Last Friday, I went to emergency dept at hospital, because of shortness of breath. After 6 hours of tests, I was diagnosed with Covid. The doc said I was his first "break-through " patient (having had 2shots, plus booster. Also flu shot. I was told I HAVE Blood Clots in lungs. Medication is 6 months of Xyrelta anti coagulant, and monoclonal antibody infusion. I had no fever, none of the identified ails that are said to be part of Covid infection.....however , lab tests and CTScan showed blood clots. I was sent home from hosp. Told to isolate 10 days. Gotta say, this is shocking situation, since I and spouse always mask, maintain social distance in public, and are generally very attendant to Covid avoidance protocol. My PMR is fine, no flare, in fact, my dose is 4 mg daily, and I plan to discuss further taper with Rheumy tomorrow. Anyone else have Breakthrough Covid? Jerri, PMR diagnosed 2013.
After 2 Pfizer injections and the booster, I have... - PMRGCAuk
After 2 Pfizer injections and the booster, I have Covid

So sorry to hear of your troubles. It's one of the things we are all afraid of(the break-through)!
We also isolate, wear masks, keep our distance - how the hell does it break-through. It must be "air born". What a thought!!
Good luck. 💐🍀🍀
Constance it is - the main reason for the masks is to stop you passing it on - by air.
Brother who is staying with me after his wife died suddenly and has 3 jabs. Went out and into a closed environment - no mask. Yes he wore one outside all the time.
Result Covid and now I am into the 10th day and he is slowly improving and I mean slowly. Luckily, me with two doses only - OK so far.
I have not been in any place, except M&S the local store and after 6pm as there are less people shopping and that is only 4 times since Covid and that is with my Visor mask on.
I have been lucky with neighbours etc and the internet shopping has been a blessing.
This ain't over yet by a long chalk.
Wow, Purplecrow, that is disappointing to say the least! Hope you feel better soon xx

So sorry to hear, hope you soon feel better.
What a shock to your system. We can only be as careful as possible, but there is always a chance! Do hope you make a good recovery as soon as poss.
Be well
How awful and shocking for you...hope things ease soon, keep us posted how you are...
Take care of yourself and rest as much as possible. Hope you feel better soon.Very frustrating isn't it.
Oh wow, Poor you. It’s so strange how some people get covid even though they’ve had 2 vaccines. A lot of my sons friends have had 2 vaccines and still got covid, they have all been very ill with it.
There’s no rhyme or reason to why this is happening, I think we still have a long way to go before they can get on top of this virus.
Bad news re the blood clots, my husband had PE in his lungs but wasn’t kept in hospital, he now has to take blood thinner for life, the X-ray show damage to the lungs 3 years later ?
Please take care.
“It’s so strange how some people get covid even though they’ve had 2 vaccines”
Sorry, but no-one has ever said you cannot get Covid even after you’ve been vaccinated - just that you are less likely to get it so severely, need hospitalisation or die.
There is not a 100% guarantee with the Covid vaccine for any age group either….most figures show around 80-90% protection. That’s leaves a lot of people still likely to get Covid.
Yes, I suppose that’s true, I got flu one year even though I’d had the flu vaccine.Xx
No vaccine is 100% guarantee you won't get the disease - but you should get it less badly, whatever it is. Nor is the vaccine alone the answer - it needs to be vaccine PLUS all the other measures. But people are too impatient to "have fun"
You are totally right. It shocks me still the misinformation that is out there. The vacinne does NOT make any difference to transmission. Many people are believing the pandemic is over but in reality it is only just beginning sadly. And will take much longer than necessary to resolve because of our western society's lifestyles, misinformation, bad policies, economy over lives, and ultimately too many individuals not wanting to change their behaviour to save others. We are so used to getting quick fixes, throwaway culture, must have this holiday, do that, go there etc. I've been shicked at the selfishness epidemic too. As a shielder, like many of us on here, we are vulnerable and people only cared for the first couple of months. It's horrendous that you have blood clots. I'm so grateful you have access to treatment and wish you all the love and care in the world to recover.
Sorry my post is angry, it's how I feel - been isolating a long time and lost too many people. Ultimately if we don't change we are all partly responsible for killing eachother.
Seems so unfair. They do say that the vaccines don't always stop you catching covid.But perhaps there is some consolation in knowing that you will make a better recovery than if you hadn't had the vaccines. Best wishes.
I’m so sorry 😢… shocking to hear, and I really hope you are feeling better really soon. We all feel for you. 🌼🌻🌸
Sorry to hear this has happened and hope you feel better soon now that you’re receiving treatment. Take good care of yourself and rest plenty. Keep us informed 🌷
I am sorry sorry Purplecrow. This is a shocking development. What will happen about the blood clots? How are you being treated/ cared for?
Hi, thanks for the kind thoughts. I am taking a new anticoagulant for minimum 6 months, the stuff costs $1000 for first month's dose. Just about had to get a home equity loan to buy it😳 paid all but $200., seeing a pulmonologist next week. I don't feel too poorly, and the doc said my fatigue should ease after the monoclonal antibody infusion I had on Tuesday. So, we shall see🤗. Damm, I just love all the attention,NOT!
Get well soon🌸🌸
Goes to show we all need to be very careful still I like you are doing all I can to stay safe
Its a shame the rest of population are not doing the same
Wishing you a speedy recovery
I worry for my sister who is extremely careful, and has RA, she has sticky blood, which can lead to heart attacks/clots....she is worried about the clots that keep getting reported.....she isn`t on steroids......all a mystery sometimes.....
So sorry Purplecrow—- how frightening for you. Sending lots of love and get well wishes. Xxxxx
Oh best wishes!! Feel better soon. This thing seems to be going nowhere!!!
I quite understand that, wanting it to be done with, I can't believe where the last 10 years have gone....I sometimes think we are guinea p igs.....and hopefully have learnt from us......
You're in good company. Pittsburgh Penguins (ice hockey team, for the Brits) all fully vaccinated, healthy young men, had at last count 9 breakthrough cases.
Get well soon!
So sorry to hear, wish I knew something to help….
I also had blood clots on the lungs after two shots of Pfizer vaccine. I didn’t test positive for Covid but scans revealed LVV and PMR, a huge shock to me as had no other symptoms. Yesterday I had the third booster so rather apprehensive.
Wow. That is unlucky but that is probably Delta!? I have had two vaccinations, wear a mask on public transport and at work (schools where hardly anyone wears a mask and quite a few unvaccinated staff) and I got it (from my husband) who went to a dinner. I am amzazed I haven't gotten it from the bus or schools. Sorry to hear about the blood clots. I did not have a bad case of CV19 and am fully recovered. Take care.
So sorry, hope you feel better soon. I had covid a few weeks back and I had had two jabs. I never went anywhere and my husband who also had it just went to the supermarket once and wore a mask.
The magazine is the you really read it?
So sorry to hear what has happened to you.Sending prayer and loving support.
How awful for you. I'm glad however that they found out what's wrong and that you're getting treatment. Well done to your ER for their persistence! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
DL, thank you!!
Thank you Constance
As you know the inappropriate reply and subsequent comments were deleted - so some left may not make sense….Hope you soon feel better.
I am so sorry this happened to you. It was lucky you got to the hospital in time and are getting suitable treatment. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at a time when you are soo poorly. As others have said, the vaccination does not protect everyone and some of us may not have mounted an appropriate antibody response to the vaccines anyway. At least the PMR seems to be behaving for now. I wish you a swift recovery.
Anonymous unsubstantiated allegations don't count here. No thanks
So sorry, it must be quite scary for you. My brother in law is slowly recovering from getting Covid 19 3 weeks ago and yes he had had his booster a few days before hand. Margaret.
WOW, that is really quite surprising to me! I am glad you are "ok" and I hope you recover quickly! I hope (given you've had 3 vaccines) that you have a "mild" quick to exit, case.
Sadly, however many COVID vaccinations one gets based on current technology, the best evidence to date shows that the only way of really protecting oneself from this illness is to have had it before being vaccinated.
Thankfully, repeated boosters will protect the vulnerable against serious illness. But not from catching it. Hopefully, new treatments will be found that might eventually make it unnecessary to get vaccinated every few months. For example the medicine molnupiravir which was in the news yesterday. Also inhaled budesonide.
In the meantime, I think it's so important to live life while one can. The kind of masks most of us have really don't work very well (if at all). So keep your boosters up to date, and "have fun", because that is one of Nature's best medicines for the immune system. A good motto is "fun not fear, that's why we're here".
It amazes me when you using the public restrooms that people have given up the 20 second rule when washing their hands. It's a bit scary out there right now. I get my third jab next week. Take care of yourself and my prayers are with you, Purplecrow.
Like the rest of our amigos here, I am sorry this has happened to you; and quite honestly it is very concerning to me as I consider my own vulnerability. In spite of all your precautions and vaccinations, you took in the virus. I trust that you will improve daily and that the detected lung blood clots will be dealt with ... however that is done??? - You (in WA State) live somewhat near to me (outside Vancouver B.C.) ------- can’t understand you being on Pred for 8 or so yrs ... I thot we were all supposed to reduce ASAP.
Hi Neighbor, yep, lucky me, PMR since 2013. Pred dose below 5 for several years, but some violent flares have required increases, then new taper. As I understand, pred does not cure, only manages symptoms, and relentless efforts to get off pred were simply too stressful for me to endure. Therefore, I just saddled up and prepared to listen to my symptoms for guidance regarding taper. I currently am using 3.5 and hoping for uneventful taper to zero in next few months. I have been here many times over the years. FYI, I have not had the dreaded side effects, diabetes, cataracts, weight gain, etc. kind regards, Jerri
So sorry you have Covid, it’s really worrying when we try so hard to keep ourselves safe. Hope you feel better soon. 🌻
Oh goodness how awful for you.Hope you feel better soon take it easy don't rush.xx
Wishing you a speedy recovery. I’m still being really careful but others around me at work (and home) being a bit more blasé - am carrying on as usual but refusing invitations to crowded social situations. Such a worry for folk with compromised immune systems.