Hi, I've been reading posts about blood sugar spikes on Prednisolone. This is all new to me. Please can someone tell me more about this. I have a strong family history of late onset type 2 diabetes and if I am at risk from being on Pred I want to do what I can to offset it. Thanks, Jane.
Blood sugar spikes and diabetes. Info please. - PMRGCAuk
Blood sugar spikes and diabetes. Info please.
hi, I think you have forgotten that you asked about this on here when you were first diagnosed.
As it says prednisolone can give random glucose spikes, and therefore it is a good idea to cut your carb intake
Yes I had forgotten, my memory is terrible 🥴

LittleJane, it is far better to ask twice....and have the info....and you received some good answers!!!💞
Do you know what your average blood sugar is? Ask for a blood test. Our blood sugars spike often for various reasons but unless you know what your blood sugar is doing, you can’t really treat it. X

Pred makes the liver release random spikes of glucose from the body stores in liver and muscle. The higher the dose of pred the more likely it is to happen but it doesn't happen to everyone and it isn't the same as Type 2 diabetes and it doesn't mean you will develop it. What does happen is that the average BS level over time may rise. The only thing you can do is control the contribution your diet makes to blood sugar levels by cutting carbs, especially processed carbs, added sugar and limit root veg and fruit. But taht works for most people.
As long as your fasting blood sugars are checked regularly and your HbA1C is checked if these are abnormal, and you stick to a low carb diet , more to keep your weight down than anything else, you cant really do much better in terms of prevention. Go into it any further and you risk taking yourself down a garden path you can do without.........suggest you leave that to other folks and the established diabetics amongst us.
Thanks for posting. My weight is still ok. The doc I saw who gave me the original reducing plan said there was not enough of me and I needed some calories (her words). Hubby said that he thought she would be in trouble if she spoke like that to someone who was overweight.I will stop worrying about it or my eating disorder will flare up.
Good night all 🛌

Your husband is absolutely right.
I went through this when I was on a very high dose of Prednisone for GCA before I got PMR. Just watch your in take of carbs-processed foods, sugar and the like. And, of course, stay in touch with your doctor.
just wondering if you’ve had a read of the FAQs on this forum? It looks as if you want to read & read all about it, & they contain a wealth of information! I have been pre diabetic twice so far in 4 years, with steroid induced diabetes, & beaten it back each time with 5he keto diet (a subject also covered in the FAQs! Sadly, they now think I am diabetic, which will be the unlucky number 13 in my diagnoses in the past few years. Most people with PMR go onto a low carb diet.
Thank you, travelling today. I will look when I get home
Sorry to be stupid, where are the FAQs please?

From the home page of the forum, If you select ‘posts’, then ‘pinned posts’, you will find them all. They are then under alphabetic, eg a - f etc. There are some subjects that come up so often inPMR, & a lovely lady, Mrs Nails, did a lot of work, along with our stalwarts, to put all the info together. The other thing you can do is use the search field…eg diet & PMR, diabetes, weight gain, etc etc, & then you will gain another wealth of info! Happy reading!
Thank you
Hope the traffic is kind!!
No, sadly it was not 😕
Oh dear, not even halfterm yet!!! I have become very relaxed about heavy traffic. Having an automatic makes a difference and I don't mind having to drive slowly!!!!
It wasn't the slow driving, it was the sitting going nowhere that was irksome. Too much traffic, roadworks, breakdowns ( not us), an accident (again not us) But we got home eventually 🙂
There are so many things to learn when first diagnosed with pmr, and I, amongst many others, got spooked by the possibility of steroid induced diabetis.
However, I had no reason to panic, as a blood test by my GP some several months into my journey showed no problems at all - thankfully.
There’s lots going on for you at the moment, but I would say “just try to hang loose”. Easier said than done maybe!
Good luck
Thank you Paddy 🙂