided you?>

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to wiserlady

No, I was trying to avoid her and she just moved into the space I'd made. We had been on opposite sides of the sidewalk (pavement in England if that's where you are) and I tried to maximize the distance between us.

in reply to HeronNS

We too are continuing to walk. Crossing the road to avoid panting joggers and dog walkers. We’ve also bought a flask and will go off in the car in our own little space and have a picnic!👍

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to

sounds great

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

Sounds nice but still too chilly here.

in reply to HeronNS

It’s very cold here but if I don’t get out I’ll start fantasising over unlimited loo roll!😂

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

I've just been out for a long walk during a lull between waves of rainstorm. :) 🌧

in reply to

Where are you? , it has been fantastic weather here today 20° but due to plunge way into the minuses towards the end of next week

Here we are in strict lock down so have to, not allowed out unless we have a signed government paper allowing us to do certain things.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

Where are you? Your profile does not have your country displayed.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to HeronNS

If that was meant for me am in UK.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to wiserlady

No, if you look it says my reply is for Reglois who is under enforced lockdown. I believe this is the case in Italy but I don't know if that's where Reglois is. I'm just curious.

in reply to HeronNS

Me I am in France Bourgogne Franche-Comté to be exact

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

Oh yes, things have been quite serious there haven't they. No one wants to get into the same situation as Italy so it is a wise decision, but it's tough for us all isn't it?

in reply to HeronNS

I live way out in the sticks in a little mini mountain hamlet of 10 houses that are occupied, the other 5 are holiday homes, the fines are horrendous if you are caught outside without the signed paper, fresh every day, and out for no good reason. Supermarkets have full shelves so no panic at all here, in fact relatively normal except I don't actually see any one, we are well spread out but lots of calls and e mails.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

It must be hard not even being allowed outside. Especially as it seems your personal risk would be low. Still, needs must.

in reply to HeronNS

My risk of encountering people is low but my personal risk is extremely high as on oxygen for severe lung problems and in the *elderly* bracket, was at the vet this afternoon with an emergency as my dog had intestinal bleeding again. They were very good, opened the window wide used a room that hadn't been used all day and kept as far from me, not easy when handling a scared dog, as possible.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

I hope your pet recovers well.

in reply to HeronNS

She will, it is an on going thing, she is highly allergic to wheat, where she found some this time I don't know, crust dropped by a bird?

in reply to HeronNS

I do get outside as my garden is huge and neighbours are a good distance away and I walk the dogs in a nearby forest

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to

Sounds lovely.

I am lucky I can drive to a nearby flat forest, no body ever goes there in the 5 years I have been walking there I have met one person and as they had a rottweiller I moved to walk up on of the side tracks.

I have cut the in person socialising down and for now only leave home for walks and essential shopping but other than that keep up with friends on the phone and e mail for now.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to

I am housebound so cant go to shops. My guy went to the shop last night to stock up as much as possible. But from now on will get it to be delivered as safer.

in reply to wiserlady

Try to get online after midnight as that's when they release the delivery slots but I think you will have to wait though

Jennymary profile image

Yes I have, more so because I Iive on my own, I don't drive, I'll be at work this weekend, next week just a short walk to my local shops, buses are being scaled down as of Monday so I won't be going far over the next few weeks, luckily there's a cafe at the end of my road where I got a cooked meal earlier today, there's also 2 chip shops within walking distance, that i may visit just to get out of my 4 walls, give me some exercise and fresh air, hope everyone has a decent weekend xx

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Jennymary

EVERYONE is different. Everyone has different views and options. i live alone and am housebound and didnt drive before. Luckily am a home body anyway.We dont hae chip shops or normal shops near us.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Jennymary

Wishing you well Jennymary. Have a good weekend. Xxx

I don't feel I am missing out on anything as most of the places for socialising are shut round us anyway!

wiserlady profile image

A great answer !

Lisa11171 profile image

Unfortunately, yes I have because I don’t want to catch or pass on anything. It’s tough because I live alone and even though I do drive to do errands, I don’t feel comfortable seeing anyone. That’s why I think this group is going to be helpful. At least we’ll be able to talk and do activities. Great question!!

Buddy34 profile image

Hello wiserlady, I'm still walking the dog on my own as usual and I'm still running as I do that on my own also apart from parkrun which is cancelled anyway 🤗

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Buddy34

Good. ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN.I think we wil be more isolated as time goes on.

Do you think we could all tell each other where we are in the world. I’m in Hampshire, England x

in reply to

That's a nice idea Hylda. I'm in Hampshire too. I live in Southampton. Whereabouts are you?

in reply to

Gosport. Looking at the Isle of Wight!

in reply to

Wow, almost my neighbour Hylda. We used to go to Gosport quite a lot some years ago when it still had thriving shops and a market. I liked it. It had its own vibe, as well as one of the shortest ferry crossings in the world from Gosport to Portsmouth!

in reply to

Even more of a coincidence, my husband is a retired police officer

in reply to

Wow! That really IS a coincidence.

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34 in reply to

Hello Hylda I'm in Lanarkshire, Scotland 😊

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to

Hi, Im Chrys and live in a village in Vale of Glamorgan. South Wales. UK

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to


Hi wiserlady,

I'm doing the best I can, and staying at home, unless I get the chance to go out of town in the car with my husband to take a bit of air (we live on the south coast). There's no earthly point in my walking the streets outside, as they are busy with traffic always and the air's far from fresh.

I'm isolating on the grounds of being over 70 but my husband is younger and still having to work and he does so among university students, many of whom have COVID-19 symptoms, so it's debatable whether I am actually safe at home. But hey-ho! Just doing the best I can, like so many of us!

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to

Am also south coast Essex your situation doesnt sound ideal

RoadRunner44 profile image

Well, I live in a small village but have started to stay at home now. Luckily,my daughter took me for a short drive today to get me out of the house for a while. It was so refreshing, also, as I live alone it was good to have some company. I felt so much better arriving home afterwards. My friend is doing the same but as we live near each other we have decided to go for walks next week, keeping our distance.

I have my laptop, Skype, phone and TV. My daughter is bringing round some dvds to watch. I have food, heat and a roof over my head. Im fortunate. Other people are having their lives turned upside down. These are very difficult times and we have to make the best of things.

I have accepted that we have to isolate ourselves so have planned activities to keep me busy and occupied. For example, I am in the middle of sorting out stuff for the charity shops which will take a few day at least. I am no good at cooking but I shall try some recipes and do some baking. I may even go back to doing some art work. Then, as the weather improves I'll do some light gardening.

I do hope we can continue to support each other here. The photos, poems and all the other things that give us some normality in our lives. I know you will all agree they make us smile and are so helpful to our well-being. Sent with my best wishes. Chrys x

in reply to RoadRunner44

Hi RoadRunner44,

It's so lovely to read of your positivity, when it must be quite difficult self isolating on your own. I'm filled with cheer and admiration at the wonderful attitudes I'm finding here on this forum. We have some very stoic and courageous people here who are just getting on with life, no matter how difficult things are getting.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to RoadRunner44

You sound very sensible and we should continue to support each other, as each day passes it will be more important

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to RoadRunner44

Are you completely alone there and no visitors?

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to wiserlady

I live alone. My husband died nearly 18nyears ago. My daughter lives nearby. I have friends I normally see and belong to a number of organisations. I usually go out each day under normal circumstances but like everyone else will have to spend most of my time indoors now. I have suffered with depression in the past so it is going to be a challenging few months. However, I realize that there is no option but to make the best of things. How about you? Chrys

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to RoadRunner44

It wil be hard, especially for those on their own.


My granddaughter who is in her final year as a student midwife wants me to try these. Di

in reply to

Those are pretty Hylda and would be so useful!

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to

That's an interesting idea for a mother and new born baby. I think Ill show my friends who are in to knitting. They would be interested I think. Thanks. Chrys

in reply to RoadRunner44

They are also after baby hats.

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to


in reply to RoadRunner44

Pattern for hats on Internet xx

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to

I'll pass it on Hylda. I particularly like the thinking behind the knitted squares as a new born baby recognises a mother's smell. Lovely thought isn't it?

in reply to RoadRunner44

It is. x

Just waiting for daughter to find some spare wool. We are in isolation in a flat so I need something!

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired

To a great extent, yes. I only go down to Tesco for essentials. Having trouble with getting slots on delivery now, so I have no choice. Fortunately Tesco is within staggering distance.

Cheers, Midori

johnsmith profile image

I have thought long and hard about this. I still go to the shops to buy what little food there is but keep a distance from people. I still speak to people face to face but keep my distance from them.

It is strange to see a couple in the doorway of a house standing shoulder to shoulder. Six feet away from them in the front garden of the house is another couple standing with a foot between them and six feet plus away from the couple at the front door.

I have cut my activities of socialising right down. No more t'ai chi. Chiropractor appointment has been cancelled and may not have another for a year. My day retreats that I go on have been cancelled. The churches have closed. The local Buddhist groups are not having any meetings.

I have two 80 year old plus friends who I have known for a long time and I may never see them again. Both are still with it mentally and were very involved in mental health issues as a result of family members having mental health issues. They know at first hand the lack of the availability of mental health support.

There is no vaccine available. A vaccine being produced that is suitable is 12 months away. A drug to treat everyone is 12 months away. So the job of everyone is to slow the spread of the virus right the way down. We need to keep mentally well so as to prevent ourselves doing something stupid if we become mentally unwell.

We are in difficult times. We need to become citizen scientists and to contribute to community science so "well being" is preserved.

I will finish here because I do not know what else to say.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to johnsmith

We have shut ourselves in as much as we can. I am on the vulnerable list he is not but he is 65. He will only go out if no choice. He has just shut down his business and is losing his income because its more important to try to live than to have money.

johnsmith profile image
johnsmith in reply to wiserlady

You need to go out everyday. You can avoid people. It gives important exercise which helps mental mood. At 65 he is not yet considered vulnerable by the standard the government is using. The difference is there is vulnerable the virus is likely to kill and not vulnerable the virus is less likely to kill.

Sorry to frighten you.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to johnsmith

Rubbish. Lots of people cannot. I am one of them. BEEN HOUSEBOUND FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS. YOU can get exercise at home, Ive had to for years. And we have a lovely garden we can use. . If he gets the virus he can bring it home and kill me, I am not only totally reliant on him with being housebound and on the vulnerable list. Please dont assume you know everyone elses situtions. They know them best and have to list with their problems and decisions. We know various other people whoa re choosing to stay indoors all of the time even though they are totally retired. It is their choice and I dont blame them. He gave up his job yesterday because we agreed it wasnt worth riskig meeting people and getting the virus and bringing it home and killing me. So he isnt goig to go out for fun.

johnsmith profile image
johnsmith in reply to wiserlady

I know no one else's situation. I just present facts to inform or what I think are facts. What the government provides is confusing as to what is actual truth. I am drawing conclusions rightly or wrongly from the Medical Sites of world recognised science journals.

I also do not have the language ability to include all different circumstances in simple sentences that are not to long.

I clearly provided offence to you. It was unintentional and I am sorry for that. Please can you accept my apology for causing offence.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to johnsmith

There is the law and then each of us are in a very different situation. Ive just hard from a cousin who is 66 and his wife. They are very intelligent and well educated successful people, very smart and very good at making decisions. They have decided to stay in until this is over and have spent the day organising how to get their food while this goes on. I am not going to think I am smarter than them and can over ride their decision becaues its their lives and I dont know anyone who is smarter and more capable anyway. But if they were askinga me I would take into account their circumstances - health, age, and all the rest. Not give a blanket thing to cover everyone. YOu might as well say that everyone should be able to see and read, but what would a blind person say to that. You also seem to forget emotions come into this too not just practical things. I have a friend who has aspergers who sees things the way you said because his inability to seethe whole picture and see emotions are involved too.

Yes we have as my hubby has asthma and our gorgeous 4 year old granddaughter has JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis) and she's on chemo drugs so we can't see her or her gorgeous 8 year old sister. Hard times but we must adhere to the guidelines for it to work.

Corchi profile image

Greece on lockdown like Italy. Can not leave the house unless have a signed paper

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