on top of my sprained ankle and wrenched right side from 2 weeks ago, I have a bad bladder infection. The first round of antibiotics didn’t do the trick so I have to go to doc today to see about another antibiotic (she told me when I first got the uti that 3 different antibiotics could treat it, she didn’t know which one might be the one). My question: do I keep going with tapering program? Currently partway through 6 going to 5 1/2. I feel pretty awful, as you might guess, no sleep, pain, etc. thank you so much!
recurrent bladder infection : on top of my sprained... - PMRGCAuk
recurrent bladder infection

No point trying to reduce whilst you have other things going on.
You can repeat the stage you’re on now, but I’d be inclined to return to 6mg, get things sorted out -properly, then try again,
A few weeks here or there is nothing in the great scheme of things, and why add extra stress when you don’t need to especially as you are feeling bad enough.
This may or may not apply to you, every case is different, but I kept being treated for what the docs told me were UTIs/bladder infections but when I pushed to see a uro-gynaecologist they turned out to be Interstitial cystitis or Painful Bladder syndrome. I'd push for more investigations if something keeps happening, especially as antibiotics cause their own problems, again in my case thrush that was very difficult to get rid of

No - in fact, you might even need a bit more in line with Sick Day Rules.
And forgive me for being daft - had she asked the lab, they could have identified which abx was most likely to work ...
And tangocharlie makes a very valid point.
sick day rules—can I go up just a couple for a short time?
No reducing when on Antibiotics and/or having a UTI as Pro says you may even have to increase slightly as per Sick Day Rules
I had multiple UTI’s & loads of Antibiotics resulting in one 6month Course of AntiBs followed by a 2nd One! It did work in the end but it was a tough couple of years - during the first year l was on a different Antibiotic every month depending on the Bacteria that was causing it!
tears in my eyes reading this, Mrs, nails! I shall remember now about not reducing when on antibiotics, good advice. I have a long and complicated relationship with my bladder, utis abated for several years until pmr and pred. been in er couple times with hemorrhagic bladder (not lately though). I’m glad that you got yours worked out, sheesh, what a journey!
I feel for you with your painful UTI’s. Definitely no further reducing while you have them. As Pro says the lab should tell your doctor what antibiotic is best for your infection. I’m in my 4th year of continuing UTI’s (had them on and off before that and now treatment delays due to moving house and covid) - the hospital call it Painful Bladder Syndrome or Interstitial Cystitis (as tangocharlie mentions) There’s only one antibiotic that works for me now and this month will be having a procedure on the bladder lining. I hope you get treatment that works for you but don’t keep putting up with it and, if it continues, be a nuisance and ask to see an expert sooner rather than later. 🌺
thanks—I’ve has “functional (atypical) ic” (that’s what uros called it) for 32 years, have seen over 50 docs around the country, including 2 extended trips to Mayo (useless). But I stopped having utis several years ago for some unknown reason until pmr/pred. The antibiotics that usually work for me didn’t work this time; the lab said there were 3 antibiotics for the type of bacteria that showed up—the doctor said she didn’t know which one was best so gave me the one that worked in the past…this time it didn’t. Waiting to hear today re new antibiotic. What are they doing to your lining?
Well you’ve gone through it without doubt. Fingers crossed the next treatment works. You’re the same as me where the condition’s worsened since pmr/pred. My current Urologist seems to understand more than others. Taking into account my sensitivities to prescribed meds he decided against bladder installations saying my body wasn’t up to it. In the meantime I’ve had weekly UTI’s again and in desperation I asked him to reconsider. He explained that the recurrence of the infections show treatments are no longer effective and it allows the germ to hide/cling to the bladder lining. The procedure or Bladder Installation involves washing the bladder lining via catheter. Initially he was to use antibiotics but because of my reactions has changed it to a natural product. I don’t know anything more at this stage except the procedure isn’t a one off. It was to have been weekly but he feels that’s too much for me. Apparently they’ll monitor and repeat until it’s worked! The risk using a catheter is a UTI but I’m willing to take that risk.