Last year I couldn’t attend my rheumy appt as I had Covid so I was given an appointment for this July. That was changed to October 2023 and now been cancelled and changed to January 2024. My lovely rheumatologist has left so I can only assume they are finding it hard to get a replacement. Thank God for this site. At least we have some guidance from the lovely admins on here. Thank you so much. ❤️ On the plus side I had a guided injection for bursitis in my hip yesterday with another one on the other side pending. All arranged by the lovely rheumy before he left. In eleven years he was the only one who had examined me properly and I am indebted to him.
Appointment cancelled again! : Last year I couldn... - PMRGCAuk
Appointment cancelled again!

Where are you Sue? Would trying Sarah Mackie at Chapel Allerton or St James’s Leeds be at all feasible? Reliable and thorough and lovely ( NHS). 🪻
I had a similar experience when my appointment for 22nd December 2021 was changed to 18th May 2022 and then changed to 19th April 2023. Fortunately that one did take place, but from March 2021, when I had a video appointment, to April 2023 I was winging it regarding dosage, with occasional advice from this invaluable forum. I have a video appointment booked for 10th July by which time I'm supposed to have finally weaned myself off pred. Who knows if the appointment will actually go ahead or if I will have managed to finish with pred?
The hospital's rheumatology "gopher" once told me that it had been decided that rheumatology was no longer classed as an emergency branch of medicine. I don't know if this is just the attitude of my hospital (The Royal Free in north London) or general NHS policy.
I suppose it isn't an emergency service like cardiovascular services which saves them having an on-site duty rheumy overnight and weekends. OTOH - GCA isn't the only medical emergency for rheumy patients.
But that is the reality - the NHS is becoming a fire-fighting service once the patient is proper poorly, Big Sick in medical terminology.
All I can say when I read posts like this is thanks heavens for my excellent GP's.

I was wondering about asking for a referral the other way, out of London - Mid and South Essex now incorporates Southend and mentions for the entire trust so far in terms of rheumatology have been quite good.
Have you at least got a useful GP?
I had a run of cancellations, pre covid. I eventually rang and asked why and it turned out my surname first letter meant I was always in the cohort when they were trimming the lists. Who knew!
I got a letter today to say my November appointment has been cancelled and they will at some point give me another date for next year. It went on to say the NHS is changing the way it makes appointments. The last time I spoke to my Rheumatologist which was last summer he advised me to be on the list in his department with something called IP something! I am able to ring his secretary and ask him to ring me if I want advice or need to see him, perhaps this is the new way, nothing surprises anymore.
I’ve had 3 cancelled, last one was due next week but now its been moved to 15th Oct.
I had 2 cancelled during Covid, and 4 telephone appts afterwards. All Cancelled. Have only seen them once when diagnosed with GCA.
I've been lucky then. I have GCA but have been making good progress with tapering. I have had regular rheumy appointments, though I'm not very impressed with him. However when I last saw him in January he said to phone the secretary if I hadn't had an appointment through by May. I did this, so now have an appointment mid July - not cancelled yet!
Hi, To just add , I saw my lovely Rhemy yesterday fist time ftf sine June 20. Telephone calls in between every 6 months plus a call on a Saturday morning!
He spent 40 mins chatting, considering everything I raised, then sent me for numerous X-rays re my OA , I had a blood test and then went back in to talk about X-rays. Plus my plan going forward with actions too.
Wow I was so impressed ,staying behind in clinic until I’d finished in Xray, It could not have been any better.
Long day though, left home at Noon, home at 7pm.
But you can cope with long days at the hospital when it is like that can't you? Sounds like my appointments witn my guy,
Was it Mike Plant you got in with in the end?
Not good enough is it. Sorry to hear it.