is anyone else catching every bug that’s going round . I’ve got a sore throat now as well as shingles😢yep I’m feeling sorry for myself 🫣
fed up : is anyone else catching every bug that’s... - PMRGCAuk
fed up

With you on the sore throat -but mine’s “You Know What!”
Plenty of soothing liquids, throat lozenges, keeping warm and TLC (even if if has to be self administered)… and hope you soon feel better 🌸
hi thank you for your reply Dorset lady ,I hope your soon feeling better. I know there are folk far worse off but feeling rough all the time is so depressing just would love the old me back. Have a good day👍
Got to ask what is ' you know what' ?
Oh dear just had that - nearly 3 years shielding and then hubby brought it back from GP surgery after having blood taken. I was ready for it - and although it wasn't easy - I was able to stay out of bed and was working at my computer all through - admittedly coughing and spluttering - out the other side with an oral thrush problem and had a bit of earache but apart from that OK afterwards - thank goodness as have three immune conditions - hope you feel much better soon. Take care.
A double whammy Shaza. I hope you make a speedy recovery. You are the third person I’ve heard of recently who has shingles, two others with it in the eye, face and scalp. Extremely painful. Take care
Virtual hugs. Get well soon 💐.
Yes, I seem to have, had the varying symptoms of a cold type virus for months now, accompanied by a crusty nasal infection and very dry mouth when lying down. I even wondered if I have been well since I caught Covid? I am aware that I really need to “wrap up warm” these days, my mum would be pleased. Vit C is all I’ve tried and various weak nasal ointments.
I hope your shingles is getting better, that must put the tin hat on everything.
Hi I used vitamin C lozenges with zinc for Covid and it really helped. Zinc is anti viral.
My GP recommended vitamin C and zinc when I had Covid. Thinking there must be something to that advice.
There was a lot of theorising going on - but while both are important for the immune system, they aren't the magic cure some people postulated at the time.
summarises typical claims.
This is a study about their role in Covid management
and this is the media release from the Cleveland CLinic
No - they don't help ...
yes it feels like it was a real surprise getting it I must say. I know of people who have had shingles and they said it was painful and I agree it’s not nice at all. Sorry to hear you’ve been having problems with infections we just have to ride tge wave I guess even when we feel we’re sinking take care
If you have shingles, then you have every right to feel sorry for yourself! I hope you had the antiviral?
Oh thats rotten. Really hope you have a quick recovery with no lasting symptoms. I have been plagued with utis. On my fifth antibiotic and just feel rotten. Sometimes these phases are sent to try us!! Shingles is no joke. But yes really fed up too! Hope you feel better soon.
Commiserations Shaza. I've 2 grandsons, aged 1 and 3, that I see regularly. Hence a plentiful supply of lurgy! This winter and spring so far, I've rarely been free of some form of virus.Not 'You-know-what' though (yet) and PMR is quietly absent I'm lucky to say🤞.
Yours with a binful of tissues, OP.
I seem to have had non stop colds and catarrh since Christmas, interspersed with Covid and now tonsillitis and conjunctivitis! I am on methotrexate and I stopped taking it for Covid and tonsillitis episodes but now wondering if I should not be taking it during a mild cold even. If I had stopped for those I would have hardly taken any since Christmas , on the other hand maybe it is contributing to the problem 🤷🏻♀️. Hope you feel better soon.
If you are having constant infections I think you do need to discuss the MTX with your doctor. It is a reason to discontinue it.
Oh yes, the persistent cold/flu virus with cough that stops, then starts again...testing negative throughout. Oral thrush...swollen tongue...change in temperatures? Change of clocks? Change of condition, immunity, age...? Bring on the sunshine and warmth and the uplifting feelings which a real Spring should give us all in this 'rolling with it' club 🌞
"Summer time" says the clock - so it snowed/is snowing up the mountain! Not a lot, not much use, just enough to be cold. And this morning - no central heating, the bathroom was COLD!
Brrr… much like growing up in rural UK then - in the ‘good old days’!
Was a bit!
Don’t want too much of that! Got it fixed?
I suspect they've cut the heating for the summer - it's been pretty warm the last week and I'm about the only person who relies on it, Everyone else uses wood, I have a woodburning stove but have only ever used it in an emergency or in the early days when we were arriving in the winter until the heating warmed the flat up and it only heats the living room. I had to protest in the autumn when it got cold in late October. There are dates laid down for the heating which applies to housing association flats, up here in the mountains the dates are different for obvious reasons and I suspect they also don't apply to privately owned houses. However, our janitor can be a bit dictatorial and I bet he tweaks the thermostat ... When OH was ill I asked for heating in the summer and was told quite sarkily I'd have to get a wood stove like they had. My neighbour had the same problem when her husband was terminally ill too. Physically I couldn't cope with wood and no-one is going to offer to help.
Yup. Shingles, thrush and more!....
That’s exactly how I felt from last Oct to Feb this year….plagued by every bug that was going round from stomach flu to Covid, and then diverticulitis flare to top things off. What was particularly bothersome were the multiple chest infections I struggled with resulting 3 types of puffers.
Sure hope you get some relief/respite soon…I’ve heard shingles can be very painful.