Update on my covid status: After taking pros advice... - PMRGCAuk


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Update on my covid status

keeptalking profile image
62 Replies

After taking pros advice I changed the testing kit and showed absolutely positive.

At least I know I wasn’t imagining myself to have it. Thanks for all your help.

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keeptalking profile image
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62 Replies
PMRpro profile image

Bingo - but it is rather concerning isn't it? Needs reporting and publicising. No wonder the figures are going up - and they will be far higher in fact because all those negative ones aren't counting ...

Koalajane profile image
Koalajane in reply to PMRpro

And we don’t have to test anymore so they could be way down

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to Koalajane

When we do test and it's positive....a friend who works in a school was told after3 days she must return to work....ill or not, she is still positive!....they said that are the rules now....she is still coughing over everyone!......it's a private school....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Longtimer

Shakes head sadly ...

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

What chance do we all have....they must be thinking it's not such a dangerous strain....but it's very transferable!....selfish lot!Had to come back sooner than I would have liked from meeting friend....too fatigued...had a "mild episode!"..(excitement!) .....have rung Max's sec to see if he has my results....

Will ring GP for appointment too

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Longtimer

Numbers are really shooting up here too - 3 in ICU, with a bit of luck compulsory masks will be back soon - still quite a few wearing them anyway.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

Yes, many wearing them today...stayed well away from others.....and so it goes on.....like politics!!...😏

keeptalking profile image
keeptalking in reply to PMRpro

The laugh is we caught it whilst holidaying in Italy 😂😂.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to keeptalking

Doesn't surprise me in the least!!!!

Awful lot of tourists here to blame too ;)

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to Longtimer

It's sad, the "advice" is still 5 days for adults and three days for children, but it's only advice not compulsory even if you are positive.

YuliK profile image
YuliK in reply to PMRpro

Two weeks ago My daughter and her family flew with Easyjet. No mask requirements. They returned to London and two days later all of them corona positive.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to YuliK

Did they wear masks themselves? It does help a bit. But I have no desire to be on a plane with untested and unmasked people!

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to PMRpro

I decided my conscience wouldn't let me get on a plane knowing I was positive but as travel insurance doesn't always cover for Covid (depends on each policy) I guess I can't blame people for going, I don't know yet if I'll get my money back. A relative of mine got it on holiday then went on holiday to Cornwall and loads of people in the hotel had Covid. I think this next few months are going to be peak Covid in the UK as I know so many people who have it and it spreads like wildfire. As one of the generally mild symptoms is runny nose and diarrhea many people probably think it's just hay feveror over-indulgence, I did at first

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to tangocharlie

And masks aren't compulsory flying out of the UK are they? Not sure of the status here on planes but a chap was told off on the train this morning for having his nose out of the FFP2 mask! When the girls flew back last week they said the airport was one big Covid spreading event!! They'd both had it in the previous few weeks so we were less worried. Not that herd immunity is developing as far as they can tell.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to PMRpro

I think it is spreading in airports and trains etc, but a young neighbour said she came back on a flight sitting next to somebody coughing and spluttering all the way and not wearing a mask, even though you're supposed to. She got Covid somewhere along the line and assumes it was from him, and even though only 30 tested postive for 12 days. I know the HEPA filters on planes are supposed to help but I guess not so much if someone is directly coughing over you. I know so many people who have it now or have recently had it, I think it's rife and easily spread atm, I'm advising everyone I know to avoid crowded and confined places for the next few weeks at least.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to tangocharlie

Was walking down the train a few weeks ago - woman pulled her (compulsory) mask off her face to have a coughing fit! People can be SOOOO disgusting.

Started reading the book about the AZ vaccine this morning - one of the authors said the day it was announced she walked into work to see a cleaner wearing their mask below their nose - and she ticked them off!

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to PMRpro

But the problem is I just don't know what to believe. On the one hand, intelligent knowledgeable people like doctors and scientists say masks and vaccines help. On the other hand, uneducated people who for some reason actually take pride in their ignorance, disdain of science and lack of education say all this mask and vaccine stuff is all none sence and hav there own theory's and opinion's they av found on the internet and its all a big conspiracy. There mate had Covid and its just a bad cold and he got it coz he ad the vaccine the fool he adnt research it there hiding the truth and they ant never worn a mask and they ant never had covid but there neighbour did and had the vaxine and she still got it LOL shows they dont work any how.

Such a tricky decision to know what to do for the best 😄

YuliK profile image
YuliK in reply to PMRpro

Yes but the experts reckon that the masks we wear don’t protect us, but others.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to YuliK

Which experts? Only the sceptics. Old research said they didn't and plain cloth masks probably don't but the right sort of mask does.

They do protect us, FFP2 masks reduce the amount of virus that gets to/from the nose by over 95%, more when both the shedder and the receiver are wearing one. FFP3 masks are even better. Since it is viral load that decides whether there is enough to be infected and how severe the illness is likely to be it makes sense to use every available measure to do that. No single measure - even vaccines - will be perfect, but adding them all together improves things.

Kendrew profile image

Just out of interest, can you tell me if the test kit that produced the negative test result was one where you're required to do a nasal swab only, or one that requires both a nasal and throat swab?

Devoid profile image
Devoid in reply to Kendrew

They advised a while back to go back to swabbing both throat and nose regardless of what test

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Devoid

Mmm. I've somehow missed that. Who are 'they' that you mention?

I have been sent two boxes that require nasal swab only. The actual swab itself is far too short to do a throat swab also so not quite sure how that would work!

diana1998 profile image
diana1998 in reply to Kendrew

Tesco sell the nose only ones. Much easier than nhs ones as they are prepared and not fiddly so less stressful.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to diana1998

But do they WORK??????

keeptalking profile image
keeptalking in reply to diana1998

When reporting my positive result last night I noticed they kept stressing that they only considered NHS testing kits.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to keeptalking

Very likely - but they don't work either!!!! My daughter is a nurse - 3 days symptoms testing negative!

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to diana1998

I personally find the nasal swabs I'm sent (FOC) from NHS are absolutely fine to use, but as pro asks.....are they reliable? I also have some boxes of tests that require a throat & nasal swab combined, which I find uncomfortable but not difficult to use. .....but again, are these considered more reliable now! 🤔

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to Kendrew

I've been using NHS tests on and off for years as they were free, always been negative and so wondered if I'd been doing it right or whether they were accurate. Just tested positive for 18 days in a row now though, day 19 yesterday the line is very faint so hopefully on the mend. Fatigue is terrible, and random though, it'll take a while to et back to normal (whatever is 'normal' when you have PMR and vertigo too. rang the Helpline a few days ago to get some more tests but have been told you don't get them free any more, even if classed as ECV. The reporting system is a farce and pointless, I upload my results and then the NHS sends me an email telling me I've tested postive for Covid. Well I know that, I've just told you that NHS!

Devoid profile image
Devoid in reply to Kendrew

Jenny can’t remember her surname but who tends to be on in place of Chris Whitty

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Devoid

Harris -in fact Dame Jennifer Harris 😊

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DorsetLady

Harries - has her moments but ...

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro

Beg her pardon!

AyJayBass profile image
AyJayBass in reply to Kendrew

Tim Spector (Zoe Covid Study) advised some time ago to continue swabbing both nose and throat.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to AyJayBass

👍Thanks.I'd still like to know how though with the testing kit for nasal swabs only. The stick on the swabs is not long enough to reach the back of the throat!

AyJayBass profile image
AyJayBass in reply to Kendrew

Maybe my fingers are longer than yours as I didn't have any trouble.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to AyJayBass

😄....well mine are quite short and dumpy! I have got a box of the other tests so I'll use those from now on.

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to Kendrew

The last lots that I received from the NHS were the nose and throat very long ones.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Bcol

I never know which sort I'm going to be sent when I order them and you can't choose. Hopefully will get more of those sort in future.

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to Kendrew

Must admit I find the nasal ones a lot easier than the joint ones, but all the latest ones I've had have all been the throat and nasal ones. As you say we get no choice, but at least we still get them.

keeptalking profile image

It was a free test from NHS taking both throat and nose. Both test kits looked exactly the same.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to keeptalking


tangocharlie profile image

I'm still testing positive on Day 15, and still feeling a bit rough and fatigued. A woman I spoke to on the NHS 119 service helpline says if you're still positive you're likely still infectious - if the test is picking up the spores in your nose and mouth then you must still be spreading them. Seems logical. I'm lucky I don't have to go to work, I read in the paper the other day the NHS is not going to pay sick leave to staff who test positive for Covid - what kind of logic is that to have infected staff working with the most vulnerable? Hardly anybody is testing anymore anyway now that you have to pay for tests and don't have to report them, if fact you can't report most private non-NHS tests. Anecdotal evidence from people I know who also have or have had Covid is they probably got it through travel eg trains, planes yet as there is no legal obligation to either test or isolate you are free to travel and travel insurance therefore probably doesn't cover you. My conscience wouldn't let me get on a plane and go on holiday last week knowing I had it but it's going to be a battle to get the money back from the insurance, there's no reward for doing the right thing

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to tangocharlie

And NHS staff who risked their lives last year and got Covid and then developed Long Covid are being abandoned. So much for all that sodding applause outside their front doors ...

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to PMRpro

What?? How disgusting! Do your job, stick to the rules, get Covid then get ignored by the NHS. 😬

YuliK profile image
YuliK in reply to PMRpro

Totally agree

keeptalking profile image
keeptalking in reply to tangocharlie

Most insurance for travel is including covid cover. Ours was anyway.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to keeptalking

Ah yes, I thought I was covered, but when I read the small print you are only covered if you die, are hospitalised or if it is mandatory to self isolate, and as it isn't any more you are in theory free to travel even if you have Covid. There are some exemptions like if a medical professional advises you not to travel so i got a letter from my doctor saying that and I will fight it. The only other option was to keep quiet say nowt and board the plane but I couldn't bring myself to do that. Not least the risk that being ECV I didn't know how I would be. As it happens it would have been a lousy holiday, I haven't even had the energy to walk to the local park 5 mins away

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to tangocharlie

Employer's are telling staff to go into work with covid....well some are....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Longtimer

It'll come back to bite them - a load of people will be off sick too unwell to get to work.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

The friend I said on here who's employer said she had to go in, said pay only first 3 days only.....she is coughing, not breathing right and very drained.....she's a single mum, so didn't feel she has a choice.....and it's in a school!....wonder how many more employers have jumped on that bandwagon so to speak....

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Longtimer

You couldn’t make it up, could you??

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to Constance13

No you couldn't, but sadly nothing's surprises anymore....

YuliK profile image

How are you feeling now ? Any side effects.

keeptalking profile image

I haven’t had any side affects from the antivirals I was given. Other than the bitter taste at the back of my tongue. Extra strong mints helped. Slight diarrhoea the first couple of days. Am feeling so much better now and all in all it wasn’t worth the fear I had been given to believe about how ill I’d be if I got it.

No regrets about going away it did us both good and have lovely memories to keep holding onto.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to keeptalking

Different matter now to a year ago though - I wouldn't want to risk the Delta variant even with vaccines.

keeptalking profile image
keeptalking in reply to PMRpro

No I definitely wasn’t prepared to risk it at that time.

YuliK profile image
YuliK in reply to PMRpro

I’m still feeling dreadful. Nausea, pains, especially in my back. Not to mention the awful fatigue. Lightheadedness.

I woke this morning at 8am. Struggled to get out of bed. Now I sit for ten or fifteen minutes until I feel stable on my feet.

My doctor told me, that rather than to get out of the bed to use the bathroom during the night , that I should use a diaper until the morning. Must admit it’s an excellent idea for now.

This Covid has left me feeling so afraid of falling again.

Today I sat on my armchair and was asleep for six hours nonstop.

Even when on high doses of pred I wasn’t feeling so fatigued.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to YuliK

Have you got a walking aid to help your balance? That's all scary when you are on your own.

tangocharlie profile image

As a little light relief, a good friend brought me round a 'Covid survival kit'. It certainly helped and brought a smile to my face and if I come across anyone else who gets it I'll do the same for them

image shows paracetemol and cake a friend gave me when I had Covid
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to tangocharlie

That is a good friend!

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to DorsetLady

Everybody says 'let me know if I can help' but she did the practical thing! I'm supposed to be doing low carbs but the pastry was wolfed down in seconds ...

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to tangocharlie

Ahh..well, once in a while does little harm😉..that’s my excuse anyway and I’m sticking to it.

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