I traveled by air out of state yesterday. All went well; except I barely slept the night before traveling due to excitement and details. Last night my left eye stung, and tonight I just noticed red in the conjunctiva; looks like a broken blood vessel. Is this a known side effect of prednisone?(Currently on 30 mg for GCA.) Or Actemra?
Eye:Broken Blood Vessel? : I traveled by air out of... - PMRGCAuk
Eye:Broken Blood Vessel?

Over the years on the forum members have posted pictures of this phenomenon. It is unsightly but relatively harmless as far as I can gather. It possibly is a Pred side effect. The doctor may be able t prescribe some drops for you.
Thank you for your prompt reply, SJ. I wouldn’t feel concerned if it wasn’t for the visual symptoms I am already struggling with! Good to know it has happened to others over the years and has been benign.
I can understand your concern. Have you seen the specialists you mention in your previous posts? I have my eyes checked every 6 months now. Mainly for peace of mind.
I am still waiting to get in to see a neuro-opthamologist at UCLA. There are exactly none in my area! My optometrist did a 2nd exam if my optic nerve and eye pressure a couple of weeks ago. She said those two things looked fine, but she was confused as to why my vision was still doubled, and why she was unable to fit me for prism lenses.
Hello, it’s quite common, especially when on Pred because the little blood vessels become weaker. Similarly, one bruises more easily generally. Pred can make one’s tear film less copious which makes the likelihood even greater. The dry atmosphere during a flight will add even more issues for your eye. It should be painless except for an initial sting and harmless with no other inflammation or discharge. Have a look at this.

Very common…. In fact I doubt that many, certainly on higher doses haven’t encountered it….
Looks a lot worse than it is…. And should go within a week or so… advice from my ophthalmologist first time it happened.. “if it lasts longer than 2 weeks then get it checked, otherwise don’t worry. “
Thank you, DL!

It MAY be more likely because of the effect of pred making small blood vessels more fragile - but it can happen in people who have never been on pred too, My husband had it regularly, no pred history, I have had it once in my life! Like you I felt a slight sting as I rubbed my eyebrow - and when I went to the loo I noticed the bloody white of my eye. I checked with the doctor as I am on anticoagulants but the eye docs said no problem. The fancy name is subconjuntival haemorrhage
Yes, I had it happen before; just once; after childbirth. I knew that it wasn’t worrisome in general, but with everything happening in my body with GCA, steroids, and my eyesight, I wanted to reach out and make sure there wasn’t something more sinister going on that I didn’t know about! I appreciate your and everyone’s reassurance.