Hello. I think I’m about three years roughly into my PMR journey and what a journey it’s been.
Throughout most of this time, I’ve been unable to take Pred due to debilitating side effects.
I’ve been feeling really rough throughout but felt pretty much the same until about six weeks ago when I’ve started to feel even worse if that’s possible. I have to have regular bloods done because of the Adalimumab injections I take for my Ankylosing Spondylitis. I had these done yesterday. My ESR has been hovering around 45 but has done up to 71. The CRP has gone up from being usually around 16/20 to 31.
I did try Methotrexate which I can only describe as the Devils work. Ive always been sensitive to meds. I’m fed up now. Is there anything else I can try that I haven’t thought about? No use trying to contact the Rheumatologist, they are cancelling appointments left right and centre. My ex husband has been doing alot for me at home but he’s moving away soon. I do have carers in each day but they won’t be able to do everything that needs to be done. Meanwhile I’m trying to look after my Autistic son who has severe ME.
thanks for “listening “. X