This was posted by Cairiona Balfe on Instagram.
I pray that the change happens.
This was posted by Cairiona Balfe on Instagram.
I pray that the change happens.
Hi, I loved those words and would like to copy or save it. Do you know how I can do this?
Thanks for posting it. Chrys
I’m not sure. If you’re on a tablet or phone you can screen shot it I suppose or just tap on it to see if you have the option to save it.
Hi RoadRunner44, it sounds as if you have cracked this already, but an alternate way is to find it at
and save it from there in the way that others have described.
Thanks, x
It certainly needs to MissKota. Lovely words. Xxxx
Welcome!! I usually try to hold my finger on the words I want to copy, but sometimes it doesn’t work. If you have a laptop, you can do a copy/paste using the commands. Looking forward to hearing more from all of you!!
I'm thrilled! I have learnt something new. Thank you for replying.
Hi MissKota, Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all learned some lessons on how to live and support each other better. I'd love that to happen too.
It would be amazing and I hope more rather than less feel the same way 😘
If you right click on your mouse you get the option to copy image. You can then put it onto a different location and print.
Those words are beautiful. I have always wanted to heal everyone but I can’t. I wanted to be a nurse when I was a girl because I care but health problems made that difficult. Nurses can’t heal everything but some nurses give everything they have to give for their work to try to heal people. We are here now. We must dream and hope of a future where we will all be healed. Such a future is not proved impossible yet.
I certainly think quite differently to a lot of other people and I stay home a lot.
Our homes we have built on this foreign world, foreign to all since we came here. The space we make to think and dream and hope through all our struggles and experiences bad and good.
Remember, take courage and have compassion.
Thank you to all those people caring for others in their home and
Thank you to all those people helping others who are not at home.
You are correct-there is nothing wrong with the way I think about things-the way I think is extremely useful in many ways. I would never want to change the way I think about things. I also try to have compassion-we’re all learning but I would say that I have a lot more compassion than many other people. How do humans learn compassion? Are some of us born with more compassion? These are interesting questions. If we would like to understand more things, of course that may involve changing prior ideas and concepts that we hold-that’s why I like learning-ideas can be improved with change or additions. If I do worry about anything it is because either I understand something a lot and realize the implications of something or I don’t understand something enough and that drives me to learn more about it. I find it difficult to understand this planet in the sense that I am grappling to understand why there are seemingly many illogical things here and many polar opposites and difficulties whereas the universe in itself seems quite logical to me but not this planet. Certain things are clear to me about this planet but the nature and reason of being of some of the variables and some of the physical constants are a puzzle to me. I spend hours reading about topics that interest me and try to really understand them. I can sometimes bring ideas down to their simplest level, down to their last detail.
The question as to why, within an infinite universe, some things change so rapidly while other things don’t, can be thought of as a contrasting theme. Some things are designed to be a constant, the things that don’t change are constants so that the variables, like viruses, for example, at some point in future, in the universe, cannot pass through the constants at a certain point in space and time. Those things that change the least are actually the things that humans do not see. The things that change the least are not changed by light, darkness or anything of physical matter. Then there are the things that cannot change. Things that cannot change are not affected by anything. There are things and entities in the universe that cannot be changed by anything, for if they could be changed the universe would collapse. They are the true constants.
As humans try to understand how to stop new viruses as they emerge, we think about their mutating nature and try to stop the spread of things that, through mutations, become even more dangerous. The effects of natural selection do not necessarily result in the best outcome, especially since natural selection is implicated in the many variables that cause problems. If a virus is better in performance at propagating than another virus, that is not good for infection rates.
In all this we should continue to preserve the rights of humans as regards their need for their families and/or friends and their rights to their homes. Humans need their family and friends. Force used by humans, if not enacted for good purposes, if not with wisdom and compassion, is wrong. Human rights must be upheld.
There is a song that sums up the concept of constants quite nicely, it is the song ‘simple gifts’.