Hi I am off Steriods completely since September but when I got to 3mg my teeth started to get sensitive when eating hot food. Seen dentist no issues. Anyone else suffered?
sensitive teeth: Hi I am off Steriods completely... - PMRGCAuk
sensitive teeth

Hello, I have the same problem and I found a phenomenon called Prednisolone induced dentine hypersensitivity. My dentist nodded sagely when I mentioned it, cold is fine but hot is bad. Acid is ok too. It crept in as I got away from high doses but can’t remember exactly when. 3 and a bit years after stopping Pred I still have it but can eat food tepid instead of stone cold and my tea not hot. It is much worse if my face is cold having been outside and then having a restorative cuppa.
Yes - and although it improved when I got below 20mg, that was as good as it got, even when I had no pred at all for 5 months. I have to wait for everything to cool down to more or less room temperature. My dentist also says it looks good. I have had a couple of courses of Duraphat, but it didn't seem to make any difference.
I would love to know at least what the cause is. I do take calcium tablets.
I got my sensitive teeth when I started the steroids, but then it improved as I reduced.
Advice to avoid extremes in temperature abd letting cold food warm up seems to be the best strategy. I started having terribly sensitive teeth to cold and acid on steroids. Very painful. Reduction in steroids hadn’t helped a lot. This week, am going to dentist about two teeth in particular. In addition to sensitivity, hurts to chew. All I can do is sympathize with you. I have had dreams about my teeth cracking and falling out😖

PMR itself led to my sensitive teeth - I started using Sensodyne toothpaste and it improved. I tried various toothpastes for sensitive teeth but no others worked for me. It has been the other way round for others.
I have tried numerous different toothpastes. Which Sensodyne did you use?
Now I use Pronamel, preferably with the green top though my daughter got me the one with the blue top and it leaves my teeth feeling amazingly clean! I can't remember which I started with, I don't think it is available now, it tasted horrible but it worked so I persevered.
Forgot to say, some find it works best just smeared onto your teeth like a cream. And never rinse your toothpaste off entirely after brushing your teeth - leave the foam in contact, especially overnight,
This may or may not help. I had really sensitive teeth, before pred I must say. I remember once when at my volunteer job phoning my husband to bring me my toothpaste so I could do what PMRpro suggests in her reply! After I started taking Vitamin K2 as part of my "keeping my bones healthy and avoiding taking osteoporosis drugs" regimen I found after a while (a few months) that my teeth were far less sensitive. This continues to be true to this day, several years on. It was an effect I didn't expect, but I think many dentists are aware of the importance of K2, more than your average physician is.
I will look into this thanks
FYI I have Vitamin K2 100 mcg capsules, and take one in the morning and one in the evening. This is very close to the only "official" dosage I've ever come across. Australia recommends 180 mcg a day. Unlike K1 which affects blood clotting, Vitamin K2 is more concerned with shepherding calcium into the bones where it belongs.
oh gosh, something else! I've been having sensitive teeth for the last couple of months and thought that I had been lax with the flossing. It hadn't occurred to me that it might be the pred or the PMR.
I suffered very badly and tried all the big brands to no avail. My dentist also tried a gel they use but no joy. I then started using Spotlight oral care, sensitive version. From what I remember it took about 2 weeks but I’ve not looked back.
Yes, the same thing happened to me. My dentist recommended Sensodyne Pro Enamel Intensive Enamel Repair. It helped immensely.
Yes. I posted about this, a few years ago. No real resolution, though nothing wrong with my teeth, apparently.
In the last two weeks, I've noticed my teeth are extremely sensitive to hot and cold liquids and foods. I've been on Prednisone since July 2023 and Hydroxychloroquine since October 2023. Not sure if one or both medications are causing it. Very frustrating though.
I have no problem with my teeth until I taper from 7.5mg. This dose seems to be my maintenance dose at the moment Any lower and I start to suffer not only with sensitive teeth but shoulders and hips aches and pains. So for now I'm going to stick. My rheumatologist doesn't seem to have a problem with this although I sometimes do wonder if he's taking much interest!!
Sometimes my teeth will ache even when I'm not eating or drinking anything .