I was contacted to say I was in close contact with someone who has Covid and asked to order more tests. I have Covid symptoms and feel poorly but am still testing negative. (I am told that with this variant it can take 3 days for the tests to show positive. ) I am not sure what to do about the antivirals since I know one needs to have them within 5 days of contracting Covid. Slightly worried that everything will be shut because of the funeral. Previous posts suggest some people have got the virals easily and others not so because they were below 10. I don’t think I will get them without a positive test.
As I am on my own it’s a bit scary. I am on 7 mg. The sick day rules say double the dose but the Covid advice is to take 10mg in the morning and 10 mg in the evening. Some previous posts on the forum suggest that fellow sufferers have not up their doses so much.
Any advice gratefully received.