Hopefully you’ll recall that 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with GCA and put on 60 mg. Prednisone after a positive temporary biopsy. My vision has been ok, except the last couple of days I’m having a strange phenomenon. It seems my eyes are having trouble focusing at a distance. Up close is fine, and if I cover one eye the other seems fine (close and distance,) but it seems like together distance vision is off, like when you cross your eyes a bit. I am still awaiting approval from my insurance to see an ophthalmologist. I see my rheumatologist on the 31st. Any thoughts?
GCA Worries: Hopefully you’ll recall that 2 weeks... - PMRGCAuk
GCA Worries

Could be the effect of high dose of Pred -but I would be hastening your insurance company -you do need to see ophthalmologist -and the sooner the better.
Obviously if things deteriorate then a trip to ED is required.
Yes, will do. The week before I had just been to my optometrist for my regular check up. She did thorough exams in light of my PMR which I mentioned I am always mindful of GCA. It’s crazy that it hit me a week later! She said everything looked great, but she is an optometrist not an ophthalmologist. So I will make a call to my insurance company today.
On these doses of Pred, my ability to focus was impaired, particularly going from one depth of field to another. I remember the first time scared myself when I looked up from reading to the garden and it was blurry. I am long sighted so I thought my GCA was flaring. I decided for various reasons it wasn’t. My optician said this was normal because of the effect of a Pred on the eye muscles. He did however, check my eye pressures every 3 months.
From then on I found that I had to give it a minute when going from one distance to another for the focus to catch up. A side effect of that was becoming dizzy if I walked past something like a row of trees because my eyes couldn’t keep track of focusing on them, so I had to look down. My long distancec vision got worse and my close vision got better but it didn’t stay exactly the same. He said I would find it would keep changing with reduction of dose so unless I really had to, there was no point in changing my glasses every 3 months. He was right. It did get better with dose drops but it had to get closer to 10mg to find it not to be a constant if reducing problem.
I wasn’t worried because my eyes’ type of behaviour was predictable and didn’t change. It didn’t have any pre-GCA diagnosis issues like sparks of light, one eye greying out, double vision or black spots.
0h SnazzyD I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you writing all this out for me. It helped relieve my anxiety a lot! What you describe is very much what I am experiencing. Thank you! I will, however, get myself to the ophthalmologist ASAP to be checked.

High dose pred can have strange effects on vision - the optometrist is probably as useful to check things out as a doctor and easier to access since it doesn't involve the insurance. If she finds anything that needs the doctor - it gives you some backing for the insurance to hurry up.
I would agree with what Snazzy D is saying. Although I am almost eleven years down the line from the biopsy I still get blurring when changing focus in the evenings and my eyes are tired. This is why I feel scans are better than biopsys. I could see things at the side it was done on which were not there. It has gone now but was upsetting at the time.
Thank you!
Hi Lenore, same here. Ever since starting pred, my vision is weird. It seems like it's always changing. I've seen an ophthalmologist and all is ok. I don't plan on getting new glasses until I'm on a lower dose.