FAQ: FAQ how do you find FAQplease - PMRGCAuk


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Suffererc profile image
30 Replies


how do you find FAQplease

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Suffererc profile image
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30 Replies
PMRpro profile image

Either in the Related Posts and there is also a link at the top of every thread, immediately below the post you have just written.

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to PMRpro

I wish you had posted this answer - I have gone through the stuff so many times........ - Methinks it should be in a different colour or in bold. FAQs should be written in full where that link is..................or is it that I am just getting to be a grumpy old and crumbly ancient brit and need my specs changed.

Methinks it could be the latter, but I recall when we first did a website, we asked for ideas when it was ready (as we thought ) for the public domain;

We were off the mark so we went to the RNIB re -colours etc for partially sighted people........... we the adapted the site to change colours and a highlighted place to 'click' to enlarge the print for partially sighted people.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jinasc

Can't do anything about the colours - but the link at the top of every thread is a PMRGCAuk special pinned post, nothing ever replaces it. And to be honest - I have lost count of how often I have written that reply.

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to PMRpro

Thank you.

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to jinasc

Basically - it’s just a Regular Post - l am limited to what’s available unfortunately. Adding a Photo, Using Bold; Italics; Underlining or a combination of the Three and as PMRpro has already said PMRGCAuk have it as a Special Pinned Post.

It’s about the best l can do with it - but always open to suggestions within the limitations.



Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to MrsNails

I think the issue is with the HealthUnlocked set up rather than PMRGCAuk. If someone is looking at an actual post they can see the "related posts" section and the "pinned posts" section (which includes FAQs) on the right on a laptop, pc or iPad or by scrolling to the bottom of the page on an iPhone (can't speak for other types of devices) BUT if someone is looking at the list of posts on "My Feed" rather than an actual post the "related posts" and "pinned posts" aren't visible at all.

I think this is why people say they can't find the FAQs because you have to be in an actual post/thread to see them.

It's rather counterintuitive and I'm sure it is massively frustrating for MrsNails who has developed the FAQ section and to others who are constantly having to refer people to it - and indeed to those people who are looking for it and are unable to find it.

All that said, I don't know what the answer is (probably HU would have to do something) but I think that is the problem...

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Highlandtiger

Thanks HT 💕

Boss302Fan profile image
Boss302Fan in reply to MrsNails

Not your fault. I hope everyone understands that. Often these aren’t custom written (expensive) but are canned software where the software developers are trying to keep it cost effective and meet the general need. More features or modules added the more the cost. I get it….

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Boss302Fan

Yes, l hope everyone understands that l am working within the confines of a regular post & that l am doing this voluntarily whilst l am also unwell, to enable Good Post to be accessible.

I know you understand, as you have worked within the confines of an IT system. When l worked in the NHS - l sure gave them IT Boys a run for their money when they were trying to set up a Computerised Appointment Booking System 😉 😂 😳

Still for what we need it here for l think it serves its purpose l really just wish people would read it……

It’s a good source of reference for PMRpro ; DorsetLady & Myself so we don’t have to keep reinventing the Wheel 😉

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to MrsNails

I've used it. <3

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to MrsNails

Read it/them…please 😊

As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water……

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro


Boss302Fan profile image
Boss302Fan in reply to jinasc

I’m with you. As I’ve gotten older I’ve become less tolerant of poor program design. Especially when I used to write code for our industrial lab equipment as well as create highly sophisticated relational databases requiring user data entry for my Lab Techs. Having been exposed to idiotically designed canned software, I went out of my way to make it User friendly as well as coding the interface so I easily could change the user entry pages. I told them, anything you see can be easily changed, it’s more important that it’s easy for you just tell me. I also redid the company’s workorder interface because the person(s) who set it up before weren’t thinking about the Supervisors and Planners, they didn’t really care. Frustrating! This was part of a team we formed to improve engineering excellence, I volunteered for that task.

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to Boss302Fan

Some sort of keyboard has been with me since I was 15.

"steam' typewriters,electric typewriters , Merlins , Flat bed fax machines ( as big as a double bed) and massive printers.

Then mainframe computers came along and once again the research dept tried them out on us poor mortals at the bottom of the heap ie guinea pigs.

However they did listen and sometimes made adjustments. Then PC's came along and more progress was made. However somewhere along the line they forgot joe public who were in there dotage.

I like progress, but unless the change is of benefit to the end user and understood I grumble to myself by saying 'does anyone know how to join the dots'.

I find over the past few years, that no-one knows about' if it ain't broke don't fix it don't change for changes sake'.

So at 84 I sometimes despair. However someone always knows how to do it and takes the time to take me from a to z and the bits in between.

Sometimes it sinks in and sometimes it does not. Now that is my grumble for this month.

MrsNails profile image



jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to MrsNails

I know how much work has gone into this....................it is probably just me..........so don't worry about it at all.


MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to jinasc

Probably just having ‘One of Those Days’ eh? No l agree it’s not ideal but it’s the best we can do 😉

I will get back to you re TCZ - l’m having an Easter Break 🐣

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jinasc

No - not just you. I have to tell someone at least 3 times a week!

Suffererc profile image
Suffererc in reply to PMRpro

Are we all talking about the question I asked please. Had so many replies I am lost. Think I found the FAQ bit tho

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Suffererc

All appears to me to refer to FAQs and the goods and bads of it and HU's approach to customer care! It really isn't the easiest site to navigate.

Suffererc profile image
Suffererc in reply to PMRpro

Thank you. Think I have found what I am looking for and have saved, for the first time. Now found again in Saved yippeee

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Suffererc

Excellent!!! It does pay to have a wander around the site and play a bit. You can't break it but you learn stuff ...

Floridafan profile image
Floridafan in reply to MrsNails

Thanks for the link, I’ve put it in my “Favourites” now so I don’t lose it!

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Floridafan

Good Idea 😉 also if you want to add it to Saved Posts you’ll get updates too!

SheffieldJane profile image

On the right on my iPad 🔜

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to SheffieldJane

Yes but only if you’re already viewing a thread (see my earlier post above). I think that’s probably why people are having problems…

Boss302Fan profile image

Don’t feel badly, whomever developed / wrote this software / webpage surely wasn’t thinking about its users. I’d have put the FAQ at the very top of page just above a new post. But no, to find it you need to scroll down past the new post and just above where one would type in a reply low and behold it says “Have a Question, visit our FAQ” (or similar, so tap that). Heaven forbid it’s up and in front. What user expects a link for the FAQ to be in the middle of a thread? Wait until you click any icon at the top. Getting back to where you were can be an adventure as well. Often I just exit and come back in through the email link and be done with it, much quicker.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Boss302Fan

Agree, but we are the users, not sure the techie bods at HU are!

Some time ago, they asked a number of members from different forums to comment on issues…..despite a lot of feedback surprisingly (or not) everything suggested by users for making the platform easier to use got sidelined into a big black hole.

Suffice to say, no action on any feedback forum has been forthcoming, and no responses to any queries over the last year.

I appreciate they have a lots of forums to cover, but why pretend you are interested in feedback from members when it’s patently obvious that’s not the case.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to DorsetLady

That’s why I miss PMR/GCA NE soooo much. I forum!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to DorsetLady

Sadly the same procedure (although there requests for feedback came after some of the unfortunate changes) has pretty much shut down the Patient Forum where many of us started out.

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