I get that most of you continue to wear masks but it make me realise that you don’t trust Boris or his scientists now even though you did in the beginning. Was wondering why you don’t trust now as he says uou don’t need mask!
Masks: I get that most of you continue to wear... - PMRGCAuk

I don't remember an official statement telling the immunocompromised to stop wearing masks.
I don't intend to make any political comment as to whether I do, did, or ever have trusted Boris.
Without making a political comment I feel happier wearing a mask so will continue
I'm an ex nurse so I know what the sensible thing to do is.
Very often advice to the population puts everyone under the same umbrella. It would be impossible to distinguish between every type of disease and the impact upon each person of coronavirus. There are many sources of information that we can use to inform ourselves personally and if I were asked to name one I would probably say that the most useful for me is to look at official published data, i.e. current records of cases, numbers in hospital and, sadly, deaths. In addition, your trusted medically qualified professional would, hopefully 🙂, advise if you are still confused.
Best wishes from a continuing mask wearer. 😷

The UK is the only country that appears to think that not wearing a mask is OK. The PM saying one needn't wear a mask does not mean it is advisable to ditch all measure. The vaccine has been misrepresented as the way out of lockdowns - all on its own. And that is not the case, it should be part of a bundle of measures including masks, distancings, testing and isolation of infected people. If you looked beyond the Straits of Dover you would see that masks and the other measures have been used far more in other countries and continue to be used. The WHO have repeatedly expressed the opinion that ditching the measures too soon or all at once has led to increases in cases. And that is something the UK has done several times with the inevitable result.
I carry a mask when I leave the house - and wear it as required since it is part of the measures here. I don't object - it makes me feel safer because I know ANYONE can have Covid and not know, omicron in particular may not have symptoms but I, as a potentially immunosuppressed person, am probably at more risk. One drop of the fluid in a sneeze has been shown to be enough to carry enough virus to infect someone. If they had been wearing a mask that risk would have been reduced - and me wearing a mask reduces the risk to me further still. As does avoiding large gatherings of people where I can't keep at least a metre between me and someone else.
It wasn't a command to stop wearing masks - it was a "you are free to choose" statement. And a LOT of the scientists were saying it shouldn't happen - but the decision behind the statement was politically based. I am listening to the scientists - all over the world. And actually - the UK ones are saying the same,
In fact a lot of places such as trains and shops are still asking people to wear masks. The trouble is Boris wants to be liked. He does seem to be failing a bit at the moment though!
Fortunately Draghi isn't as insecure!
It comes down to its not a legal requirement to wear a mask but advice is to take reasonable precautions.And everyone will see that how thay wish
Simple - because we feel safer ourselves and don’t want to pass it on to others.
Generally, our politicians have not been in strict agreement with the scientists. Besides, their concern is managing the impact of vast infections on the NHS and economy, not the fate of immunosuppressed individuals. Did not someone say something about letting the bodies pile up?
I would remind you that Fran Benson, posted recently (twice with a reminder) that this site is not for discussing politics. .
Please do not reply to anymore comments which contain politics, just reply on what you are doing and why, which can exclude political comments.
I will continue to wear a mask - until the Scientists say 'dump them' or when Covid gets to the place where we can treat it like flu.
Trying to avoid the fact that you say ‘you don’t trust Boris or his scientists’ is hard. I don’t think this post is appropriate, tbh. I wear a mask in winter months due to lung issues. In past three years I’ve been stared at galore. Mask wearing can also prevent colds (which I turn into severe chest infections), & ‘flu, as well as Covid. What’s not to like? Some supermarkets, I read, are still asking people to wear them & some hospitals, but I don’t think it’s because they don’t trust Boris & the scientists…it may be because some days in the UK we still have around 80,000 new cases in 24 hours, & the deaths per day can be up to 500. I rest my case.
I choose to wear a mask to protect myself and others. I don’t give a jot as to what politicians recommend. I’ve worn one from the start of the pandemic, even before they were recommended, and will continue to do so until I feel it’s safe to stop wearing one. Basically it’s down to the individual to decide unless the law says otherwise.
Hi. Three weeks ago I tested positive for covid. Just the day before I was out shopping. Fortunately I had chosen to carry on wearing masks when in enclosed places, so I feel a sense of relief that I am unlikely to have given it to anyone else. 🤗
So my brother, who is unvaccinated, says he doesn’t believe in masks but wears one to protect others and himself. Ha!
Wearing a mask has nothing to do with Boris, at the moment with levels in this country being what they are it just seems to plain common sense to me and I and OH will continue wearing them for the foreseeable future. I was at the local hospital last week and they are are still following full Covid rules,