Hello all. 64 year old male. Diagnosed with PMR 8/8/22. On 20 mg of prednisone. Feeling better. Follow up 9/19/22. My question is Statin related. Had to discontinue Lipitor cause of muscle pain. Hoping to get some views from others relevant to Crestor and other Stains that might me good options for PMR inflicted individuals. Doctor is prescribing me 5 mg of generic Crestor, so a low dose. No history of heart attack or stroke. LDL a little high and HDL(good cholesterol) too low. Thanks for your input.
PMR and Statins: Hello all. 64 year old male... - PMRGCAuk
PMR and Statins

If you look in the right hand side of the screen by your post there is a lot of information about statins.
Thank you
I think Crestor is a water soluble vitamin. A prominent cardiologist in Australia said on radio he will only prescribe water soluble statins not fat soluble ones and then only if the coronary calcium score is raised. The water soluble ones are not stored in the body. I also remember reading a couple of years ago that Lipitor is the most prescribed drug in the world. Whether that is true or not I do not know.
Thank you. You are correct about Lipitor, however for many people the muscle pain results in the discontinuation of this Statin
Kuipersr2 Hi
I am one of those many people. The pains were dreadful.
I am now very careful with my diet. Lots of fresh salads. No sugar.
Yulik 🌷
Tonight on BBC news it was reported that a study in Oxford had concluded that much of the muscle pain reported was not related to Statin use and had been given too great a prominence in the list of side effects.
Very interesting. Thank you!
Hi. The link below should take you to the study that SJ mentioned. I've been on Statins, very low dose (5mg)for many years with no apparent problems. However the first two I tried did give me horrendous joint pain (whatever the study says) but the third one, Rosuvastatin , has been fine.
Lots of info in FAQ's and many posts within the forum regarding Statins where you will find a very mixed view.
BBC News - Statin pills rarely cause muscle pain or problems, study finds
As SJ and Bcol have already said, I also heard that there was now new evidence to support statins not being the cause of muscle pain as previously thought. I've been on 40mg of lipitor daily for quite a few years with no side effects and despite what the new evidence shows, I was changed to lipitor because simvastatin....my previous statin.....seemed to be causing said muscle pains!
Very interesting. So much conflicting information. Decisions! Thank you.
I think it's really hard to know with any certainty just how you'll react to a different statin....and all meds in fact.....because we all have a different genetic make up, we all metabolise our food, meds, liquids differently and we all have different health and lifestyle combinations. All you can do really is give something a go and see what happens but be aware of any warning signs.
Statins are life saving drugs so we can casually dismiss them. Thank you.

I nearly ended up in a wheelchair within 10 days of starting Lipitor. I stopped them! That was 6 or 7 years ago and my cardiologist was fine about it. About xmas time I saw a "spare" cardio and she got all iffy and insisted on trying a different one - rosuvastatin I think. I was fine for 2 weeks, though it would be OK. Then I had a massive flare of the PMR and add-ons of which I am only just getting out on the other side.
Of course - there is yet another study claiming they don't cause muscle pain, it is something else. Mentioned by SJ and Bcol above. If they say so.
This is what this research says “if a patient on statins does report muscle pain, then it should first be assumed that the symptoms are not because of the statin and are most likely down to other causes.” I am very suspicious about this report, it is sooo pro statins.
Exactly what I thought. And that is such an appalling dismissal of patient isn't it? Especially since those muscle pains could be claimed to be PMR for example - but it was triggered by the statin. And the suggestion you shouldn't mention muscle pain to the patient ...
My neighbour was on stati ns 12 years, then developed muscle pains, he then realised the G P had changed his prescription....went back to original ones, no pain....says it all.....
Rather disputes the concept it is because you expect it doesn't it! I certainly didn't expect the effects I got - first time wasn't aches or pain, just unbelievable weakness and out of breath walking up the slightest slope. This time was fine and I thought I'd got away with it and then this massive flare happened. It might not have been the statin - but I really don't want to risk it.
Yes, he told me that he thought he was developing PMR, then checked the tablets and rand his surgery, been pain free since.....but what do patients know!....
AND we tell lies and exaggerate ...
This is how the Telegraph article starts. “STATINS do not cause common aches and pains – those taking them are simply getting older, research has found.”digitaleditions.telegraph.c...
And when at exactly the same age, plus a couple of weeks, said aches had gone again?????
Surprisingly Benecol (yoghurt drink) actually helps keep my cholesterol down so no need for statins. That might just be me though.
Hi. I can't speak to effect on PMR as I don't have it. I have GCA. But I took lipitor for years with no ill effects (20mg) but it didn't lower my cholesterol by much. Last year after 2 TIAs I was put on Crestor ( Rovustatin) 20 mg. It lowered my cholesterol significantly. I've had no side effects from it, no muscle pain, well tolerated. And yes, we are all different. Just weighing in. I wish you all the best.
After many years pre PMR with higher than ideal cholesterol, I was sent to the Lipid Clinic at the local hospital. Some experimentation followed, and I am now on 20mg Fluvastatin and 10mg Ezetimibe daily. No apparent side effects, and cholesterol under control.