My skin is like paper since I am pred now down to 5 I bleed with every little knock my legs and arms are all bruised which do not go away, has anyone else got these symptoms? is there a cure?
Bruising : My skin is like paper since I am pred... - PMRGCAuk

I have some quite dramatic bruises around my ankles though nothing like as bad as some people report.
Pred has a similar effect on blood clotting to that of aspirin so we do tend to bruise more easily. It also makes skin quite delicate - one way of reducing that is to moisturise, moisturise, moisturise and many people swear by using the Doublebase or Diprobase products which are available for a fairly reasonable price OTC and if you have a friendly GP they will sometimes prescribe them for you. Arnica also helps.
Wearing protective clothing when doing potentially damaging activies like gardening is a good idea! I just ignore it and wear jeans ...

Plenty of related posts - dating back over a number of years.
Use a good cream (any chemist/pharmacy or online) - see this - and as suggested keep arms and legs covered as much as you can -
Thank you arms and leg are covered and I also use the cream but to no avail, the slightest knock splits my skin and there is blood everywhere. 😔😢
Been there, but it does get better in time - although age does take its toll on skin as well. Five years after stopping Pred I still have issues - but certainly not as often.
Thank you so much for your reply re:bruising and skin bleeds, hopefully it will get better in time but the marks are awful. (No more bikini’s for me😢)
When I once got down to five and 41/2 mg of prednisone I really didn’t have this issue anymore. Be aware that certain supplements will increase bleeding: Ginger is one of them as is fish oil.
However now I’m on 12 mg tapering to 11 1/2 so I have some time to go before I get back to where I was. The higher doses were from an asthma exacerbation after the flu vaccine. I never got low enough to test whether I was in remission from PMR. I had absolutely had no PMR symptoms for over two years. Of course it only got down to 4 1/2 mg.
I am always covered in bruises, I don’t know where they come from. Also I have very thin skin and every so often it just bleeds. I need to moisturise it daily.
Yes my arms are the same and I get blood blisters from nowhere . Look awful .
I am exactly the same 5 years of pred has left me with paper thin skin, tiniest bump & bleeds under the skin so left with legs that look as though I have been in a kick- boxing fight! Pred also weakens the capillary veins which break & bleed. Been to see a Dermatologist about other issues who said there is nothing you can do except moisturize & if pos try & keep legs protected. Its not easy as even my dog banging his nose against my leg is a problem.
My arms and legs are covered in bruises, they just don't seem to fade. I don't even know I have hurt myself until I see blood running down my arms or legs.Many of my bruises are over three years old. I look like I have been in the ring with Mohamed Ali
and I definately didn't win. I also moisturise twice a day.
I can't wear skirts or dresses and it's very hot in Australia wearing pants in the summer.
If anyone has found a remedy to fade the marks please let me know I would really appreciate it.
Stay safe. 🌞
I have the same problem with loads of old bruises around my shins. I have found that , if I want to wear a skirt or a dress in the summer, I can use a make up concealer to hide the worst of it. Just find the right shade to match your skin.
I don’t think there is any cure for the discolouration left from previous damage. I think we are stuck with that for ever now. However a couple of months ago I was recommended on here some arm and leg protectors from Dermatuff. Com.
They have helped. I bought the sleeves to wear on my legs as well as my arms as I didn’t really want socks. It’s winter here of course so that makes it easier to wear without them showing.
I don't want to scare you, but be very careful about falls. A couple of years ago I tripped over my friend's back door step and landed with my left calf on the base of the metal door frame - it wasn't sharp. Normally I would have ended up with a nasty bruise, but instead my skin split like a paper bag. I had a long double row of stitches and it took several months to heal with a couple of bouts of cellulitis as an added treat. I now have a rather ugly scar on my leg, so for me it's long skirts or linen trousers in summer.
Just a thought…if pred causes an aspirin-like effect on the blood, would Vit K2 help (it says it maintains normal blood clotting)?
Thank you will ask my doc first if it’s ok to take with pred as many supplements are not compatible.
I’m on 5.5mg of Pred, plus Aspirin and Clopidogrel, and bruise and bleed very easily. A few weeks back I knocked my hand whilst walking in the woods, it bled for 4hrs and the only way to stop the bleed was to raise my hand above my head and apply pressure. I may have nicked a capillary or vein, but normally I don’t bleed so much. I’m getting used to it.
Out of interest - why are you on both? Is it as a preventative measure for clotting or have you got established CV disease?
I had significant stenosis of the left descending artery (of the heart) and had elective stenting. As a preventive measure against clotting at or around the stent, I’m on Clopidogrel for 6 months (another 2 months remaining) and Aspirin for life. I’m grateful to cardiology for the potential life saving intervention.
Hi! Yes! I’m on 2 1/2 mg of pred and still have your problem. Use lots of heavy creams, I wear longer sleeves and longer socks to protect lower legs. I don’t think there is a cure but I’ll read what others have to say. Good luck!
Clopidogrel yes, but aspirin for life. Oh yes, life changing technology and you’re wide awake as the procedure takes place; you can watch the screens alongside the cardiologist if you choose. In and out in 6 hrs once the bleeding is controlled at the entry point at the wrist (in my case, it can be via the groin).
OH yes !!!!!!!!!
I have the same issue - my last bout was with my dishwasher door - I lost and am still nursing the skin split on my shin - I have to make a real effort to avoid brushing against a cabinet door, carrying a large box, etc. It seems anything can cause a bruise. So, as most of these have said, you should wear long sleeves and jeans - that really doesn't keep you from bruising, but it hides the little run-ins you have during the day. Wishing you the best as you deal withh all of this.
Thank you for sharing ❤️
I sympathise! I have the same problem of fragile skin due to preds, and now wear Dermatuff and Limbkeepers coverings on my arms and legs during the day and a tubular bandage at night (jeans certainly don’t provide adequate protection for me). The bruises and skin tears do start to fade after a few weeks, but leave a pink shadow so my limbs look like a white, pink and purple map of the world. Have you tried any protective coverings? Of course, the minute I remove them to give my arms and legs a bit of an airing while watching tv in the evening, I might cross my ankles without thinking and hey presto another bruise…..