Does anyone know why I have just started needing ... - PMRGCAuk


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Does anyone know why I have just started needing to get up during the night to go to the loo? I am on 9mg. Do have a sensitive bladder.

Crommie profile image
9 Replies

Bladder issues

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Crommie profile image
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9 Replies
jinasc profile image

I wish it was just 4 times a night sometimes. It does happen with age.

Have you noticed your ankles swelling?

If so, as PMR causes the oxygen supply to your muscles to be impaired and the leg muscles are important to push the water uphill - just like when we get old and things wear out. So when you go to bed and lie down the muscles get a chance to work better.

You could tried when sitting down to put your feet up and if you are very supple, it used to be said ' bottom on seat - feet on mantel piece' when sitting down. Needless to say I never managed it trick.

Now I could be wrong, not being a medic - someone else will come along to help.

I noticed your profile is empty - it would be helpful to fill it in - just click on my avatar, PMRpro's, Dorset Lady and take a look. It is helpful when answering a question.

herdysheep profile image

Others will be along, no doubt with better offerings than I can muster. As far as I understand, could be the joys of ageing or any one of a number of other things!

SheffieldJane profile image

You’d better get your GP to test a sample of urine to ensure that there is no infection present. Calcium supplements - Adcal used to give me terrible bladder irritation. I think Pred can aggravate things too. Yes, I agree with the others my 3 bouncing babies have something to answer for.

PMRpro profile image

Any signs of a UTI? You may not get the usual signs because of the pred - it masks the inflammation and the symptoms it causes.

I had bladder problems with PMR which then improved with pred If I have a PMR flare it can result in problems again - and you have reduced your dose.

Kendrew profile image

Hi Crommie.I seem to go through phases of needing the loo more at night and this has only been since I started pred 2½yrs ago. My own theory is that because I significantly increased the amount of water I drink each day (to help maintain healthy kidney function and healthy bladder) then clearly I would probably need to go to the loo more.

Weirdly this only seems to happen during the night but not during the day!

I agree with others that in your case you may need to consider being checked out for a UTI.

Hope you get the problem sorted though.

Viv54 profile image
Viv54 in reply to Kendrew


PuttyPenguin profile image

Ever since I've been on Pred, I've been up during the night! I believe its one of the side effects.

AliDeJ profile image

Hello. It's exhausting, isn't it! Some years ago, when in my early 50s, I had to get up and go 7 times a night. The GP, a middle aged woman herself, was no help. I left the surgery feeling patronised, embarrassed and helpless. She put it down to age and seemed to imply I was silly not to expect that! Her only remedy was sleeping tablets. This persisted for a few weeks when I met a GP friend at the of those perceptive folk who can read your problems in your face and insisted on hearing the story. "There's medicine for that!" she exclaimed. I saw another doctor at our practice who prescribed Solfenacin for a few months. A sphincter on my bladder had gone into spasm and was causing the trouble. No problems now. It was a mechanical problem which could be fixed. I should ask your GP if that could be the case for you. They should look into the UTI possibility too of course. I hope you find a solution.

Grammy80 profile image

Just saw this and most all the wise words have been spoken. At 81, I've been having to make night calls for a decade on and off. I sleep so soundly...I'm thankful I wake up. Going to the loo sounds so much better than just going to the bathroom....skip to my loo, my darling~!!

I think you are a member of a good-sized club, as long as there are no other symptoms.💖