is anyone with PMR working ? I have had PMR for 3 years now and have also now got Spondylosis, i used to care for my Mum but since she passed away i was sent for a job, after 2 months I am now on the sick !!!
anyone working ?: is anyone with PMR working ? I... - PMRGCAuk
anyone working ?

Hi poppy,
Can you say why you are not able to work? If you are physically incapable of work, then you may be entitled to benefits. Disability Living Allowance if you are under retirement age. The CAB are very skilled in helping applicants fill in the very complicated forms. Hope this helps.

Hi. We are finding that more and more people are getting PMR while they are still at work, and as the government pushes for people to work longer and longer it's going to get more common. Problem is employers don't know anything about PMR. Our last but one newsletter had an article on 'getting it young' that talks about people at work.
I went back to work 2 months ago, the only avaiable job was a home carer, as i dont drive i have to walk from house to house sometimes a mile in between, as i now have spodylosis too i found it exhausting and very painfull, i went to see GP who has put me on the sick for a month, but what happens after that ? if i go back the same thing will happen.
Hi poppy,
I had been a carer for 8 years when I developed PMR after sustaining a wrench injury at work. I tried to work on, filling myself with ibuprofen every day, but 2 months later, I couldn't get out of bed. The specialist who diagnosed my PMR said he would not agree with me continueing as a carer because I would have to be on a very big dose of steroids to do it, and they would damage me. When I said that I might be able to do computer work instead, he was happy with that.
We are all different when it comes to the reaction of our bodies to this illness, but you seem to be struggling a lot. Can you not talk to your GP about how badly you are effected? You must get some help. As I have said before, the CAB are very good at helping people get benefits.
Thanks Pats,
I had been caring for my Mam for 6 years when PMR was diagnosed but still managed as i could go at my own pace, since Mam passed away and ive gone back to work i am finding it very difficult especially since being diagnosed with Sponylosis and now i seem to have a trapped nerve in my left hand, maybe there is a job out there i can do but i do not think i can go back to the one i have, i feel like a bit of a Baby seeing as i have only been doing it for 2 months but i really can not manage it.
Poppysmam, you are clearly unfit for work as a carer at the moment, and one wonders how you managed to get taken on, as a driving licence is often a prerequisite. You need to go and speak to a CAB adviser (I am one!) and ascertain which benefits you can claim. Employment and Support Allowance is available if you can't work and Disability Living Allowance, Mobility component as your disability makes it difficult for you to get about.
Hi Annodomini
I suppose i got taken on because of my past experience as a carer and they do employ "walkers" they do try not to send you too far but if you are willing to do it they will let you and as i have worked all my life i (apart the 8 years i looked after my Mam) found it hard to say no, but i think i am going to have to realise i am not as young as i used to be or as fit and learn to put myself first, Thanks to you all for your help and comments.
Hi Poppysman
Sounds like you are struggling at the moment and if I may say, from someone who has recently lost their mam, you need a lttle TLC. Emotions are high and this impacts on how we are feeling and able to cope with the condition. Take care and give yourself time. This condition is awful on its own without the grief that you are having to cope with.
I too tried to claim disability living allowance as the condition has affected my walking and my eyesight and Im on brutrans patches for the pain as well as all the rest, pred,tramodol etc. They turned me down on appeal on the basis that I could get to the toilet on my own. The CAB were marvellous and couldnt believe the decision.
I had a 18mth battle with them and am now thinking I might apply again, so if there is anyone that can give me any advice then it would be much appreciated. I work part time and have to rely on a taxi to work as my licence was taken away due to sight loss but have to work to pay my rent etc.
Take care x
Hello All,
I will be back at GP in 2 weeks so i am going to stop being so soft and tell him i need another sick note, due to see consultant on 17th of October and will tell him i cant cope at work and take it from there, i still have a numb left hand anyway dont know if it is from sponylosis, trapped nerve or carpell tunnel back again, oh the joys of getting older ha ha.
But i have to say it is nice to find somewhere like this where folk understand what you are going through as not many people have heard of PMR nor do they get how steroids make you feel along with all the other meds.